Why is Iowa So Cucked?

How the fuck is this a blue state?

>mostly rural population
>90% non-hispanic white
>largest city is 200k
>relatively little marxist influence in universities

This state is even WHITER than neighboring Nebraska, which is reliably red every year

These corn cucks better vote red this year my god how cucked can you be to vote blue when literally everything points red

Most of Iowa is great. Iowa City is not and is easily one of the most liberal cities in America. Other cities being over-run with the Illinoiance and Mecicans.

Going red this year.

The one on the left obviously

>old horsefaces who aren't mothers

why care?

152 -34 with a paper bag

Too many Scando cuck genes

Literally the university.

If we don't go red this year, me and the mrs.
are moving to Florida.

corn subsidies.


that is it.

Only the 2nd one is qualified for breeding, the 3rd has a nose to shame the jews.

I don't know, but the second from left is very pretty.

They're sheltered from all the major issues of this year's election, so they can only go by the issues relevant to them that were preached about in previous elections. This is why they still vote Democrat - because they still take it as the Gore/Kerry/90sBill 'little guy' party. They'd be a solid Republican state if they had their share of Shaniquas and LeDarius's.

IC is comfy. The leftism can be ignored for the most part.

Nothing better than some Swedish genes to mix it up.

life here is so good that people are bluepilled as fuck because they don't give a shit about a majority of the countries problems because we don't have those problems here. Most of the liberal shit is in universities and their cities and they only do it to attract people out of state because many young people leave Iowa.

The small amount of nigs in the cities are getting worse every year and they are the majority of criminals reported on the news, so no more voting for democrats who pander to them.

Jeez that middle one has a hell of a nose on her.

People her do not trust Clinton, I've noticed.

Nebraskan here

Its because Iowa sucks donkey dick

Amen Iowabro. Iowa City is our playpen for sheltered kids to go be degenerates , then return to their hometowns and become decent citizens. Chicago nigs have migrated there and to a lot of eastern IA cities to sell their drugs. Western IA is great except nig influx from N.Omaha, supposedly the most dangerous city per capita to be a young buck nig. When anyone tries to out Iowa down I tell them " yeah it's terrible, never come here,not even for a visit.Iowa is on if the U.S.'s best kept secrets.....

First of all, it's a swing state.

Anyway, the reason is precisely because it's >90% white. It's easy to be bluepilled when you don't have to deal with dindus on a regular basis. Why do you think the south is so "racist"? It's because they have to deal with blacks all the fucking time.

Cities are a weird situation, because you see the extremes. Obviously the cities are full of dindus, but of the whites there, it's like half are pozzed shitlibs and half are redpilled. And generally this split is upperclass-vs-lowerclass, because the upper class whites get to live in diversity fairy land even in the cities, because they're in good neighborhoods and go to work at places where they're only seeing the best of the best, and assuming that all niggers are just as well behaved as the cherrypicked ones in their office space. And meanwhile, the blue collar whites are the most redpilled of any demographic.

All of this can be confirmed if you look at how voters responded in the GOP primaries. Trump won in areas where there are decent minority populations. Cruz won in areas that are almost exclusively white.

And part of the reason iowa may be going red is because the gov't started shipping all the inner city chicongolese into the state, giving iowans their first taste of vibrant diversity

Oh, another reason they tend toward blue is because MUH CORN SUBSIDIES

You would be surprised how many fuckwits live here. Its probably about 50/50 honestly, and one half needs to be purged.

My experience with Iowa is that the people there are generally good, but these corn farms and shit? They're all corporate as fuck. That's why it's such a democrat state.

>cuck cuck cuck cuck

Take a break from Sup Forums kiddo

White guilt is quite immense, Whites are the most civilized(kind) and individualistic people on the planet, which of course makes us superior to tribalistic wicked subhuman beasts, but, with the introduction of subhumans into our culture and civilization, it allows for them to commit parasitism upon our people.

most of this board consist of underage-18-19 year old posters, who stop posting after 2-3 years.

Its old autists like you and me who refuse to go.

Is living near white people nice? I don't think I've actually ever been in a white majority area except when I went to Europe.

I honestly couldn't even tell you what white Americans are like.

>muh cherrypicked photo

Kek one of the ugliest states out there....should have put up a picture of Slipknot for a better representation

Are you black?

I agree Iowa better do the right thing

>How the fuck is this a blue state?
because they've never had a nigger problem

the most racist places are places with the most niggers
the most anti-immigration places are the places with the most immigrants
when you live in a white utopia of course you'd be a leftist, you would just naturally take basic human compassion as a given instead of something reserved only for your race

Nah. German-danish mutt. Grew up in CA and have only lived in the south and southwest, though.

I'm going have to go with Iowa State on this one.

>low to no crime
>people respect property, theirs and yours
>polite and civil
>nice and quiet at night
It's the only way to be. Fuck, I rarely even lock my car.

Because agriculture subsidies.

