He wasn't that bad, desu.
He wasn't that bad, desu
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Invasion of Iraq is the biggest political blunder in American history.
also coups that destabilized (for example, 1953 iran coup) middle east
also supporting hurka durka islamists against the Soviet Union was a really huge mistake. was it worth it, faggot?
If that hadn't happened, Democrats would still be blaming him for leaving Saddam Hussein in power.
you don't know shit idiot, sage
You're right user, he ruined two countries and set the stage to allow the migration of millions of sand people into western countries. And it only cost the American taxpayer over a trillion dollars!
You can always tell the underage b& on this board - they have absolutely no understanding of the Cold War.
There is nothing wrong with communism.
Your country is, however, a problem. Rest of the world has to nuke your shithole to get rid of your Jewish/Capitalist tyranny
Because who gives a shit about dead civilians right?
>implying he had a choice
W was probably a cool guy to party with in his 20's, but he's a shit president and a tool of the globalists.
but Muslims died
1. Botched the War on (Islamic) Terror by invading Iraq and getting us stuck in that quagmire.
2. Pretty much the definition of cuckservative when it came to immigration. If/when Texas turns blue it will largely be his fault.
He was never the idiot or evil warmonger that the media portrayed him as, but he still made bad decisions in office that grievously harmed the country.
True, but we would still be in a better position than we are now.
Compared to who? Obongo? Not saying much.
He wasn't an outright fucking traitor at least, that's about all he had going for him.
Actually that quote is false, what Paul Warburg said was "whether WE like it or not". He was making a prediction, not a threat. Or do you think that literally who is a global overlord?
He's the reason we'll get 16 years of democrats in a row so that's cool I guess.
They were already getting killed by Saddam
Worst president ever
>cops die in Dallas
>Bush dances
Nah he was always pretty stupid which is why he made stupid decisions.
Minus when he knocked down the towers and caused a massive war in the middle east and took a fat shit on the bill of rights he was pretty okay
>Got bamboozled by snake oil Neocon kikes into destroying the middle east
>Is an amnesty cuck
Fuck Bush
The absolute shittiest thing to happen to this country. At least when Pearl Harbor happened and we went to war, America improved in the following decades. But after what that cunt did? It got worse. You can say whatever you want about Obama, just remember that Jr is the reason we've had him for 8 years and are most likely going to have Hillary for another 8
Fuck off Vassal
I liked bush. He was a dumbass but he seemed to genuinely care for America and the American people and always seemed to do what he thought was right. Or at the very least he was good at pretending.
If we don't count the economy, murder and conspiracy against humanity...
Bush will face a court martial in my life time and will get a death sentence.
Your correction doesnt change the meaning of the quote.
>two pointless wars
>mass surveillance, empowered the national-security state
>passed massive new medicare entitlement
worst president since at least Nixon
>this will be the last Republican President in our lifetimes
Feels bad
>There is nothing wrong with communism
wew lad
Whats your education level? I'm guessing you don't know much history.
>There is nothing wrong with communism.
go to hell mahmud
I don't see Iraq invading or firing scud missles into neighbouring countries anymore
>bush crime family
Retards like you need to be sterilized.
Every time I see him I think of a joke my mom used to tell me.
>Aide comes in
>"Mr. President there was a bombing in Rio de Janeiro, 20 Brazilians were killed"
>Bush puts his hands on his hand and looks at his aide
>"My God, how many is a Brazilian?"
Trump disagrees
> so unpopular that democrats won the next election with a landslide in the house and senate
> destroyed his own party causing obamacare and all other obama shenanigans
America supported that.
you were born im guessing between 92-2000
Yeah, Muslims died but because we destabilized the region we now have sand niggers invading Europe. We cannot allow are hatred towards fucking muslims blind are judgment but do not worry, the fucking sand niggers will met their end one day.
Who here thinks he was in on the NWO scheme from the beginning, or manipulated into it until he was in too deep?
>not republican
If he was cheated into supporting anything he should show some spine and publicly annihilate them instead of this cowardice
There was a clear, honest aura with W. I miss that. He is just a scapegoat a ton of shit got blamed on by the Obongo administration along with the anti republican media.
Bush pushed the "islam is totally peaceful, guys" meme, which makes him an ignorant fag and/or Saudi shill, and a bad president.
Whats with mericlaps and Nixon hate? Yeah watergate was deplorable but besides that he was pretty based.
you mean the guy that held the middle east together?
