Army USAREC just rejected my heath waiver for some specious-ass reasons.
Tomorrow I'm going to the Marine recruiter, unless Sup Forums has a better way for me to serve my nation.
>but the military is a tool of the jews
You're all tools of the jews.
Army USAREC just rejected my heath waiver for some specious-ass reasons.
Tomorrow I'm going to the Marine recruiter, unless Sup Forums has a better way for me to serve my nation.
>but the military is a tool of the jews
You're all tools of the jews.
Other urls found in this thread:
>health waver
might as well work at wal mart, you ain't getting in
The army dragged that shit out of me over the course of over a year. The Marines aren't getting a whisper out of me.
Man-child, literally being a NEET and posting on Sup Forums all day does more to serve your nation.
Working fast food does more to serve your nation.
The military has been a tool to undermine the security of our nation since WW2. Considering the only reason is needed, is in an insecure world.
Learn a trade little nigger.
Electrician, pipefitting, elevator tech. Set for fucking life.
>Tomorrow I'm going to the Marine recruiter,
you think they won't see the Army rejected you?
Dumbass. You do know branches of the military share information, and they will find that shit out at MEPS anyway, where you will be dishonorable discharged for trying to lie
His problem is the Armed Forces have been slimming down and getting rid of a lot of people.
All recruits are being held to high standards right now.
You opened your mouth as MEPS, didn't you? Didn't your recruiter tell you to keep your fucking mouth shut? Should have listened.
>Health waiver (ever)
>peacetime, when they get to hand pick the cream of the crop
Thats not entirely true, Hitler grabbed land like any faggot conquerer in history, he wasnt the good guy, but he also wasnt entirely wrong. The US spent the better part of decades fighting communism. The issue is more so the lobbying power of foreign governments, international banks, and corporations.
>complaining about petty bullshit all day is just as useful as contributing to the defense of the entire Western world
Get fucked self-satisfied sedentary faggots.
Plenty of time for that shit later. I'm young and still useful to someone besides my own self betterment.
The military is destabilizing the world, you moron.
>serve my nation
noun: nation; plural noun: nations
a large aggregate of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.
There is no such thing as an American nation. If you actually want to serve your nation you should be taking action against the feds. Not becoming their little slave.
>thinks planet Earth needs help being unstable
Wew lad
I am the cream of the crop by every metric the military gauges. Got fucked over by a series of paperwork fuckups.
Biggest mistake was telling the sergeant that I have college credits.
Yeah, you fucked up. They scared you with the whole $30,000 fine spiel and everything, I bet.
Your best bet is to apply again when there's a war on and their standards are more lax. Maybe try to go reserves or guard.
>contributing to the defense of the entire Western world
>go fight wars that triggers massive islamic immigration into europe and while you die in some sandbox Juanito and his five brothers will cross the border and gangbang your wife while voting in socialist regimes
Patriotard pls.
I'm almost at that point.
I'm rapidly coming close to two options, either I sign up to be a military officer and likely get the fun, fun, fun job of being the middleman for tech companies or I decide having a career as a white male programmer is impossible and kill myself.
I dunno, the next life could be fun.
On the other side, I could be a lieutenant! You cunts will have to refer to my rank.
You may want to wait and see how the election turns out senpai. If hillary manages to win some how then I'm not sure you want to be apart of the military.
I did the same thing with Obamas first election and I'm glad I didn't join. I know a lot of vets and they're all saying that the US military is falling apart from the inside out. It's not what it used to be. Not even close.
>they will find that shit out at MEPS anyway
The only shit they find out at MEPS is what you tell them.
>where you will be dishonorable discharged for trying to lie
Never heard of this happening even once. Half the faggots at reception when I shipped to basic started trying to get out of it for faggot reasons like that and they were like "nope, too bad, you signed the dotted line, you're going to basic training"
Fucking fight me.
>reserves or guard
Hole lee fcuk that is bad advice.
>literally aspies, retards, weekend badasses and retired leos
>never make rank until someone dies
>shit tier training
>actually a hindrance in wartime
What is your health issue?
He can't stop chugging cocks
That isn't edgy that's the truth.
>Dependent on the state for your livelihood
Honestly not any better than relying on social services. At least then you're not actively fucking the globe so Jews can play their war games.
Why don't you join the postal service instead, 16$ an hour and get to go home and have freedoms
I'll serve whoever wins. That's how our society works.
Join the Coast Guard
They're too desperate to reject anyone.
>Rejected by Army
>Maybe the Marines will have lower standards!
This is true autism logic right here.
That doesn't bother the military anymore.
Nothing that would stop me from serving, though Doc felt otherwise.
This and completely this
T.9 years in the military as an electrician and none of that time counts so im starting all over
God i regret my life decisions
What MOS are you trying to get? 03 series?
USAF is better for post-service employment
Not good enough bubba, tell me your health issue. BMI?
uhhhh it all goes through the same place. MEPS is for army, navy, marines, air force and coast guard lol. Same thing when you take the ASVAB: it can be used for all 5.
