Pretty surreal famalamz
Pretty surreal famalamz
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I don't know why he acts like he's done anything or can even influences Pepe in anyway anymore
That's amazing.
Pepe is the property of the deplorable darkest corners of the internet.
Pepe has no creator
Pepe is THE creator
>The hacker Sup Forums has a message for this creator of le funny frog...
>Pepe is OURS NOW
They right these articles as a gotcha! for their retarded partisan readers who don't understand the first thing about tactical memetic action.
>It’s weird that people are saying he’s been “a longtime white supremacist meme”. If anything he’d be part of the Green party. He’s a frog, why would he support white supremacists? That doesn’t make any sense.
I don't know, Hillary just made that up, you should ask her.
This desu fampai. Anyone who has the slightest clue of the culture here know that pepe is the strongest meme. He continues to adapt and surpass any other meme there is. Think about it. He was just a pants down pisser now new memes imitate him. Dat boi. Fbf. But they cannot best him. To imply that he is white supremacist is absolute ignorance. Pepe is a meme that has legit helped hold the community together. That is why Kill Shill is attacking him. We are a group that takes too much effort to split.
Who would win in a meme-off: Pepe, Baneposting, or Dubs?
Pepe, since Bane has become more niche as time goes on and is difficult for normies to understand. Dubs has actually been absorbed by pepe with KEK. Pepe has been shown to survive normie onslaught (and has been won back) and even absorbs other memes at a rate greater than Bane which makes him virtually invincable.
Pepe. Baneposting is hard to catch onto. Dubs are rare and trumped by more epic gets. Pepe is infinitely fluid.
Baneposting is retarded
>imma big guy
>for you
Wow, really fucking funny
>known furfag supports Hillary Clinton
Big surprise. Who gives a shit?
Thanks for this link, I forgot that I liked this guy's drawings a lot.
>baneposting is hard to catch on to
Do need to be reminded to breath user?
Also, check em bitch
>Baneposting is hard to catch onto
For you
fuck off
Looks like Hildawg's gonna win now.
Somebody get this hothead outta here
what a retard.
kek kill him for this
sure its hot here
>proving my point
>someonnee geet thes hot heed ouutta herr
it is a meme for children, its not even funny
nice post, have a le funni frog me-me
O fugg
Wasnt the original some weird ass diaper fetish?
artist: There is no escape! Don't make me destroy you. pepe, you do not yet realize your importance. You've only begun to discover your power! Join me, and I will complete your training! With our combined strength, we can end this destructive conflict, and bring order to the galaxy.pepe kek: [angrily] I'll never join you!artist: If only you knew the power of the Dark Side. Sup Forums never told you what happened to your father.pepe: He told me enough! He told me you killed him!artist: No, I am your father.pepe: [shocked] No. No! That's not true! That's impossible!Vader: Search your feelings; you know it to be true!pepe: NOOOOOOO! NOOOOOOOO!!!artist: pepe, you can destroy the Emperor. He has foreseen this. It is your destiny! Join me, and together, we can rule the galaxy as father and son! Come with me. It is the only way. [pepe lets go of the projection and falls into the shaft]
You may be thinking of BAWWW instead of Boys Club
>Some nobody "internet cartoonist" who drew the original image from which Pepe was eventually developed disavows Trump
Pepe doesn't even come directly from that cartoon anyway. At best, he's only the progenitor of the ancient "feels good man" and "feels bad man" trash-tier maymays.
Pepe is far too complex to have been designed by a single man. He's a genuinely indescribable entity with his own personality at this point. He may even be the son of the holiest Kek, as Jesus was to God.
This man is nothing but a heretic, and I expect that Kek will punish him too in time.
Shut up you stupid nerd
Really makes you think
that's not pepe.
this is pepe.
this, this nobody was just a vassal of pepe.
So is Pepe Hillary's David Duke now? Can we push that?
Pepe is the greatest fucking meme right next to Gondola. Look at this fucking timeline
>Feels good man
>Sad frog
>Facebook tier meme
>Straight up happening prophet of Kek
never understood the peepoo ones, seems like Sup Forums took over for a while
>even absorbs other memes at a rate greater than Bane which makes him virtually invincable.
Pepe hasn't had a professional porno made about him
Baneposting has
Do you feel in charge?
It was just /r9k/ shut ins and weirdos taking pepe into a autistic shitters perspective
Pepes lips are not friggin green!
This is utter blasphemy.
of course he does, he's a mentally ill furfag. pepe was liberated from his degenerate clutches and ascended to memehood when user discovered it.
He is the perfect meme.
>Not knowing where the meme actually came from
>Isn't informed on meme magic
Fuck off newfag
/r9k/ trying to get Pepe back from the normies by making him do disgusting things. Turns out all you really needed was some good ol' fashioned racism.
>hold, peel, eat
A subliminal recommendation for Jew circumcision.
>keep it wrapped!
Likewise for birth control, suggesting that white couples avoid conceiving.
