currently watching the new south park episode and not even 5 mins in they are already anti trump. Thanks for correcting the record trey parker and matt stone.
South park are cuckservitives
when did it all go wrong?
it's mostly scat humor anyway
why do americans start shieking in laughter whenever someone farts anyway? are americans still preschool aged children mentally?
i dunno guessing the kikes took over after they tried to air the muhammed episode, they just had a pro hilliary scene wtf.
i'm surprised south park got through the nanny state censors
>Episode is about how Trump sucks but Jillary is somehow worse
>this means the episode is pro hillary
Trey and Matt hate both parties, this has been known for years
Trump doesn't suck. That's the issue.
except, user, he does.
They are jews, what did you expect?
was hoping for a video of them crawling through the ovens into the gas chamber for a nickel
They criticize everyone in the spirit of the Socratic method. Yea, no shit everyone has their own opinions, but they are clearly not "pro Hillary" just because they aren't mindlessly shilling Trump.
As with the previous season with ads as the main villain, clearly, the Memberberries and the underlying plot regarding Gerald (the Jew) being the troll responsible for the tension are what matters, not the shit about the campaign.
Those fucking grapes BTFO hillary shills. Fucking redpilled as fuck.
Remember feeling safe?
Remember when there weren't so many Mexicans?
Remember Reagan?
Get out mexican.
South park lost its magic last season. Should've had pc principle this year. Would've been way better
cant forget remember when only a man and woman got married?
Sorry user, both candidates suck, all politicians suck. Trump just sucks less.
Remember when there was no ISIS?
I swear Kek himself will descend bodily from the heavens to bless those berries.
Trump is an awful candidate, but that's what voters wanted on both sides this time. 2 exceptionally awful candidates
Sorry user, but I'd love to see you humiliate politically correct cuckolds by investing millions of your own dollars. To say Trump sucks means you're either ungrateful all around, or a leftist cuck who could care less. Reddit would be a good start if you need constant confirmation to validate delusion
It's rare to see them make fun of themsrlves anymore.
It's because they know the gravity of their situation
They were anti-trump last season too. I wouldn't be too butthurt over it they like skewering sacred cows.
You argue like an SJW. I may enjoy seeing Trump talk shit to current politicians and retarded safe space faggots, but that doesn't mean he would be an actually good president. Please explain to be why I should be grateful to Trump, he isn't doing this for me, he's doing it for himself.
Don't you believe that South Park, being so many years in the air they didn't have to suck some dicks now and then to keep their airtime?
Let them fanboy over their authoritarian daddy figure, Hilary supporters can see nothing wrong in her either
He doesn't think farts are funny
>It's rare to see them make fun of themsrlves anymore.
>It's because they know the gravity of their situation
you mean the baseless death threats they get from sjws and niggers? at this point they are just shilling trying to get the white supremacist pepe loving trump supporting nazi terrorists to watch there show. havent seen them air anything funny in years. the leafs make better jokes than they do.
maybe you should keep watching you stupid nigger
i cant, to busy shartin in mart in the check out lane with my frozen microwave burgers
>pic related
Downloading the electronic jew now to see their tricks.
Name why without using muh racism.
They're libertarians you Hugh mungus faggot.
Do you not laugh when someone farts? Are you from Newtown or something?
>Please explain to be why I should be grateful to Trump,
The wall? Stopping terrorist immigration? Not being a multicultural globalist?
>The Wall
No wall is built
>Terrorist immigration
He hasn't done shit with that
>Muh globalism
memes won't save you
His proposed economic policies are shit. He wants the attention and power, this isn't pro Hillary either, she wants the same damn thing, Trump is just not as evil
That's to be expected, they take shots at everyone. Hell last season was a non stop slam on the regressive left
He lools like Chris chan
>wonders why trump hasn't done anything yet despite the election having not been fucking held yet.
Thank you for correcting the record.
>his financial connections to Saudi Arabia and Russia.
>past and not so past bribery of politicians
> I pick the best people that's why I have had a carousel of managers and advisors
>draft dodger wanting to be Commander-in-Chief
He has support off 88 generals compared to Mitt Romney's 500 because he is a fake tough guy
so I should be thankful because he has made promises, some of which I don't like. Politicians are faggots, I'm not thankful for a damn thing they do, promise to do, or might do. Fuck you for worshipping attention whores.
You guys need to learn to take a joke. South Park makes fun of everybody. Holy shit.
>0.05 hillary shekels have been deposited into your account.
Everyone is. The entire media. If you aren't expecting anti-Trump from absolutely everything at this point, you're a fucking hopeless piece of shit.
This is a war buddy. It's everyone vs the Alt Right. It's that simple.
They've ripped on Hillary over and over for the last 8 years. Trump is new fodder for comedy
>They've ripped on Hillary over and over for the last 8 years.
theyve only ripped on shilliary about 2 or 3 times. the snuke episode and just recently with garrison posing as trump
Hillary wasn't choosen by the people.
The Democratic primaries were rigged at every level for her to win.
Well that's the point, isn't it. Pit 2 shitty people that make a bunch of noise but won't change much against each other so it feels like a choice
well who elase was there? a jew commie rat (((bernie sanders))) handing over the delegates or jeb bush
Yup, all shitty choices for a myriad of reasons. Trump and Clinton are just the only ones that only had a chance if they ran against each other
I don't think South Park has ever positively portrayed a presidential candidate.