Hello, bonjour. How are you tonight? How are things going where you're from? Nothing eventful in my neck of the woods, but I'd like to hear what's on your minds. Anything from the weather, to local politics, to culture is welcome.
Hello, bonjour. How are you tonight? How are things going where you're from? Nothing eventful in my neck of the woods, but I'd like to hear what's on your minds. Anything from the weather, to local politics, to culture is welcome.
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What is the last week someone should be allowed an abortion?
realistically 4.75 years from now at the very earliest when trudeau is gone :^)
Depends. If it's a nigger, I'd give it 25 to life, somewhere in there.
You should be able to kill your own baby until it can walk imo, parents have no obligations to have to take care of a cripple.
its getting chilly here and the leaves have started falling off the trees. time to pull out the ol' HBC sweater! hope you are well america.
Week number 519.
>spend less than 1% of gdp on the military
>barely does anything to aid NATO
>Canadians trash talk Americans all the time
>Canadians expect America to defend Canada
>for free
Why does the US allow Canada to stay in NATO? Why do Americans protect Canada from foreign invasion for free?
You're right user maybe that we should not be in NATO anymore, but in the other hand keep in mind that fucking TURKEY is allowed in the club. These fucking islamic roaches are by far worst than us r-right ?
because we let globalists assrape us for natural resources
Everything is fine so far. The weather is becoming more fair, leaves are turning here, as well. As usual, the black walnuts are the first to go, but the lakes are going to look amazing by October. This has always been my favorite time of year.
Self-defeating altruism is a national pastime here, for some reason or another. Whoever is mismanaging your budget, be it Trudeau or anyone else, I'm glad our money funds your defense. I can think of worse ways to spend it than keeping our white neighbors on the up-and-up.
I place Canadians over both T*rkroaches and Australians. Both are equally worthless and outdated. Pic kind of related.
because were land of the burgers and home of the shart in mart. we fucking print unbacked worthless money, we do what ever the fuck we want
Go kill yourself, FAT burgerFAGGOT mart sharter.
Hey there Ameribro,
Huge moon on the rise tonight, low over the Rockies, kinda spectacular. Ivy is turning red. Love this time of year.
Having a glass of wine and relaxing after a day on the road.
How's Hillary? Any developments. Didn’t have time to check the news yet. Reddit ready to murder us yet cause of the Pepe false flag campaign?
Fuckin' saved. That's one of the best memes I've seen all week.
>pls be my ai gf
Oh, you.
That all sounds wonderful. Hillary's kind of keeping a lower profile, shoving out pawns to make excuses while she recovers from her mega AIDS spell. I doubt Reddit is going to do anything except jack each other off in threads of impotent leftist rage, like they usually do, so no worries there. Moon's nice here, too. Everything is lit up nicely.
Nice digits. I have a dick, though.
Also love from UK.
Canadians are always welcome here in the mountains of northern England. So are Yanks.
It's cold here so any Canadians will feel at home.
Hi! Glad you stopped in. How's it going?
No, seriously. Go die. I don't like you trying to be nice to Canadians and be our friends. We don't like you. Just stop.
>>>>>>>>>>Those digits
>also prof went on tangent about abortion in class
The majority of Canadians say you're a cocksucker, and likely a proxyfag.
hes just mad his family burned to death in the fort fire while justin tradue was importing niggers to put it out
It means your professor is still full of shit in the current year.
Nobody is chaining you to the wall here.
Np, I speak for all Canadians when I say "go die". Canadians are almost all similar to me on Sup Forums. Why? Sup Forums is very hostile to us, so we fight back. And now it's too late to be nice to us. I want you all to get cancer.
I've been sympathetic to Canadians ny entire time here. I know why a lot of them shitpost, and it's because people here are assholes to them. I don't blame you for feeling hostile, but that's what these threads are meant to rectify. There have been other Americans, and even an user from the UK, who have stopped by and posted in support of Canada. So, if you still hate me after that, that's fine, your mind's made up, but the point of this is to bring attention to things like that.
There is some rustling about the Liberal government trying to take our guns away, but I'm not too worried.
Nobody is going to take mine. Even if they try in winter when the ground is too hard. I got a pickax.