Do not allow this Jew influence to tarnish Pepe's likeness. That which is not becoming to Kek must be shunned.
Too bad for him lel
Dubs were killed today.
>Current Year
>Not Using the Leaf Tard Filter
You tested us, mocked us for not being as proficient in shitposting as Australia, and we showed you. Canada is the greatest shitposter. The fucking leaf stole your precious digits. Never forget that.
Think you forgot smugfrog
Baneposting has manifested in reality with the most spectacular results.
Welcome to Sup Forums, redditor.
Didn't smug/mischievous Pepe come between Sad frog and Tendies?
He thinks he created pepe but in reality kek manifested himself through pepe. He was born out of chaos.
Pepe belongs to no one and everyone.
So now Hillary is going to have to argue that
>pepe the frog is a white supremacist symbol but also sometimes he's not like in the case of pepe's creator supporting me but not in the case of donald trump because trump is a white male and therefore a racist
Feels good man,
To have the artist come forward and say Hillary has labeled Pepe a symbol of Racism just to bash Trump, when if she or her camp actually researched Pepe she would be saying... This about Pepe...
"Feels good Man."
Reminds me of how immature girls act in school when they don't like the way a boy is treating them, they start to make up lies and slander the boy even though he really did nothing at all.
That's a lot of loyalty for a hired leaf
>The creator of the stoned frog and his three unambitious roommates says Pepe is ‘all about diversity’ despite the cartoon having been used in a Trump meme
>The creator of the stoned frog and his three unambitious roommates says Pepe is ‘all about diversity’ despite the cartoon having been used in a Trump meme
>The creator of the stoned frog and his three unambitious roommates says Pepe is ‘all about diversity’ despite the cartoon having been used in a Trump meme
>The creator of the stoned frog and his three unambitious roommates says Pepe is ‘all about diversity’ despite the cartoon having been used in a Trump meme
>The creator of the stoned frog and his three unambitious roommates says Pepe is ‘all about diversity’ despite the cartoon having been used in a Trump meme
Pepe is the only meme ever to have been adopted by normies and then taken back. How is that even possible? It's as if Constantinople reestablished the Roman Empire in 1400.
Pepe as a Hispanic childrens frog predates his cartoon version by at least decades
>create pepe
>denounce pepe
>years later try to capitalize on pepe
nope. pepe is ours now. kek is with us and all normies will fall
Who the fuck cares what this cunt thinks.
He does an interview every year because Pepe is always relevant. Not a big deal.
Pepe is consistently one of, if not the best part of image board culture.
i thought that pepe was a Sup Forums creation
post nazi frogs
"I'll take one for the team" is not an endorsement
>I don’t take it too seriously – I just try to take it in stride, but the thing that’s come to my attention is ... well, I didn’t know what white nationalists were until, like, yesterday. And the alt-right or whatever?
Wow so informed!
A very poor attempt to make Pepe unappealing to normies.
Unfortunately, /r9k/ is too autistic to realize that people will probably just ignore images they do not like.
Pepe is a big guy now?
lol he simply channeled kek into physical form as 'the son' pepe
>feels good man/feels bad man
>trash tier
Get fucked. Those memes, though not used as much anymore, are part of chan meme history and are anything but trash tier
You need to die with that shit reboot
he stole pepe from some Italian disco song from the 80
When pepe was just gaining traction in 2012-2013ish, I remember lots of people going out of their way to reply to pepe pictures just to comment "god damn that frog is so fucking smug." Pepe's smug expression is so timeless and universal, he has this mysterious ability to trigger anyone who scrolls by his picture long enough to stop and gaze into his smug grin. No other meme has come close to how immediate of a reaction out of people Pepe consistently provokes. People feel the need to respond to a post with Pepe just to acknowledge that his visage made them stop scrolling through the thread.
Hillary is just memeing herself now
>talking smack about Pepe
You know he's saying he'll vote Hillary so he doesn't get murdered.
>It’s just funny. People are taking it really seriously and it’s a damn cartoon frog.
>It’s weird on some level but it’s more entertaining than anything.
>Baneposting crashed a plane with no survivors
>Pepeposting is influencing American presidential elections
What the fuck happens next? The Finnish MEP actually starts talking in spurdoish?
Most 4channers and memers are normies for not knowing the based comics that Matt Furie makes.
He's not even dismissing pepe. He's actually a fan of the iterations and weird rare pepes that exist. It's like his ''peing calvin'' or ''truckin'' guy from r crumb. Pepe is now an icon beyond his control..
Sure hilary is trying to poise that pepe is racist and probably paid him a lot for this little article... but you cant diss this guy. He makes some of the best art in the comics scene today
our pepe is legally distinct from his shit
also, what a cuck
The cartoonist didn't create Pepe. Kek merely manifested himself through the cartoonist's hand.
Much in the way Mary did not create Jesus, but was simply the vessel through which he was carried.
FEELS marked the beginning and became the hallmark of the 2009-2013 meme Dark Age. Feelsbadman frogposters have always been cancerous. Possibly the most cancerous in our history.