Hi I'm here to apply for citizenship into the white ethnostate

>Hi I'm here to apply for citizenship into the white ethnostate

Other urls found in this thread:


>unzips dick

You mean "zipper", dumbass.

Wow looks like one of your parents is black!!

Looks like you'll have to stay in America with the mongrel hordes

>current year
>not having a zipper dick
For shame.

>that newfag smell



what kind of dick do you have

hey newfag

Close enough.

maybe his penis was caught in his zipper and he wanted to take it out?

sure why not.

*unzips katana*
you're gonna regret ever having crossed me kiddo, heh
*teleports behind you*

Fucking hate that bitch.

Cool, just check the handy-dandy chart to see if you're eligible. Otherwise you have to go back.

Check the nipples

If its brown, flush it down.

Nah bruh

America 60% white

>Why does your girlfriend have brown eyes and black forearm hair? How did that untermensch even get in? Gross.

I just don't get it. Is "unzip" slang for some racist bullshit?

> dat hybrid vigor
> mfw

This is half your fault Pedro

Welcome! We have a special camp just for you, nice and warm..

does it say anything about slavs?

Punctuation marks go inside quotes, dumbass.

Thanks to us the white hispanics you are 72% white, check it

wew lads, who is she?

Mixed race people are so beautiful

Slavs were presumably a whole different deal, like coloreds.

Potato nigger , How you become rich.

That is true but only becauase of the (((expanding definition))) of what it takes to be (((white)))

ok, well just need to see if your nipples are pink and you will receive your orientation packet

White is a person who has european roots. Like Spanish or British, usually has more talent and IQ than the shitskins and chinks

Jasmine Sanders

thanks senpai, I'm slim muscular with a 6 inch penis. And one of the most asymmetrical faces on the planet. People sort of look down on me because my phenotype clearly shows im black, but I have 5000 year of Western Tradition on my mind.
It's pretty fucking amazing.

>Women are irrelevent


Except we're not faggots.

But are you black or white?

denied, back to the forbidden zone you go

>If women

Yes, you are

Both, baby.
Are you Amerindian, or White?
That's why the word Mestizo exist, are you some some sort of faux Mexican?

Learn to speak English before coming on this board, foreign rat.

You Aussie fucks never cease to amaze.

Really what is the secret formula to shitposting?

So conflicted

I speak english, so stfu. Come back at me when you learn atleast 5 different languages

your basically white, come on in. you want some fruit and vegetables, our starbucks.

What do you think, 1/8th black or 1/16th?

>5 different languages
How tolerant and multiculti of you, faggot. We speak English here.

>cartilage piercing

Get the fuck out.

fucking retard thats a kiwi not an aussie. Don't insult us like that.

Ok, we'll just need to administer the nipple test and you'll be on your way.



No more pics. This sexy little mud blood is going to make me break nofap


Did i imply otherwise? Now go back to tmblr grammer whore

That literally took my breath away

fucking new fag gtfo


>be me
I've been here longer than you n****r.


>>Hi I'm here to apply for citizenship into the white ethnostate
And pic related is Japanese, GTFO


>proud daughter of a barracks whore

Damn it. Shes blacked. Kill it.

Look at this years winner, see a pattern? When you look up (((who))) runs the beauty pageants there you won't be surprised.

>Punctuation marks go inside quotes, dumbass

Always true for American English, not always true for British English. Technically retarded to put punctuation inside quotes, as the punctuation is about the sentence, not the quoted text.

>maybe his penis was caught in his zipper and he wanted to take it out?

great, now you have triggered my ptsd.

What the fuck are you talking about, psycho?

If she got bleached, I bet her babies would look 100% white.

Like Colonel Sanders?

The Extra-Crispy Colonel?

What do you want, Sup Forums gold? you nigger

tar is almost removed.

She is clearly 85% white or more.

Her progeny will be completely white in a few generations.

Application accepted.

Fucking super uber neo newfriend. That meme is probably as old as you nigger, or at least as old as your pubes. Now get back to lurking and quit posting until you stop being a faggot.

>nigger lips
>nappy nigger hair
no thanks

>That meme is probably as old as you nigger, or at least as old as your pubes.

I kek'd but then realized this could be true.

>tfw two year anniversary of Sup Forums Harbour is a few months away

She can apply and be accepted, but cannot breed. Simple as that

you arent a white blonde master race like me so no

Screw race.
Will she be a net benefit to the state?


Ehh, more like 60%. I'm about 80% (black grandmother) and I basically look like a Pale Ashkenazi Jew.


Breed her with a white guy and pair off the children with more whites.

Also i'd fuck it.

Well don't just stand there!

Assume the position by the desk

I'm about to test our semen-egg compatibility

Battle Toads

Welcome to Sup Forums!

You qualify for seamstress work in one of our all-female labor facilities where you will make military uniforms.

Posts a fucking bottle blond.....

the japanese people must be fucking pissed about this one.

they all know PILs are sub-japanese

I'm OK with this

Would fucking smash. Unique-looking cutie. My type of bitch. Gaddam nigga.

She is basically white.

Come right in.

Just sign this waiver signifying you understand you have no voting rights, and stop by that clinic on the right to receive your sterilization treatment.

Thanks for choosing Nu-Europa and enjoy your residency!

>Suicidal regression in action


step into this office please.

Find her a man with blue eyes and a small forehead and their kids will be 11s

master race reporting in

If only all blacks looked like that. Race mixing wouldn't even be a problem anymore.

I'll give you second-class citizenship and required sterilization

You don't look too pure to me, bet there's at least a drop of black blood in you