Southern states are cucked the most. The only people who don't think so are foreigners or people who have never been in the south. Before some dumb redneck shoots back with "B-but we got racists here! Muh confederate flag!" let me stop you there.
>Coalburners in the south
>Niggers everywhere
>Military cucks who think they are owed the world for voluntarily signing up for a shit job
>Old dixie fags who think the Confederacy was anything more than an aristocracy fighting to keep niggers in America for free labor
>Obese people all over the fucking place that can't even scratch their own ass
In particular Louisiana is the worst of all from what I can tell. So bad in fact I want to make it it's own list of shit.
>Everything that is pronounced with an "o" is spelled with a "eaux"
>Everyone only wants to talk about LSU football despite knowing fuck all about the players, coaches, or school
>Every "er" is pronounced with an "ah"
>Every fucking local ad is sponsoring "The LSU fighting Tigahs"
>Everyone is fat and stupid
>Most women don't burn coal here (compared to the rest of the south) but they are whores nonetheless
>Every time it rains people remark about how high the water is getting
>Everyone bitches about the humidity and bugs and yet they still live here

>liking femlets
middle or 2nd from right are top tier

>the reason is precisely because it's >90% white. It's easy to be bluepilled when you don't have to deal with dindus on a regular basis

This is important and is why Europe has been so liberal and leftist. When it's just europeans and white people their socialism and programs can work cause the people aren't degenerates, and they are willing to take in "refugees" cause they ASSUME they will be like them. The ultimate redpill is nigger exposure.

% non-hispanic white

why not just white? Why you got to be dissin those pure spanish? Are they not white?

This is the answer. Everything else here is nonsense


The worst thing about beaners is they just throw trash everywhere. Parks, their property, your property. They have no respect for any property. The gangsters aren't as antagonistic towards outsiders as the negros, though.

>Old dixie fags who think the Confederacy was anything more than an aristocracy fighting to keep niggers in America for free labor

I mean that's partly true, but the south has always been a distinct nation within America. They've always been separate culturally and racially from the north and west. Scotch-Irish niggers don't see the glory of empire.

It's amazing because you can trust people to act as you would, that is like a non degenerate. And the social culture thrives in that environment, no reason not to trust and love your neighbors.

government subsidies

you guys are just white niggers feeding off the gubbmint teet

White means northwestern European, deal with it.

The most hardcore leftist commu-I-have-an-effigy-of-mao-im-working-on-in-my-asshole I meet are from the midwest.

People who don't have to deal with economic downfall due to undesirables are progressives. Who would've thunk

Damn, son. And I thought I had problems.

>but the south has always been a distinct nation within America
A distinct kind of shit, maybe.

>They've always been separate culturally and racially from the north and west.
All the women here act like niggers and dress like it, too. When I lived in Oregon and California the girls were whores sure, but they didn't dress in booty shorts and tanktops while putting shit in their hair to flatten it.


Scandis. It's in their blood.

> but they didn't dress in booty shorts and tanktops while putting shit in their hair to flatten it

You wanna know how I know you've never been to California?

2nd to the left. All the people here have shit taste.

2nd from left master race reporting in



left ho is best ho

>Hundreds of years ago the south was kind of ok
And still nowhere near the North or Northeast's level of civility. Owning slaves is barbaric, something niggers would do, in fact something niggers still do.

I was born in California and lived there for about 5 years total, went through my college years there. Want to know how I know you've either never been to the south or to California? You don't know the difference between short-shorts and booty shorts.

Typically worn by skinny beach bum babes. Yeah they are whores, but I challenge you to find me a single western woman who isn't at this point.

>Booty shorts:
Typically worn by women who are "a few extra pounds". They curve up to ride up the woman's ass, making the butt more visible. Hence the "booty" in "booty shorts".

Kek. Non-Hispanic White includes MENA people bro. Everything from Morrocans to Iraqis. It's a bullshit term.

Dubs of truth


I like it, I like a lot

wheres the best place to raise a family in lowa?


Rockwell City

>Coalburners in the south
a lowerclass thing. but yeah, it's gotten a lot worse in the past decade. same as anywhere else.

>Niggers everywhere
gotta get ur white flight on

>Military cucks who think they are owed the world for voluntarily signing up for a shit job
haven't had any runins with them. all the vets I know are cool and don't bring it up unless asked.

>Old dixie fags who think the Confederacy was anything more than an aristocracy fighting to keep niggers in America for free labor
but it was.

>Obese people all over the fucking place that can't even scratch their own ass
lived in a few different places. it's not that much different.

>>Everyone only wants to talk about LSU football despite knowing fuck all about the players, coaches, or school
roll tide. but lsu is cool. crazy fans.

>Everyone is fat and stupid
I bet you're a college atheist.

>Everyone bitches about the humidity and bugs and yet they still live here
better than having to drive on snow

you really like grasping at straws dont you? iowa is the most peaceful and comfy state in america. go back to your shit overpopulated state and fuck off you faggot

Ding ding ding

Quad a Cities = heroin hotspot, lmao

fuck you husker fucker

Protestants ruined the south

It's overflow from Illinois and Wisconsin. Specifically Chicago and Madison respectively. look at the 2012 map.
