Lets try this one more time fellas.
Starting at 5 including me
>Tasmanian Confederacy
>56th Slavic Expeditionary Force, Representative of The United Slavic Republic
>Dark Red
Australian Trump Colony, I take Melbourne
I take blue colour
>The Great Re-Unification Party of the United Kingdom and the Greater Commonwealth of the Anglosphere and India.
>That little island to the south, hereby renamed under the authority of Her Majesty The Queen Elizabeth II to Little Britain
Im already in Tasmania, you sure you want to go there?
>56th Slavic Expeditionary Force, Representative of The United Slavic Republic, Head of Colonization Assignment on the Fourth Facet.
>Dark Red
>Sydney, Hereby proclaimed the Slavic Colony of Cykaney.
Give me the far north eastern peninsula, hereby renamed under the authority of Her Majesty The Queen Elizabeth II to England's Peak
what was
We just need one more fellas, Also we're gonna be using an updated version of this map, seen here.
That helps me out a lot, thanks.
I really should start learning more about sandy hell holes.
Also, I don't want my shit in one bloc, I want it along the Northern Coast of Queenslands North Peninsula, and make it in the middle, nice and even.
Own nsw and you own the country
Another 5 minutes and I'l start the game early.
You gonna join in or wot?
Sure don't know how to play but I'll figure it out.
Just fucken pick a territory, a color and a name for your state. Write it up like mine in the Name field, so you don't need to retype it.
Orange, nsw
Bump, taking a piss
I'll be posting on a different ID soon but it will still be Trump Colony
start me in Adelaide
The niggers are there, sure you dont want brisbane?
The Great Re-Unification Party of the United Kingdom and the Greater Commonwealth of the Anglosphere and India seeks a partnership with our American friends.
sure just gimme the Southern parts
nah I'm fine South Australia seems to be cool and I don't hear dumb shit about it like Sydney and Melbourne or Queensland
Glorious people's republik of cairns if there's still a spot.
MUPDATE 1: New beginnings.
After the great Australian Civil war the entire country falls apart, Natives attempt to make their own states as foreign countries set up colonies in the newly up for grabs land.
>Rolling to take all of tasmania and head north to the mainland
You got it, don't go North.
Move to make war with the Peoples Republik of Cairns.
shoot the black people
if they defend themselves run away to the north
forgot trip sorry
Trump colony moves northwards
Waiting on the Slavs, Cairns and niggers
Bump. I also want a single straight line towards the Peoples Republic of Cairns, then branch out for a full attack.
2bh if they don't respond soon just ignore them because that means they probably left.
yeah I'm giving them 5 more minutes before I skip 'em
lol fuck I'm going to stop posting in threads outside of this so I keep my trip on
Roll to attack britbong reunification party of UK.
My war Bogans are fully armed with slabs of XXXX
My dear sir, you just rolled for 18 tiles, I got 33. You're fucking done, sunshine.
For Queen and Country!
We fought bravely, our ancestors are smiling upon us.
MUPDATE 2: War Bogan Bravery.
The confederacy claims all of the homeland.
The UK show the Republik why they once ruled this land and Americans do what americans do best.
Also trumps on the move.
>Rolling to attack Trump
Roll to move south and try and capture some territory before the gluttonous hordes of the britbong reunification party over run our last defences. Follow coastline if possible.
Move to stop any advance by the Republic of Cairns, with any remaining tiles, give him a good whack around the noggin.
Sadalaide Trap Star Squad
Trump continues to move northwards
Waiting on Americans, Slavs (again) and Niggers (again)
Kill black people
MUPDATE 3: Civil war was over Internet speed.
The Americans finished off the Nigger tribe with ease, claiming NSW as they're home.
The Confederacy kicked Trump out of Victoria and continues to consolidate power.
The Republik attempts to backpeddle to brisbane, most likely to gain the upper hand in this battle and the UK attempts to cut them off from doing so, failing.
>Rolling to claim all of victora
hey Trump now that your out of Vic I dont need to war you anymore, just stay out.
Fill western australia
fill South Australia
Trump moves southwards to regain Vic
The Great Re-Unification Party of the United Kingdom and the Greater Commonwealth of the Anglosphere and India seek to split The Republic of Cairns' Territories into two and absorb the closer of the two.
Send 2/3rd of my roll towards Brisbane to continue the strategic retreat and shore up support from the natives. Send remaining third westward and south from point indicated to cut off britbong advancement.
MUPDATE 4: The battle for East Australia.
The Americans strengthen their hold on New south Whales while The Trump colonists launch an attack on the confederacy to take back victoria.
The Republik Gains brisbane and attempts to cut the UK forces off, stopping them from retreating.
Meanwhile the country over westwards is irrelevant
>Attack Trump once more.
Move to attack The Republic of Cairns, set course for Brisbane.
The GRUPUKGCAI will not stand for such skullduggery.
Trump keeps attacking south into victoria
I acquire central Queensland Bogans armed with empty stubbies filled with gravel as thrown weapons and advance north along the western front of The Great Re-Unification Party in an attempt to encircle them. I burn an effigy of Margaret Thatcher and hope it pleases the gods.
>Civil war was over Internet speed.
GRUPUKGCAI gifts all lands to The Republic of Cairns.
Anyone that fights this hard deserves to be free.
I'm out.
waiting on americans and pink before posting
The gods were pleased by my sacrifice. The People's Republik accepts the GRUPUKGCAI surrender and grants its generals titles and land holdings.
The GRUPUKGCAI Forces surrender to the might of the Australian Natives and move out.
Trump continues to take Rightfull Tasmanian Confederacy Clay.
Everyone else does nothing
>Rolling to wipe out Trump
>Queensland is once again the best state
dog bless
I don't know how to play but I want "The Realm of New Zealand" to start its attack from the north
CHAOS Undivided
>roll to expand
Sorry m8, NZ beat ya to it. The games full now
Give me one of the dead colours, don't be a cunt this early
Alright, I'l do it because of those sweet dubs
Trump continues to invade south
Fill surrounded territories. Continue to turn Queensland red for glorious people's republik.
Too late to join?
The Slavs, Americans and Whatever the fuck the pink guys are meant to be are AFK, you can claim one of those if you wish.
Reforged nation
need more clay
Fill surrounding territories
Fill western australia
MUPDATE 6: New nations!
Two new nations in the north are formed while the Americans reforge themselves.
>Rolling to destroy trump
Requesting to form a new country in WA or take over pink if they're inactive.
Fill western australia
Op can you include this too please?
Roll to attack Australian trump colony
Great. After this war though Im gonn have to ask you to cede me your Victorian Ts. you only have like 3 anyway
See how things go
Fill Queensland, acquire more Bogans
My turn to roll yet?
you already rolled this round. remember? Gotta wait til the next Mupdate to roll again
My mistake
Kill yellow
This is my last mupdate, someone is more then welcome to take over.
Roll to acquire surrounding territory and finish of trump colony
Anyone gonna take over , I'm useing a mobile.
An expiditionary force moves towards Sydney.
Cant I'm on a tablet.
Then I guess its over unless a hero presents themselves
Alright niggers I got this for an hour or 2, then my wifes son will need the computer for homework.
MUPDATE 8: Trump Colonies Vanquished.
Also, if your still in please state who you're playing with so I can see who's Id goes to which nation. Any nation not claimed within 5 turns will be assigned in order to any newcommers.
Granted if you're still here and the original doesn't claim it.
Trump colony to revive in Alice springs, I was in a train with no data coverage