>deleted 18 mind of tape, basically fired.
>deleted 30,000 emails runs for office.
Under George W. Bush the Twin Towers fell.
Iraq was destroyed because of his administration's lies setting the stage for the rise of ISIS.
We've lost thousands of lives and trillions of dollars.
The entire Middle East has been destabilized.
Personally I think he's one of the best Presidents of the 20th century, but Watergate give him a bad reputation.
I'm surprised that a Chilean of all people would like Nixon. Then again you are the type to be on Sup Forums.
It's become an indestructible meme, but Iraq was literally less deadly than Chicago.
The worst thing is how he refused to defend himself, his allies, and his supporters in the face of the most vile slander from insane leftists and opportunistic Democrats (like Hillary and Kerry who were all for the Iraq war until it became unpopular). He would always go back to that Cuck-Christian "forgive your enemies" bullshit and leave his friends twisting in the wind.
>Yeah watergate was deplorable
guy was literally using the national-security apparatus to undermine his opponents. That's one step from totalitarianism. It's absolutely unforgivable.
Also he tried to fight inflation by imposing price and wage controls. Economic illiterate.
He just covered it up. He never ordered any of it, there is no proof of that.
And how do we know that trump will be better? He can talk but will he do?
>He just covered it up
as if that's not just as bad.
sub 100 IQ. The guy was a fucking stoner retard.
That was just a rumor that his haters invented back in the day, the funny thing is that a lot of people still believes that and takes it as a fact.
But hes still shit desu.
Actually he did do that, he had the secret service spying on Ted Kennedy which is confirmed in the tapes. The thing he covered up he technically did not order but one of his lackeys did who he gave a blank check to help him get elected.
Fun fact most of the neocons actually got their start irl trolling for Nixon in his second presidential run doing things like releasing rats during press releases. Ordering hundreds of pizzas sent to their hotels, changing schedule, fake press releases the works. People on Sup Forums should look it up they would most likely find it highly amusing it killed everyone campaigns that year.
>maintain the fucking constitution
>be true american
Despite some of the fuckeries at least the goddamn Constitution was upheld. Can't say the same for whatever the fuck comes next I'm sure we will all be surprised where memetic magic takes us. I just pray that the Chaos takes hold the cucks and faggots need to learn how to be fucking useful people and not just NPC fuckin robots but I seriously doubt it senpai
He lied the American people into one of our greatest national blunders in history.
He's easily in the top 5 worst presidents.
>patriot act circa 2001
>upholding the constitution
he trusted the War Jews
You don't become POTUS by being a retard.
Watch him speak before developing the fake accent. He's an eloquent guy.
In contrast to the current administration and upcoming election? I almost miss Dubya.
He was most definitely not ready to be a war time president though and I think the Iraq invasion weighs pretty heavily upon him.
>Top 5 worst?
He was so bad, that America actually voted a black man into office.
Really makes you ponderousa doesnt it?
He was great. But back then the media could tell you someone was terrible every day for 8 years and it would work.
His presidency and the rise of shitty comedy political shows made the GOP, conservatism, and the right laughing stocks. Incredibly damaging to the party and gave rise to the radical left and Obama taking over
He wasn't a bad person, but he made the fatal error of letting the GOP establishment pack his inner cabinet with a bunch of fucking sociopaths with their own agendas.
One imagines how things might have turned out differently if he'd replaced Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Rove with some actually decent folks before taking office.
I look at the way Bush reacted to the 9/11 attacks and everything that happened after, and I don't see a bad guy, what I see is a guy in over his head, trying to do right and do the best job he could, and unfortunately getting nothing but terrible advice from the people who were supposed to be helping him run the country.
Yes, yes he was.
dem thighs
Ok you got me there. I'm going back to Sup Forums where the faggots unite
>He was most definitely not ready to be a war time president though and I think the Iraq invasion weighs pretty heavily upon him.
This, I think, pretty definitively sums up the difference between how I feel about W vs how I feel about Obama.
Both did a crappy-to-just-barely-mediocre job of running the country... but at least you get the impression that Bush regrets the mistakes he made, that he wishes he could have done things different or done things better. W is the kind of guy I imagine is kept awake at night by his decisions.
I don't get that vibe off of Obama, or Hillary for that matter. They strike me as the kind of people who live completely without regret because they're convinced that every decision they make is the right one, regardless of the consequences or who their decisions affect negatively.