Sup Forums BTFO

Sup Forums BTFO

Where's your white and racist holiday? Lmaoooo

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What the fuck is this real?

the fact that it's so hard to tell is chilling


Annex us

So we sacrifice a nigga on this day to sate their white overlords?

DUDE NUKES LMAO. I hope the CIA finds a reason to remove this guy.

the fact that we elected the son of a previous prime minister says everything

BLM Day > Christmas > Every other holiday

I just assume 1/2 of Trudeau posting is satire, which half I couldn't tell you.

yeah a whole fucking month isn't enough devotion to a nigger holiday is it

So is this a national chimp out day or something?

The fuck you guys doin up there

Son of the worst pm we ever had

No, the fact that you elected a drama teacher says everything.

I'm literally shaking and pissing myself in fear right now you guys

No the fact that they elected a bouncer says it all..

Voting while intoxicated.

Substitute drama teacher.

Reminder that the USA has a month long nigger holiday

It will probably be celebrated September 11th next year

Alberta secession when?

he's already probably a CIA asset, turning canada into a containment country for liberals to control demographics here if need be.

You don't get holidays if you don't work.

Do cops even carry guns in your country?? This is just nonsense.

Don't drop your tendies

Canada, explain yourself. Seriously this time. Explain yourself.

Oh, Canada.

Google shows no results

I was seriously worried tho

It's not even remotely a problem here. 100% posturing. I can't fucking believe this guy. Justin Bieber would have been less of a cuck.

for god's sakes annex us

>gets elected to legalize weed
>doesn't legalize weed
>creates holiday for a twitter hashtag

Seems like you got the prime minister your country deserves

theyll be free to loot that day i assume? a mini purge in leaf land

>ITT people believe obvious b8

Nooooo don't give in to their retarded bullshit just to look cool and accepting of blacks

It has to be. Trudeau is too much a colossal faggot for it to be otherwise.

No. We are going to invade you, take your oil and install a puppet dictatorship just like we do for our other friends.

>people actually think he'll get reelected

The man got something like a 39% vote during a major political protest against a boring neocon that invested too heavily in oil and China. Canada doesn't have hordes of spics and nogs who exclusively vote liberal instead we mostly have Indians and chinks who lean right.

If White people had a country of our own, this would not be happening.

Ô Canada!
Terre de nos aïeux,
Ton front est ceint de fleurons glorieux!
Car ton bras sait porter l'épée,
Il sait porter la croix!
Ton histoire est une épopée
Des plus brillants exploits.
Et ta valeur, de foi trempée,
Protégera nos foyers et nos droits.
Protégera nos foyers et nos droits.

Canada must burn.

leafs should be exterminated

Time to rake up the leafs and put a match to them.

wow you retards are stupid

literally two fucking seconds and you'd realize this was bait

you make me ashamed to share the same flag as you


>56% approval rating
good luck getting him out, sincerely.

Gentlemen, hoe do we stop the leafs?

>Where's your white and racist holiday?
It's called Sunday

Kill the Jews that brainwashed them.

You know nothing of Canadian politics, double-doubles aussie man.

Imagine our objectively worst PM we've ever had, who was propped up by cultural marxists and fellated by the leftist press during the time he sit having an attractive son.

Lefties are pure fucking cancer.

Welcome to the new Sup Forums.

An influx of faggots that came here looking for happenings or Trump, and started to believe anything that fit those narratives without second guessing. Now they just believe anything without fact checking or questioning.

What happened to calling people out on bs in the first post? Kill me

Is it time?

This better be fake and gay or that tumblr nation needs to be wiped off the Earth.

>implying they have school/work to take a holiday from


I'm glad I'm moving to Russia next year, otherwise I might actually care Canada elected a SJW.

I'm so dissociated from Canadian culture I don't even care.

Hey, if it gets me off work I'm all for it... Don't black people already have an entire month though?

>yfw they attempt to give only minorities the day off from work/school on BLM day
>yfw they willingly cause segregation for a single day

Why are liberals so opposed to segregation?

We can all agree the races don't integrate with each other, what's wrong with segregating them?

Why do you guys let Trudeau bait threads go on for more than 20 replies?

Yeah but they're not real

Niggers already get 365 holidays a year

>That face
He is enjoying it

Canadian genocide when?

what a cuck

>TV spurts to life as I ready my noose that Kellie Leitch...
Canadians care about values, not just tax cuts...
Plz tell me this true? I dont want to become just a leaf in the Autumn wind

wew lad

And notice how the entire media and political landscape of Canada shits on her for it. Funny considering she's a homo.

Please just nuke us and get it over with.

shes LGBTQ2!3feafe?


The word "sons" is for the men that died in ww2 and ww1, women didn't bleed 1 drop for Canada.

I want off this ride


shh, let it continue

Remember kids.

If you're seeing this thread you're doing it wrong.

Get the new filter and remove leaftards forever.

You'll be surprised how great Sup Forums can be without them. You'll notice the difference immediately.

Did you even look at her?

And that about sums it up.

And I'm not even Canadian.

>god save the _____?

There isn't a one-syllable word that could go there....


What anime my Brazilian friend?

They really are blurring the lines between real and fake.

>nigger trying to disconnect white countries from each other
Don't you have some benefits you should be claiming tyrone?

>white countries

ayyy lmao

no one asked for yellow people here


>Ashamed of his own country



>Where's your white holiday?

Right here:

"Gender-neutral,other-kin monarch (RaWr OwO)"

hah, nigs btfo'd


>muh proxyfag meme
>muh wuzkangz picture

Don't forget to call me a teacher/weeb/USFJ next, okay?

Every day is a white racist holiday, stupid leaf nigger. It's called go to work day. Saturdays and Sundays are called "Spend time with family day"

These are days you clearly know nothing about. Because you're a fucking nigger.

I didn't vote for that fucking cuck. I voted for the libertarian Tim Moen who is based as fuck a real libertarian, a fire fighter, and a real man. Most people here are too stupid though and got memed hard.


"Father's Day" would have been funnier though.



please take all our niggers canada

Fuck I've been trying to post a thread for 10 mins I didn't know fuckin F*o*o*l-C-h-a-n
was word filterd wtf?

>The ride never ends

FuII Chan

I'd post meme images of your country but I don't know what it is because you're ashamed of it proxyfag.