Why do millennials play videogames and watch anime past the age of 18?
Shouldn't they be working a job so they can settle down to raise a family?
Why do millennials play videogames and watch anime past the age of 18?
Shouldn't they be working a job so they can settle down to raise a family?
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Why the fuck should they raise a family, let alone want one?
>Why am I a 35 year old NEET
Why not?
>Soe now has gauges
>and tattoos
she has truly ruined herself
Feminist women and honorless men
Jews manipulate it all with the media
There is literally nothing wrong with watching anime.
Because having a family nowadays laves absolutely no reward.
Wife will leave with half the assets, kids will potentially grow degenerate. It's an all lose/lose situation.
why not both
I have no interest in working hard since I'm minimalistic and I don't want to raise a family. Too much effort.
>why do people have fun past the age of 18
Why are you browsing a Chinese cartoon board past the age of 18?
You don't turn a ho into a housewife, and all millennial females are disgusting sluts. Why bother with worthless cunts?
>discard hobbies you actually like so you can slave away for a system that hates you like a good shabbos goyim
o i am laffin.
That 90+ guy whore does game show commentary?
Also great to see your daily pasta OP
Video games are a drug in the sense that they simulate achieving something. In fact, they simulate achieving multiple things at once coupled with escapism.
However, when you turn it off, you realize you've just been staring at a screen for a few hours and your achievements turned off with it.
One of the hardest redpills for people to swallow is that video games are complete wastes of time.
James, STOP POSTING IN Sup Forums
having hobbies and engaging in recreational activity helps keep one sane and does not preclude having a job
Because of youth unemployment and because of the growing tendency of marrying later in life.
With no job, wife or kids, you have a lot of time in your hands.
>video games
>One of the hardest redpills for people to swallow is that life is a complete waste of time.
ftfy fampai
Everything is a waste of time
If you spend time doing anything that you enjoy without any direct benefit, you have wasted your time. Protected sex, watching television, going for ice cream, etc
This desu. I laugh at the stormfags rage here.
>get a job
>marry some bitch
>she cheats on you
>get divorced
>lost half of the money you worked your ass off to make
Haha fuck you I'd rather watch japanese cartoons and play violent videogames.
Why should they in the first place? It's a waste of time and resources.
Life is a drug in the sense that it simulates achieving something. In fact, it simulates achieving multiple things at once coupled with misery.
However, when you die, you realize you've just been working your life away and your achievements died off with you.
One of the hardest redpills for people to swallow is that life is a complete waste of time.
This is the common response from video game cucks.
I asked what was essentially OP's question on Sup Forums and it was full of
>well nothing really matters anyway
>why should a I care about the world or anything but myself?
>We're all going to die
In other words, video game fans are just total fucking losers who have nothing invested in this world and carry their self worth with no dignity.
>have a family and kids so tyron have mixed spawns
top kek
Good goy.
>This is the common response from video game cucks.
Because it's true.
I'm advocating actually being a man and cultivating your life to something worth leaving a legacy, and you think that's a Jewish ploy?
FFS, no wonder whites just take it up the ass from Jews and their birth rates are declining.
Keep telegraphing that you validate your life by being a living robot. I'm sure that'll show those vidja gaem kids who is boss.
Reminder it is all James fault
>I define what being a man is
>Cultivating your life to something worth leaving a legacy
We're busy experiencing life and banging cosplay qts. Life's long, while it you're young. Have fun with that newborn and 4/10 wife you 19 yr old cuck bitch.
Video games can supposedly help with keeping your brain healthy and I've heard can prevent alzheimers and probably other similar diseases. Not just video games obviously, but things like puzzles too.
The thing that gets me is a lot of the people that shit on video games watch TV/movies or read for just about the same amount of time. All of them, and other forms of entertainment and hobbies, are ultimately wastes of time and it's stupid to single out one of them.
who is she? she looks cute
>However, when you turn it off, you realize you've just been staring at a screen for a few hours and your achievements turned off with it.
What the fuck are you doing right now?
how is soe so fucking cute?
Why bother when Boomers let liberals in power and they'll just suck that family dry and then destroy it?
Video games used to serve more of a purpose in telling a story or teaching a lesson or providing an experience. Thus games would have a lifespan only as long as needed to achieve the purpose.
Competitive multiplayer gaming has unfortunately prolonged the life of each game and spawned an infinite grind of players jumping into a fracas to burn away hours achieving things that have little to no bearing on the real world. Even the gains in teamwork and communication skills can go unnoticed in the struggle to continue the praise for the god of self with earning cosmetic items and ego boosting ranks.