The military is downsizing big time. Lowest raises in history expected in January. Trump'll expand the military. try to join again next year.
What the fuck compelled you to write that?
Are you mixed race?
Trades are redpill tier.
But it takes wisdom to know it and that's what op is lacking. He still wants to be a cowadooty sniper.
I had been going 11b+ in the army. I might just go for officer in the Marines, seems like the only way to get my times' worth.
Longest 13 months of my life.
What about trades before military?
College degree vs. Trade certification
How will it affect rank?
This. Although fiscal year starts in October 1
Police, Fire, EMT?
kek this user just called op a fatbody
It's not about serving whoever. It's about joining at a time that's actually useful to the nation.
Right now our military is at its weakest point in decades thanks to the current administration and if Hillary wins it will only get worse. If you want to join something that's crumbling then go right ahead. I'm just offering a piece of advise I've learned through people I know who have been there and done it. But you may want to see how the future of the country is likely to shape out to be before you sign yourself away for several years
What was the waiver for?
>You're all tools of the jews.
Was I too inept to join the work force?
Did I have my eyes set on those 'muh benefits'?
Do I take joy in leeching the tax payer's money to make Israel a safe space for your Jewish masters?
Insomnia when I was 19. Doc prescribed me crazy pills I never took. Note was attached to a note for stitches I got form a bike accident. My sergeant was the joke of the station for letting me put it though.
Biggest fuckup of my life.
>muh active hooah hooah ranger bar
oh hey sorry, didn't mean to trigger you, hero; I wouldn't want to imply that your countless hours spent hiding from NCOs in the motor pool or getting out of work 6 days a month to go to doctors appointments haven't made you the pinnacle of our war-fighting capabilities.
God forbid you work a real job and have to live like an adult 28 days out of the month.
>never make rank until someone dies
That's only the national guard. Reserves system is closer to active duty.
Anyway, more importantly my point is if he gets into the reserve component then transferring into the active component is a matter of paperwork and finding a unit that will take him.
>tfw ive worked on power generating equipment most people never will touch in their life yet im working with punk aprentices.
Its so hard not to drink at night guys
>actually defending the reserve military
LOL reserve e-5 fatass detected
God you're a fucking faggot. I'd rather be speaking Commie right now than having someone like you in the military.
Marine ROTC? Or you already have a bachelors? Why did you decide to choose infantry when at the Army recruiter? What exactly do you want?
Dont even bother with the military unless you do state national guard. That way if a job gives u flak about doing reserve time u can have your CO call the governor and ask him to call your company an ask your boss why their fucking with his private militia
>getting butthurt
guess again
The US army is actually, literally used as a tool of Israel though. Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria... WWII... (WWIII) ect. Those are all for Israel. The US is Israel actual irl bitch. As in, you're going to lose all your freedom to the military and to the jews by extension and be subject to all sorts of dehumanizing shit, special meds and possible radiation all types of things and then after that you might still die before going home. All directly for the jews , you'll see your friends going through the same shit for these evil jews it will crush your soul.
The world is run by a jewish banking cartel, they own the federal reserve and Israel bosses us the DoD around, easily because there are many people in the US government who are loyal to Israel first. Our country is fucked from all directions
the worst part?
WWIII is probably starting, and you don't even know who our president will be yet (not that it really matters see above)
don't join the military, that is my advice to you
Go Marines brother. Best ass fuck I've ever had.
The corps is gay as fuck, but based as fuck.
There used to be a program where you could take your journeyman's certificate, go to basic, and become a specialist. I'm not sure they have done that since the late 80's or early 90's.
Just do your part and watch them fuck up along the way.
I was going infantry because I didn't have my degree at the time and was more than happy to leave school early to enlist. Took them long enough that I'm qualified for OCS.
I'm not stoked on yelling at 19 year olds all day, but that seems to be what's expected of me.
This thread is my first cogent thought after hearing from the sergeant. Sorry if it's not very coherent.
I don't rely on "social services" or welfare, Australia isn't a welfare state unless you're a refugee (yeah it's a little fucked). Someone born here and stuck at their parents as a NEET is only really eligible for job seekers allowance, which means applying to shitloads of jobs in a week.
Last time I did that I got blacklisted for applying too many times at IT agencies. There is literally nothing set up in Australia to help graduates who can't find work, the expectation is that graduates aren't struggling to find work and that anyone educated is either lazy or not educated enough. It's exactly the "white men can't be discriminated against so all this discrimination clearly can't be happening" thing.
Plenty of people pretend they've been homeless for 6 months for rent assist or sign up for bullshit courses for aus-study allowance. People doing the job seeker thing are probably just pretending too, I see it as it's one thing to sap the system, it's another thing to deceive it.
Look, my life sucks. I just want a job, but of course we need more women and minorities in STEM instead. No one is willing to even admit its hard to get a job as a white man and those that do basically pretend it's not a big problem.
If the only people willing to get me a job are the armed forces, I definitely don't want to do it but I will anyway.
