Hypothetically speaking, is there an internet wire to Canada that could be cut?
Hypothetically speaking, is there an internet wire to Canada that could be cut?
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I wish user, I wish......
wires, plural, yes.
I'm sure canada has deep see cabling independent from what the US gets. and of course the major backbone lines from say toronto probably hit america too. you'd have to look at the infrastructure of both the phone and ISP companies in America and Canada.
now, could you and 200 of your closest friends pull this off? no.
could america? yes. but it never will.
what a stupid fucking post.
There's a few in the Maritime provinces. Looks like only a few, according to this map anyways.
Bridges not walls, man.
look at this another proxy leafcuck
same thing fuck it
Why would you cut internet from the greatest nation in the world?
Unironically -- What's so funny about peace, love, and understanding?
If Tay gets revived you will thank us
Praise Kek
Pure, unadulterated jealousy
I hope so man they're ruining everything. South Park was right.
Why are you fighting what kek wills? kek gave the get to canada. stop whining like a bunch of fucking babies about it, he's a god of CHAOS you dumb cunts, that includes upsetting his disciples sometimes. ride the wave and let canada shitpost freely, kek wills it.
Tfw you are one of the ids
Stop acting like you faggots don't use Canadian proxies to voice your dumb opinions on here faggot
>live in northern Canada
>all white
>all Sup Forums approved racist
>all hate libcucks and our cuck PM
>Icelandic settlement
>high wages
>cheap land
I live in a Sup Forums paradise, yet I'm subjected to hate meanwhile you all are surrounded by dindus and wetbacks. I own a house and truck at the age of 22, haven't seen a nigger in person since I moved here and all the women are beautiful and of Nordic decent. Don't associate me with Chang just because we share a flag.
Fuck off oilcuck nobody cares
Someone who is taking affirmative steps to STOP TERRORISM. Not just talk - like the typical do-nothing user - but action: "There is no question that the Boston bombings happened because there is someone who feels completely excluded."
Northern Canada is glorious. The white man's natural setting.
Lol bugers are mad cause kek literally has blessed us today
>mfw no ai gf
Go back to China, chink bitch.
do you have a screenshot of all the replies that post got? or is that it?
Enjoy losing all your possessions when oil hits 30 dollars a barrel again, retard. I'm sure living in a frozen shithole is fun though
Too bad it's being slowly corroded with degenerate white trash, chugs, shit politicians and the few loud Libcucks that should probably just fuck off to Vancouver already.
Still, it's almost completely white up here. It's a weird slice of what Canada used to be like.
Why are the Burgers so mad? Kek chose us.
It sure beats living in the city. I'll take freezing shitholes any day. At least I can go out and enjoy it with muh toys instead of just humping bars and riding the metro.
>tfw there are no white cities left.
The rural areas are too isolated for me. I was doomed to be surrounded by cucks.
you're going to have to make a choice I guess bud
hey dont fuck with my internet i watch like all my tv on it
>All true
Too bad the Changs/pajeets/pierres shit up any rural Canada posts.
>Northen Canada
If northern Canada is so great why did they vote liberal? The only provinces that went blue are glorious Alberta (RIP press f to pay respects) and racist farmland Sask.
well in quebec let me tell you i think there is more fucking sandnigers and nignogs than whites
If you live in Montreal maybe...
The vast majority of Canada is White. Outside of shitholes like Toronto and argueably Ottawa there's nothing else
>live in the rural area of northern ontario
>forest and white people as far as 3 refills of my fucking tank of gas can take me
>endless camping, hunting, jobs, etc
>go to school in the trades
>still all white
Feels good man
>Satelite internet exists
There is no escape m8s, guess you'll just have to annex!
nobody cared enough about NDP because if you abbreviate your name you are already irrelevant. And conservatives hate a hate meme going on at the time so we wanted anyone but harper.
weed man has no teeth and is all butter for predators. I want a strong leader and I think this was a good wake up call for the kids who didn't think it would matter.
but he's a trudeau. he makes "promises" and then does the exact opposite and goes left field
selling all our gold and making sure our priority with handling the fire was that we had somalian fire fighters (who ended up going on strike kek) I know we are all tired of his niavety, this wil be the last of the trudeau family curse upon canada
>Outside of shitholes like Toronto and argueably Ottawa there's nothing else
Ever heard of Hongcouver and Montreal?
quebeqois literally are the worst cunts on this board, and yet you still think you are superior and more white when trudeau designates your entire provincial state to the diverse hordes of somalis and chinks.
but feel good that you can drink at age 18 you filthy bastard.
you called?