James + her being whored out to daybreak and blizzard = Notice me rabbi levels of money hunger
>why are women choosing immigrants over us?
>why isn't anyone doing anything about all the rape?!
>why can't I get a gf?
>why do we just let minorities step all over us?
If nothing matters, just stop having political opinions because who cares about some beta who isn't willing to change anything but INSISTS he have an opinion?
I'm guessing you guys also jerk off to Nazi Germany and Hitler yet completely fail to meet his standards.
That blizzard logo reminds me of the al-nusra logo.
Why do you constantly post threads about millennials?
>Video games used to serve more of a purpose in telling a story or teaching a lesson or providing an experience
Hello Naughty Dog. When's your next movie coming out?
I work, live on my own, and pay my dues to society. What I do in my free time is up to me, providing it isn't illegal.
If you don't like it that's tough faggot.
They've always been shit. Fuck off. Gaming is much more fun these days.
I have a job. And I like the money I get from it.
Why is that hard for you to understand? Or are women not as "liberated" as they thought, working every barista and waiting job in town?
Jon made a wise choice.
The answer to women being reckless is men being respectable enough as men to wrangle them back into place.
Women live their lives based on social capital. If being a slut isn't shamed, they'll be a slut. If Chads start disliking slutty women, they will feel shame about it and stop doing it because it makes them less sexually desired.
No one gives a shit if some twinky beta goes "W-women a-are too slutty" because no woman cares enough to change who she is to fuck him.
Reread that last sentence, because that completely sums up the problem and the solution.
yea fuck the system. taking our monies and giving to geezers for viagra or so they can give their social security checks to televangelist.
i propose that when the boomers are all dead we open up water treatment facilities near graves and dump raw sewage on them 2 times a month and all history books will have 3 full chapters about the worst generation the boomers
>he argued on Sup Forums
>being a man
Completely subjective and meaningless. You don't get to define what makes a man. Sorry. Couldn't give a shit about legacy. I'm here for a good time.
>my name is Jon
>this hits a little too close to home
Why are you even here?
>being a man
top kek. Only numales say this because it validates them being effeminite faggots.
Reminds me of a post where someone explained that numales try to destroy masculinity so they can call it a social construct or subjective, so that they, being failures as men, are no longer held to a standard and everyone can be failures like them.
Patricia wasnt that bad, Jon is really a shitlord
Because I like to have fun and unwind after work. what am I supposed to do after work, lift weights? build a shed? read the Bible?
Its just an endless cycle of no-fun with the anti-videogame crowd. People have fun in different ways. yeah, some people overdo it but that happens with every hobby or past-time.
I have a job and still play vidya in my free time. Why should i hamve a family and kids? Salarys here are too small for comfortable living with kids and girl, most woman here want only money(recent survey says that 65% woman are literal golddigers), divorce rate is more than 50%, kids always stay with mother, so what is the point? Ok even i find good girl(1 chance of 100) i will doom my children to live in this fucked up world and in this crumbling country. And the last thing - i dont like woman, relationship and society. Why bother?
Answer my question. What the fuck are you doing right now?
You complain about people playing games and staring at a screen for hours, yet you're doing the same exact shit by finger-wagging at people who are not meeting your expectations.
The internet is as much of a drug as the vidya you're whinging about.
One of the hardest redpills to swallow is that shitposting on a taiwanese crocheting board and being a complete fucking hypocrite to boot is a waste of time.
Boy that's a hot straw man you're arguing against there. But hey let me give you the low down: Any standards, expectations, or value you place on the events in your life are entirely arbitrary and tied to your individual perception thereof. You either can not or will not consider the fact that other people with differing mentalities about what has value and what does not might have drawn that conclusion due to their own personal experiences.
Let me tell you a little secret: Calling Nihilists "losers" or "worthless" is basically telling them exactly what they already believe. Bitching at them and insulting them does nothing. Until you understand the fundamental process by which people fail to find value in living life in the way that you believe is right then you will never be able to communicate with them.
But even Chads these days are effeminate fags that worship women and give women everything on a platinum platter. So there is no solution at this point.
Actually, the average gamer, when mobile gaming is excluded, is a male in their late 30s to early 40s. Because of this fact, your question can be immediately dismissed as the average gamer is not a millennial, rather, they are a Generation X individual.
