(this video is only 1 minute long but really convincing. and no, its not flat earth)
Now that we know that Nasa is faking more than my ex girlfriend, let us all ask where all the money they supposedly spent really go
(this video is only 1 minute long but really convincing. and no, its not flat earth)
Now that we know that Nasa is faking more than my ex girlfriend, let us all ask where all the money they supposedly spent really go
my best guess would be ISIS funding and other black projects of that kind
Spacecraft engineer, here. Why would NASA remove your "bubbles" in their videos? They belong there.
>Hello, I am a retard youtuber that has no education in scinence whatsoever
>Let me disprove all of Nasa based on a 1 minute video of tiny white specs floating around
why would bubbles in the vacuum of space exist? if those are water (or other liquids) it should instantly vaporize in the the vacuum of space. if they are air they wouldnt stay together but instantly dissipate
Oh, you think they're literal bubbles. That's cute.
what are they then? icecrystals? in other videos you can see them change directions. in water there are currents which would make them do that. in the vacuum of space they shouldnt do that
I can see we are not likely to have a productive and intelligent conversation over this medium.
>Low Earth orbit
>Vacuum of Space
Pick one
i am the one giving statemants supporting my point. you are the one saying what i say is nonsense, apparently without being able to tell me why
>without being able to tell me why
You definitely have that part right.
Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! In space!
Is this a parody video?
then how about providing anything for the change. still didnt heared one single thing progressing the discussionfrom you, just "lol idiot"
either you dont have anything to counter, or you are just really bad at conversation.
>blips going in random directions, not even present in continuous frames
>"they're bubbles guys!"
Why didn't any of those specs look like bubbles? Why couldn't it just be dust and shit moving through shadows?
You have me convinced. The earth is flat, and my industry is a lie. Thanks, user. You've converted me from a lifetime of ignorance.
Oh, I was done at Everything else is bait.
>if those are water (or other liquids) it should instantly vaporize in the the vacuum of space.
Why would they?
Space isn't cold. It's a vacuum, which insulates. The only heat loss is through radiation, which is slower than convection or conduction. With our proximity to the sun, the only time any liquid should freeze in space is when it's either out of direct sunlight, or it undergoes a liquid -> solid phase change due to the low pressure.
For a german, you're pretty fucking uneducated.
never said anything about flat earth. im just saying nasa is covering shit up. what they cover up what do i know.
you claiming to be a spaceengeneer is just as good as if i claim i work for the nasa and know first hand they are faking it. .
here is a longer video, with some better footage. there you see how the bubbles are changing directions. dont get distracted by the flat earth stuff in the beginning though.
still have to figure out why everyone instantly thinks nasa lying=flat earth. there is a lot of other shit they could cover up. ayy lmaos, the unabillity to reach space for what ever other reason, just a fraud to get funding for black projects (since a lot of the budged wouldnt be used for the nasa anyway if they are faking it. so they can use the rest however they want without having to tell anyone where that money went)
>im in charge here
I don't doubt the moon landing. I mean it's the current year. But yer a fagget
because of this basically. now imagine vacuum of space a lot stronger so it should be even quicker, and since those are even smaller you should bare be able to see them as quick as they would make "poof"
>Why would they?
Boiling point of water varies by air pressure around it -- water boils at a much lower temperature in, say, Quito Ecuador than it does in, say, Los Angeles. Cook books have to take that into account -- recipes based around cooking in boiling water do not work at higher altitudes.
Guess what happens to the boiling point of water as the pressure approaches zero.
Completely indoctrinated. And will never know the truth.
>you claiming to be a spaceengeneer is just as good as if i claim i work for the nasa and know first hand they are faking it. .
What is the point of having a discussion if, out of hand, you're going to dismiss everybody who disagrees with you?
has this been explain?
>I need (((very smart people))) to tell me that 2 planes can down 3 buildings (at freefall speed!)
they train to go to space underwater you fucking mudslime.
What's your fucking problem dude? Just give this special information you're holding onto
You're being rude as fuck and pretending everyone else is retarded. You have the floor open to inform people. Stop being a jack ass.
no, i dont dismiss anyone who provides something to the discussion. he didnt make any point in his posts except for "im an idiot" and since he couldnt even support that theory any further. i stated oppinions i believe why nasa is faking stuff, but from him no points what so ever, except for what i already said. there is nothing to dismiss because he hasnt said anything.
1. Low earth orbit is not a vacuum
2. The "bubbles" could be chips of ice, debris or video artifacts. Your evidence is hardly conclusive.
I think you've jumped to your conclusion prematurely.
