What's wrong with racebending fictional characters to try new elements? It doesn't have to be a political thing.
What's wrong with racebending fictional characters to try new elements? It doesn't have to be a political thing
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>What's wrong with racebending fictional characters to try new elements?
it doesnt make any money
I don't like white characters being taken by blacks.
Think about star wars for example. Nerdy white guy fandom for 30 years. Pretty strongly the realm of white males.
Who do (((they))) pick to lead the new franchise? A black guy and a woman. People like to see characters of their race and gender and this kind of betrays the nerdy white dudes.
Also it's lazy. If you want black movie franchises, just make a new fucking franchise instead of racebending a white character. Make your own shit.
If we made black characters white, there'd be riots and chimpouts.
So are we just supposed to be good little cuckboys and not care when it happens to us?
Because it's suddenly not okay when you make a non-white character white.
>ghetto nignog wonder womyn
Wow sweet
Isn't this the same guy that made batman into a black panther superhero that rambles about whites and DA SYSTEM
Fucking kek
I could go for a blacksploitation version of wonder woman.
if there's an actual reason for them to be white I'd say it's just pandering and wrong but if there's no reason for them to be a different race than it's fine
there's all kinds of americans, captain america could be like a black guy or even some japanese american who was interned during WWII because all that matters is he's american and patriotic
someone like thor would be retarded to make black or asian though because he's supposed to be a nordic god and nords aren't black or asian
What do you think the response would be if black characters got made white?
People would shit the fucking bed.
Why is whitey supposed to just sit back and be silent as the culture he built is stolen from him piece by piece?
The worst thing is, creating a new character doesn't cost any more than making an existing one black. They do it entirely out of laziness and anti-white racism.
>The whole world was waiting for youuu
>went and got a weave insteaaaaaad
>with your big black lips
>and your big fat hips
>go and caaaaash
>your welfare cheeeeeeeeck
wtf is this pose supposed to be?
Is she about to start twerking like some ghetto trash whore?
This shit literally ridicules itself.
You bigot.
Nippon pls
I can only laugh so much in one day
The industry knows that creating original black/latino characters doesn't sell, but since they are forced to be politically correct and inclusive, they go for the least damaging option, which is racebending established characters and call the racist boogeyman when they are bleeding money.
This. The creative bankruptcy pisses me off more than anything. These fucking hacks want to be progressive but cant imagine a situation in which a bunch of chicks or niggers would actually be doing something extraordinary so they lazily decide to do a "black version" or "girl version" of some already pre-established franchise.
To be fair though, ((they)) seem to have picked it up from organic black American culture. To many an enterprising young negro, branding themselves "Black [whatever]" or making a portmanteau of "black" and the IP they're coopting has been a pastime of nigs for pretty much as long as recorded/filmed media has existed.
>Create a character
>People like said character and their defining traits
>Change said characters defining traits
>Wonder why people dont like the character anymore
well gee user I just dont understand these people I gotta go get robbed by a black man now brb
Thats a pretty neat outfit except for the cowl and goggles
It's part of what happens when all of us right-wingers are ostracized. We have the creativity. Liberals just do what everyone tells them to.
They have no money for movies so they have to do what the jews say to get money.
>It doesn't have to be a political thing.
yet they keep making it political
If it was the regular Captain America cowl he wouldn't be able to show off his wooly hair to make sure everyone knows that he is descended from Mid-Atlantic ship ballast