Sorry, OP, but you went full retard. Please research your questions before you decide to ask them.
>raise a family
Just look at divorce laws, "raising a family" is equal to voluntary slavery for literally nothing.
Holy false dichotomy, batman.
why don't you become a chad? Oh yeah, it's too hard and it's much easier to feel the success of achieving something from playing a video game for 30 minutes.
God, everyone on Sup Forums is such a fucking loser.
Yeah just go to work, have 15 aryan babies with the perfect wife. Its totally viable for everyone. Forget enjoying your life, you were meant to slave away for others.
>Why are you even here?
For the same reason you are. To troll.
>me me me me me
>wow, why are SJWs and millenials so selfish and childish?
I'm be got that worlds highest score on Super Cobra. I am legend bitch!
so you admit you'll have no sense of confusion when london isn't british anymore and vidya plus loli's are haram
I can understand the major problem with video games as an adult but anime is better than most western television.
The same principle applies to anime as to anything else on tv that is don't binge watch it. At maximum an hour a day is good.
Because they refuse to support Hollywood which is why movies are flopping lately.
Millennials have learned that only 2D is perfection.
They are more enlightened than you, OP.
It is subjective. Cultures all over the world have different conceptions of men for a reason. You've spent too much time here. I couldn't give a toss about women worshipping men. Sorry to tell you this but nobody outside this echo chamber cares much about gender roles are any more, except insecure men looking aimlessly for a purpose.
When did i say this?
At least i dont care about what others do with their lives, really youre the selfish faggot. I dont care about you or your shit opinions
you will eventually regret all the time you wasted.
t. life long wow player.
Lots of video games are flopping recently too. And video games are suffering as much as movies are with unoriginality and not knowing how to make a good product.
My greatest fear is that I'd try to raise my kid my way and he/she would either become some sort of goofy outcast or he/she would reject me and become just another degenerate brick in the wall.
My plan is to take a moderate approach and just try my best to raise them right. Maybe put away money so I don't have to send them to fucking public school.
It's all pretty daunting, tbhfam. I almost don't want to bring a kid into this world seeing as how it's not exactly getting any "better".
I still work a pretty good career. Just spend free time on vidya because why the hell not? 99% of women are just intolerable, borderline mentally disabled, feminist trash that are incapable of even holding a conversation for 2 minutes without getting on their phone. I've gone through a few relationships, and I've come to terms with it not being worth searching for that 1%.
Would love to have kids, but I have yet to find somebody I could remotely tolerate raising a child with. Just easier to pick up hobbies and enjoy limitless free time to pursue your own goals.
Am I alone here?
Is it only me that is disappointed in Sup Forums loving to spew opinions yet not bothering to put one ounce of effort into making their opinions a reality? Is this /r9k/ with politics as the subject?
Only if Nigel Farage only played games and cared for nothing else.
Getting married and having kids today is like signing up to sponsor some African orphans you'll never see except you pay 25+ dollars a day in alimony/child support after she divorces you and takes the kids you'll never see
>1 post by this ID
>Calling Nihilists "losers" or "worthless" is basically telling them exactly what they already believe. Bitching at them and insulting them does nothing. Until you understand the fundamental process by which people fail to find value in living life in the way that you believe is right then you will never be able to communicate with them.
This is spot on. People like him will never grasp that though.
Have you not seen Otaku no Video? It was about Gainex back in the 80's. They did the same thing,d espite being born in the 60's...
who cares what you have to say about me or yourself? You're some socially awkward weirdo with fringe opinions.
You exist only to exist and on your death bed you will look into the distance and say "I should have played more video games...."
>Why do old fucks play with train sets.
its called a hobby. Whats sliding today that needs this kinda shit?
Why does anyone watch a movie after 18? Or watch TV? I play more video games than anything, but I watch a lot of anime and Japanese movies. Mostly because it has to do with my jobs. Mostly old video games though, because anything recent that I have to play for work.
>past the age of 18?
Can you explain to me why they would stop?
>Is this /r9k/ with politics as the subject?
Yes. And that's a good thing. Laziness and pleasure are virtues to me.
I felt the samething after achieving the bad ending of witcher 3 which symbolized how I was spending my time.
Despite a great story , I had wasted all those hours that could of been spent learning something new.
It's a real shame, the story was so good but the end of the day it was just escapism.
Why do you care so fucking much about millenials?
You're a failure to your bloodline.
coming from mexico