Ok, 4 cities that i'll never set foot in outside of annual trips to get wasted in and fuck shit up
And asians don't bother me in any way ever compared to dindus and middle easterns
Not even a oui-oui you dip. Most of the minorities live in the far west of the province like Hull and Montreal. That's just reality.
Canada has birthright for nice people
but Canada is best ally. Their army is small but every overseas adventure we go on they always send thier most elite troops to help.
the funposting is just fro the bantz.
>And asians don't bother me in any way
>being this blue-pilled
user, just because they don't stab you doesn't mean they aren't trash.
We've restricted the problem to about a dozen quarantine areas (Toronto and the GTA, Montreal, Hongcouver, Edmonton, Calgary...)
>mfw they don't even realized they've been penned up and contained in specified zones for the future plans...
Not just a leaf, but a fucking robot leaf
Nuke please
t. Toronto
that is what the U.S. thought about the hispanics
>that pic
>Status of Top Shit Posters on Earth:
Canada confirmed the current leader goddamn
My blood is on that leaf's hands. Take me jesus
>tfw the ride never ends
Good reading comprehension there bud
I was just joking tbqh, we're fucked, they're spilling out into all small cities, town and even remote areas, like a cancerous plague
>pic related, a screen shot from last falls election night
These are the new and "future canadians"
gg no re canada
He's right there Chang, they are nice neighbours, sure... But they bring over their crooked and underhanded chink business practices with them
I've seen a chinaman ruin a canadian run business first hand with his shystery antics and down right shady book keeping practices
This is the only way, fellow burgers. We must absorb the leaf and turn them into us, for the greater good of humanity.
I thinks its in quebec, start there
What if all Canadians on /pol are one autistic leaf who changes ID's with proxies?
>We must absorb the leaf and turn them into us
You realize it would be like adding another Liberal faggy ass California? This entire country would vote Democrat with the exception of the West-Coast (see: the Best Coast)
Mentioning Trump here in the GTA area gets people literally foaming at the mouth mad, it's fucking hilarious how retarded the Trudeau voters are
>reminder, Weedman hangs out with jewish pedophiles at gay pride parades
Pic related ;^)
how do you get baited this easily?
they're ideals born of stupidity and failure to understand human nature.
things like removing barriers and being more inclusive and welfare...
these are all methods of working towards an ideal society.
a utopia where there is no war or hunger or division
this will never exist
so working towards it is inevitably futile
I voted for Trudeau, NDP is unanimously gay and Harper's Conservatives were el retardo, accept this truth.
idk though, when I tell girls at uni I like Trump they usually come around after I explain how anti-black Hillary is. Hit them with the "actions speak louder than words" rhetoric.
Save this image. Distribute it. We will correct the record.
I am deleting this post in 10 minutes.
Am i doing it right?
do we have to...
can we at least leave Quebec alone?
no voting rights for 20 years, and we have a deal
>Current year
>Being so fucking stupid you don't know how to use the plug in to filter leaf tards
Jeez new fag. Just go back to redshit already.
>your pic
>your ID
>if you abbreviate
Well that's a new one
I would post all of them but I can't
The thread got like 1500 replies in 5 min
Was crayyyy
Why not go ahead and look up the name of the winning party from 1867
All this needs on it is the 88888889 Get, which would have gone to "Trump Wins, By a Landslide" if the fucking leaf hadn't posted.
It's like a pair of glass slippers to this place, was that post
>deep see
Deep see what?!
I see you're retarded dipshit burger stain who can't even spell. Fucking american autist.
just kill yourself
Aint fuckin nobody evet gon figure out nature as mere moron mortals. Nor should we ever try. But we're too vain
>replying to the "1 post by this ID" OP seriously
Nice safe space
Sure ain't like a sjw, no no