From 1619 to 1865, America treated African-Americans like absolute trash. Then you finally have the 13th and 14th Amendments, but then the federal government turned a blind eye to Jim Crowe laws that treated Blacks as second class citizens. Then you have the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Yay! Right? Wrong. Mass incarceration is the new Jim Crow as we arrest young Black men for crack but let White boys run free for possession of cocaine. Now we have police officers serving as lynch squads. Now you have gentrification that is destroying Black neighborhoods and pushing them out to places that are cheap but economically depressed. Given all this, if you were a Black man, wouldn't it be the ultimate form of cuckoldry to kneel for an anthem that symbolizes a geo-political entity that oppresses you?
From 1619 to 1865, America treated African-Americans like absolute trash...
Now we have affirmative action.
Niggers literally need lynching every week so they keep in line and behave themselves.
when whites sell drugs, it helps the economy, when blacks do it, they use the money on them selves, therefore hurting the economy
>Given all this, if you were a Black man, wouldn't it be the ultimate form of cuckoldry to kneel for an anthem that symbolizes a geo-political entity that oppresses you?
No, the ultimate form of cuckoldry is to continue living in a country that terrorizes you so instead of returning to the land of your ancestors to rule over yourself.
From the beginning to time, to the end of time, niggers will always be trash.
>mfw niggers genuflecting
How about you go back to Africa? You niggers have been nothing but trouble for hundreds of years. Go be kangz and shieet in Africa chimp.
If niggers have it so bad, then why don't they leave?
They could have left after the Civil War.
They could have left during Jim Crow.
Nothing is stopping niggers from controlling their own destinies.
The fact that they haven't done anything with the freedom we gave them is proof that niggers would rather complain and act like imbeciles than actually do something to improve themselves.
They wouldn't be a target for arrest if they didn't kill each other so fucking much.
>niggers have low IQs (in the retarded range)
>instead of accepting this, indoctrinated cucks assume that more social programs will somehow magically change this fact
Fuck the Negro Fellon League
>US fights the South to free slaves
>US passed 13th & 14th amendment
>US passed anti-lynching laws
>US ended segregation
>US passed Civil Rights Act
>US passed Voting Rights Act
>US passed affirmative action
And then they protest the US flag and anthem...
Fuck niggerz
Praise Kek
I wonder what the white woman did to trigger the boy...?
send those ungrateful mudafokin niggas back to Africa, watch them suffering in that shithole and begging for getting out and coming back to white civilization
It's like being abused by your parents until the age of 17, being treated nicely for a year, and then have the parents surprised when the child is not exactly appreciative as a young adult.
Affirmative action is not enough. Only reparations could truly heal the wounds from the past.
Institutional racism is stopping Blacks from controlling their destinies. It's kind of hard to control your destiny when you are forced to attend shitty schools, denied employment because of the color of your skin, and harassed by police for walking down the street.
Whites have already paid reparations through the welfare state. My family came here after slavery was illegal for decades. In fact one of my grandfathers was a first generation American and died because of injuries during WWII. Go back if hate this place so much and it is as bad you say. You are living better than 99 percent of people in all of human history (as in anyone in the Democratic West).
eat shit. niggers need to keep their hormones in check or marry their baby mommas. 70 percent of black households with children are single parent. that stat alone is the lynchpin for an entire litany of social ills to come for the average black child. black social structure is fucked and its time for white liberals to take the water wings off their minority children and let them learn to swim on their own....
>dindus go back to "da mothaland"
>realize African countries don't hand out gibmedats
>eventually go back to slavery by mining diamonds for Bongo in the Congo