>all this autism
Ok buddy
your just mad because you missed your quads
I was just being nice to someone else in another thread when this pops up.
Hi OP I'm good. My best friend is on his way to help me build scaffold around my house so I can pop out windows and paint.
He's going to be up here for a few days so I'm in a good mood.
$2.16 for a 12 pack?
That's a really good price.
. . . You require a fucking pickaxe to get through the winter?
Wait did I miss something???
Do I need to go get an SKS before they ban the cunts?
They are not going to ban AR15s are they? I need to go get my restricted.....
I helped vote him in.... I'm sorry. I'm voting conservative next time.
See You aren't "cool" because you act rude to other Canadians and try to fit in on Sup Forums. You're just a loser.
So you voted for weed over guns, asshole
I did when visiting thank you. Even lived in the Shetlands for three months.
I enjoyed the shit out of my working holiday visa. I met my wife in your country. I made her move to Amsterdam after the UK as a deral to move to Australia after.
She's Aussie and we met in a youth hostel in London. Together 13 years now.
Only children in Canada don't like America. Go outside FFS.
Isn't everyone a dick to everyone here?
I just take it as a big joke and enjoy it.
>Fucking leaf
It makes me laugh. If you get butt hurt here this is the wrong board for you.
Do I have to post big fat Asian titties again
That sounds like the perfect fall maintenance job. I try to do something every year; built an insulated doghouse from $350 of materials once, and the dog only ate dead birds in it. Now I'm crafting a hydroponic vivarium with an array of 7/8 white-to-blue ratio of LEDs. I read about some botanist once, I think he may have even been French, who discovered that same light color ratio in his greenhouse exponentially multiplied growth and yields. Still learning to solder, so it's probably a ways off, since I work constantly.
These are some alfalfa sprouts I grew earlier this year. I put them on turkey clubs for my family. They were really glossy along the stalks.
>only children in Canada...
And Quebecois. But nobody likes them. Not even other Canadians.
I go outside every day. Americans are not well received here. I am in Ottawa.
Gif related.
Dubs say you do.
What do other Canadians dislike about them?
I'm from Montreal and I love our America bros.
Anyway it's 12:40pm here, time for bed. Goodnight Murica/Canada bros.
I'm renovating for profit. I turn over houses as a business. It's tough because I'm good and I like to do good work.
It's hard to get cost down still but I'm getting better. I refuse to do shoddy work. I want to stand by my company name.
I hope to save for a farm and one day get my family and best friend and his family all together.
I think I'll need to head to Nova Scotia for the farm though. Land is too much out west.
I laughed over the dead birds.
I need to learn soldering. I'm a nerdy into combat flight simming and want to build a sim pit. There are some crazy things people have done. One guy converted a real WWII bomber trainer throttle quadrant into one for simming.
I play a Battle of Britain game called Cliffs of Dover which was modded. Really enjoy it.
This is somewhat true. The younger Quebecois are not so full of hate. It's really worth going there to see for yourself.
I took my wife to Bonnehomme. I wanted to go since I was little. I'm West Coast.
It was so good. We love Quebec. You get some dicks but they are the older ones and it's fine. They'll die before me. :)
Night, Gronk. Nice dubs.
Oh now I get it. Ontario.
Fuck you cunts are cranky.
canada is clearly a lonely loser
The best bit is shit posting.
Shit posting is even more fun in POL than Sup Forums ever was.
Oh fuck when my wife makes me move back to Aus I'll look like one of those assholes in here......
I'm glad to hear you don't half-ass anything. Whitest shit I've heard all day. If you keep it in mind as you go along, you'll get there. But how cheap is real estate in NS?
I had to take the same dead, frozen bird from her five times, and she leapt onto neighboring properties just to drag it back into that doghouse and gnaw it. I actually had to give the fucking bird a proper burial in the end, and lay cinderblocks over it to keep her from digging it back up.
How do you like the sim? The bomber idea sounds pretty fugging sweet, t b h.
I'm also glad to hear that people there do like Quebec. Started learning French last night, since another user from up north recommended it for an innawoods scenario.
Your ID suggests your a nigger, so I'd rather come back as an asshole, if I were you.