Yeah but if he has a journeymans he will make way more on the outside.
Sup Forums needs you. Will you answer the call?
Israel is just a honeypot for kikes. We pay for them to be there, under fire, hated globally, spit on, stabbed, surrounded so that we don't have to put up with their shit here.
Israel is just an American colony in the Middle East.
Why did tell them that?
Also, doesn't matter they would have caught in boot or a-school.
If you can't rack out in daylight with arty firing in order to get some rest before a patrol, you are useless to the platoon.
Sorry for your loss.
wow pretty edgy post user tell us more from your smegma-fumigated basement
Yeah but boss man asks why i didnt try to stop it. I tell him i did, he didnt listen
Cool thing though that as soon as i get my card boss man says ill be a foreman
They caught the stitches at MEPS, sent me back for doctors notes. Escalated from there.
Holy fuck that is some weak shit.
You got robbed and it's also in the system now. No boot camp for you bro, I actually sorry.
Now go be a sparky and join a fucking union.
Sure it is... which is why we just gave them 38 billion.
I guessed I skipped when my history class covered the day the British crown was going to impose a tariff but instead chose to give the colonies 38 billion for good behavior
That's not how it works. All the jews aren't in Israel , many are in the government in Wallstreet in the banks they set policy and have you ever asked yourself why you're in the Middle East in the first place. Why we ACTUALLY entered WWII? Answer Israel or the founding thereof
Sparky life for me!
Dude listen to me, go learn a trade. Then join national guard that way with ibew (electricians union) and reserve retirement you will have 4 different retirements set up for u.
>doctors notes
That's MEPS code for "We never want to see this person again because we hate having to do our jobs, so let's send him on an impossible quest for shit that he probably has no chance of tracking down."
Sucks that they caught the stitches. Should have waited for it to heal and say it was just a bad gash from falling off a bike or some shit.
Falling off your bike doesn't lead to insomnia unless you connect the dots.
>I hurt my leg
>Got pills
>Got better
Fuck I even played off flat feet and asthma as nothing.
Marines > Air Force > Army
>turned down by the Army
>wants to be a Marine
Yeah. Doesn't work that way.
Basically, Army is the branch that takes EVERYONE. If Army doesn't take you, the other branches aren't touching you.
Yes, in military equipment.
What a bargain. We get a forward outpost in the middle east on the cheap and provide almost none of the manpower.
Israel is a big prank on the European jews and nothing more. Like if we told all the Scientologists they could have Uganda.
Congratulations, you have to build and hold down Uganda!
now you're shitposting with gas
this is obviously some fairytale you tell yourself to find some sleep at night
>crazy pills
OP is a dishonest faggot. Probably has a mental disorder
You have been black listed.
Make a thread tomorrow and tell us how this idea failed.
Plan on going to Air Force and going CCT when i finish college. I know it's hard as shit but I want to do it.
I am majoring in Criminal Justice and IT.
Good or bad decision Sup Forums
Why don't you join the postal service instead, 16$ an hour and get to go home and have freedoms
Will do, boss.
>I am majoring in Criminal Justice
Thats what i was gonna do before flunking out and joining the Corps
How are those math classes going?
What if I told you that Israel was a based conservative state. That loves America but doesn't trust us?
And that they absolutely hate leftist pukeshits too? And have plenty of them there as well?
Leftist ideology is a disease that infects all people, not some trick of the kikes. Israel is the last attempt at European colonization.
It might still go the way of South Africa, but I fucking hope not. Do YOU want all those kikes coming here to jew you?
OP take it from me. I'm guessing you are somewhere between the ages of 18-21. I'm about 10 years older. If I could go back in time, I would've either learned a skilled trade or enlisted in a cake job in the air force or navy. A cake job that would have job prospects coming out of it. I wouldn't recommend falling for the college meme or the "surve muh country" meme. As soon as you start working, save as much money as you can. Spend as little as possible while saving as much as possible. Don't be like other dipshits your age who get a piddly paycheck at the end of the week and blow it all on a weekend of binge drinking and clubbing. They are your main competition in life and you could get a head start if you avoid being one of those dipshits.
Don't mind the flag, I'm American.
Biggest problem with Air Force SF is that if you fuck up, you wash into the general Security Force population. You don't even get to go Airborne like Army SF washouts.
If you can get it though, it sounds like an excellent gig.
Have fun with whatever job they pick for you when you wash out of their 90% wash out rate pipeline!
Are you an athlete now? As in, do you run miles now and are you in great shape now?
If you are not an athlete right at this moment do not bother. Go Air Traffic Control instead.
spoiler alert, if you join the military you have acknowledged that you have failed to survive in the real world, and are a loser
just work at walmart or mc-ds, youll get more useful experience than you will in the military
Have peanut allergy. 18 going to community college, thinking about joining the navy. Doable? Or is coast guard better
Coast Guard recruiters do not exist
OP you fucked up they won't take you if they see you were prescribed crazy pills. The other branches aren't going to touch you either.