Money probably going towards real space programs.
Regarding the bubbles some fringe tinfoil believers say space is a form of liquid or even water.
god you flat earthers are fucking stupid
consider this shit saged
bump to counter the sage
Could be footage from the training simulations they do in swimming pools too. We don't know, it's an outsourced 1 minute video.
Did the jet fuel somehow melt steel beams and the seismic shaking cause that small WTC7 to fall??!!
>take about 10 trillion dollars
>engineer a giant pop can in a swimming pool
>glue on some flaps/use a plane underneath
>get all the cows to munch perpkern
>land in ocean
It's all about the tiny Bubbles ..
They're not bubbles it's particulate matter from all the garbage that accumulates around the earth, from destroyed satellites artificial and from nature. They don't even look like bubbles
Goddammit sometimes this shit makes me wonder how ctr got extra funding OK'd to come shitpost here
Do you know why nobody seriously talks about aliens anymore?
Why ages and ages of encounter stories and sightings just... stopped?
It's because the real government stepped in and shut it down.
On supposed spacewalks, they have to cancel them due to "a significant buildup of water in his helmet — the result of a problem with his spacesuit's water-circulating cooling system, investigators later determined". Interesting?
All right wing people:
So.... why can't I throw a piece of debris into orbit again?
Because gravity stops working at that altitude or.....
Nope. Demons. Biding time
Using footage from russian spacewalks in the 60's is the best you can do?
i posted another video see it the first time, but definitely is even further proof. man seeing how everyone believes them, nasa is probably better at shitposting than Sup Forums
I actually have a pic for this exact thing
>the state run media monopoly operated by putin
Bald faced lies are interesting?
In cahoots with all this? Fuck that probable pedophile. And fuck epstein and drumpf
so the physics of space changed in the last 50 years. also if you look yourself there are dozens of such videos. i just put a shorter in here because i knew i wont get your attention for long
Maybe neither.
Maybe just previous break away civilizations from our far distant past. The elites survive cataclysms only they are prepared for.
But they STILL can't leave the planet because nothing is close enough. So they wait in underground caverns until things calm down again.
And repopulate the Earth when they need workers again.
No. Proclaim Christ. They disappear. Proclaim bill nye. Pic related
>what is dust?
>Spacecraft engineer, my fucking Hubble.
The only vaccuum with which you be familiar is the one between your ears, you fucking annoying cockend.
I have no need to change anyone's mind. People like to believe what they want to believe. I'm not seeing the kind of attitudes in this thread that would lead me to believe that anyone is receptive to changing their minds if presented with good arguments. This would just devolve into a senseless argument where everyone would get mad at each other and no one would reconsider their position. I'm probably guilty of this too, despite my exposure to the subject matter. Since I'm not likely to actually inform anyone's opinions, I see threads like this as being more for fun than actually for rational discussion. That probably does come across as rude, I don't disagree. But, it doesn't hurt me that anyone believes different things than I do. That's why I've been reluctant to engage in a futile conversation. Take care.
Or the video quality is is dogshit.
I know that governments today have contingency plans and some form of our civilization will survive any event.
However what do the survivors do after the event, when the planet is wiped clean?
What they have done in the past...
Except you can SEE the ISS in fucking space. Those "bubbles" are dust from the space suits, not to mention the background shit that naturally, it's Low earth orbit, not the true vacuum of fucking space, dumbshit conspiracy theorists are actual retarded.
> water flash-freezes in vacuum
> ice flecks drift into space
> ice flecks get pushed around by boil-off due to sun heating
> op is a retard who should sublimate his head for science
Being real here, op:
1. get a giant vacuum chamber
2. lie down inside it
3. set up webcam. get livestream rolling.
4. turn on the vacuum pump
5. live-stream your blood boiling out of every pore of your sub-par body and flash-freezing into ICE CRYSTALS in vacuum
6. as your thoughts fade to pain and blackness, remember how you were wrong on the Internet once
also why does the nasa, just like almost every other space egency has that red symbol, or somthing pretty similar to it in them?(they call vectore)
and why could it resemble whatever is seen on this reflection on helmet?
>ice flecks drift into space
You really have no appreciation for gravity. Shit doesn't just drift away from Earth....
check out Eric Dubay on Nasa: NASA gets tens of billions of dollars per year taxpayers money (pocketing the majority of the money)and gives us fake space programs using the rest. They're doing it in many countries now, and all the programs are fake because sustained space travel is impossible. What goes up must come down. The "vacuum of space" does not exist and is impossible to exist as there is nothing to seal the supposed vacuum off from the atmosphere.
Read the Concordant Literal Bible and divide also on your own with the Holy Spirit, the original words and languages
If NASA has flawless CGI technology, why do they need to film their actors in pools?
This is an image taken through a telescope from Earth.
You're welcome.
No faggot that's not an answer.
Use your own words to explain your own mind.
>go read this book
Not an argument.
Lying is hard
conspiritards genuinely scare me.
Thankfully its contained to the US.
How are we seeing those in the dark. Why doesn't anybody ever see gajillions of these. Source?
>he believes everything he sees
Looks like Independence Day wooden screens anyways
easier to simulate zero gravity. ever saw in movies how fake it looks when someone does a high jump, or is flying from one point to another? the same would happen basically if they wouldnt do it in water
>trusts the US government to always tell the truth
Dude why?
Space isn't a perfect vacuum, just an exceptionally sparse one. It averages out at something like 5 protons per cubic meter
Ever notice how the air gets consistently thinner the higher you go? Why do you think that is.
I said what I said. Succeed or fail
They're fucking begging for an explanation. What's wrong with you.
Unless.... WHAT IF....
you have no appreciation for inertia
since you're not op, I'll be civil here user.
Yes, the ice flecks drift into space in the vicinity of the astronauts in the video. The ice flecks have the same velocity as the orbiting astronauts, plus some small relative velocity due to the boiling. So they're drifting in space but not drifting away from Earth.
Hope that makes sense.
You should study some simple uni physics mechanics then. It's not like those ice crystals have the mass of the fucking moon.
>>the greatest lie in the last 100 years
>so they can take 15 billion in a government budget in the trillions
>most of which goes to paying workers and launching unmanned missions
What is your theory? They're lying about manned space flight to steal a couple million dollars?
He is roleplaying kid.
Fuck dude, you REALLY think high level government people come here to disclose shit, for free, to us.
Shut up commoner
You can throw debris into space eventually it'll fall back into the atmosphere depending on what it's falling orbit was like, and it will break up and burn up on the way down. Some parts are ejected further away from Earth and are small enough they just become part of the dust around low earth orbit or la grange points
literally wut?
Shit moving at orbital velocity does. That's the whole point. It keeps falling forever and the distance it drops is equivalent to the curvature of the Earth in the same time period. So it just keeps going around. Which means all that shit just sort of floats about subject to whatever local force gives it a push.
that is a retarded video
>How are we seeing those in the dark.
Sun light reflects from the ISS surface
>Why doesn't anybody ever see gajillions of these
ISS is big, trash is very small
Go into stratosphere. Jump. Land right where you started. Also to the "muh hoover in space" argument. The vacuum isn't noticed just like our massive speeds because it's like the fossil record of BS. It has magical layers n sheeeeeeit. Stars are far away. Because Colours
yes it does. tidal forces, dipshit. it's coming out fast and it retains that velocity in a near vacuum. that sends it into a slightly higher or lower orbit depending on its velocity vector.
air gradually gets thinner and thinner the higher you go. the lower your altitude relative to space, the more air is pushing down on you, so the air is thicker. it's not a sudden transition, it's a very gradual thinning until you get so high up that there's essentially no atmosphere.
satellites in LEO actually have to carry fuel and burn every so often to keep their orbits from degrading since they experience slight atmospheric drag.
I don't care and i dont believe it. Lie too much and i question everything. Ya shat the bed. Oh well
It's fucking six letters. That's it. One fucking word. Three syllables. You can do it Petah!
I won't be able to help them. They would need to adopt the mindset of thinking scientifically first. I can't give that to them.
>the US government is colluding with every other government on Earth, as well as several entire branches of academia, both professional and amateur
>this in order to pocket 0.2% of the national budget
You're a Priest
This thread is a genuine example of how US education is failing.
What the fuck do they teach in the US? Creationism bullshit?
Jesus a lot of you are retards who have never touched a single physics textbook since your ability to solve math. This shouldn't be on Sup Forums it should be on fucking /x/. MODS
Just quit. Just end your thought patterns on any topic
My post was about temperature - apparently I quoted the wrong person
Are you both NPC's? You don't strike me as actual humans who would've pointed out my post had nothing to do with what I quoted.
Your mom begs for the dick like a jew begs for a roll of pennies. That doesn't mean we explain the difference between the dusty cobwebs you have on your dick and the spiderwebs in the cupboard.