Most Canadians Now Support Bill to Punish Anti-Transgender Speech With 2 Years in Prison?

>The majority of Canadians now support the expansion of the country's non-discrimination laws to include gender identity, according to a new poll released just four months after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Liberal Party introduced a bill that would punish transgender discrimination with up to two years in prison for violators.

Fuck this country full of apathetic faggots.

Other urls found in this thread:

This will be moot in 10 years when Canada is majority Muslim. Then you'll get two years for not pushing them off roofs

The silver lining!

>I raped a children and killed his mother.

And you, why are you here?

>I said "There's only 2 genders" on an image board.

rule only applies if you're white

There will be more people in jail due to this law than there are transgenders in the world.

hur dur the end of the world is coming!


Upvote for thought crimes

>Little Blue Pills.

Perfect metaphor for this faggot country.

~1000 people across the country and consistently 80% support it
I bet they asked only people on campus.

freedom like most things can get abused. canada is exercising common sense. if you want to talk shit back up your crap with facts not rhetoric that spreads dissent. If you let everyone have a voice you will bound to hear all the morons speak. The time of free speech is over, the time of common sense is now

How did it actually come to this?

forgot pic

You must be upset that they've passed you as shitposters

>The time of free speech is over, the time of common sense is now

Thank you, Penal Colonist #1842. Your compliance has earned you an extra ration of bread this week.

They even worked the numale cuck glasses into the equation

times change, rules and guidelines need to evolve with the times, there are laws that would have made sense 100 years ago that would have no baring today. You can't just apply what worked way back when as an indicator of what will work today

>that pic

There's no way that's real. No fucking way a western country could be that retarded.

It is.. I fucking hate living here.

Soon I bet posting on websites like this could land you in Jail.

Seriously. Just nuke us. We can no longer be redeemed.

m8, just give it up, they are better than yall at shitposting, maybe not at fun shitposting but at truly abhorrent shitposting

"What I might say could hurt someone's feelings, lets make those words illegal"

This is why you lost to flightless birds.

Go on, look it up.

>The blue pill bringing the heat has a trump haircut.

Leaf tard topics ruin Sup Forums

Be sure to get the new plug in and you won't ever see them!

You'll be surprised how great Sup Forums is without the leaf tard. You'll notice the difference immediately!

>lets create laws that enable assholes instead of maintaining the peace.
A normal person would have no issue with this law, only assholes who want to watch the world burn would

>within reason
Then its not free speech.

You're right. 100 years ago it may have been ok to allow stupid leftists to continue existing, but clearly times have changed. I say it's high time we hung them all from ropes. Legally of course.

Go back to your safe space, okay? I don't think this is the board for you.

you have the right to free speech
you don't have the right to disturb the peace

>make mouth hole patterns
>move tongue
>push air through larynx

Well I'm boned.

yea that's what I thought, can't handle harsh reality can you

Kill me please...
I want out...

You're the one calling for limiting what people say, I'd say that' more your problem than mine.



>the time of free speech is over

Every fucking time


We have common law. The fuck does it matter

and you are the one who can't seem to tell the difference between hate speech and free speech.

There's a difference between saying I hate all black people, muslims, refugees etc vs well a reputable study says this this and this.

This law is designed precisely to force idiots like you to think before they speak. I am all for it. Way too many morons like you out there time to shut you up for good. I approve.

How does it feel not having a first amendment you fucking leaf?

It is all too real, and it's not just Canada gong this way either.

Ahem. Where are the post times?
>I deleted them!
>they're part of my autistic sperging
Sup Forums:
I'm the duke you're the hag

How does it feel seeing HS students being taught this is the 2nd amendment

How do we put these leafs out of their misery?

Canada here is a gun, import it from america or whatever to get it just get that cuck god out of power before he ruins any chance of the Anglo sphere uniting

That picture gave me PTSD. Post a trigger warning next time.

Well nukes are fake and they're just yellow bellied bitch asses so they can go float to you guys. Like you do to us

I'm here for money n sheit, if we really start going down the gutter then I might dip to the US or North Africa and make a /k/ompound to be honest.

>trigger warning
>talking about guns

No really like what is six minutes ago. Can we reference this thread atm? Or is it just you need sucky and mommi

I guess it's true your weed is better than ours.

Mmkay. Here. Watch this shit esplode. My camera is made of Superman. It'll be fine. This house n forest n sheeit? Gone. But not my 1940s kodak. Nosiree Bob. Hii everybody! Hi Dr Nick

I fucking hate Canada.

On the plus side, it's pretty funny watching Mr. Feminism justify speaking at a gender-segregated mosque!

Every American carries the spirit of his brothers who died for the freedom of his people. Every American is a one man militia. Some of us physically weigh as much as 3 or 4 normal men.

I just want to point out his speech about quantum computers made computer scientists the world over cringe.

I know

>his country doesnt have a bill of rights declaring freedom of speech

>The majority of Canadians
I get that Canadians are generally raging faggots according to Sup Forums but this just seems like bullshit.

Did they only sample the most liberal cities or what?

I don't know if the reporter was being told to throw him the soft ball, but he actually asked another question and mentioned quantum computing as a little joke. Of course, Trudeau was waiting for this moment and ignored the main question and began reciting his memorized summary of quantum computing from Wikipedia.

If you read the article it explains what happened better

>“I was going to ask you to explain quantum computing, but . . . ,” the reporter said before asking a question about Canada’s role in defeating Daesh, also known as ISIS or ISIL.
The man who has been called Canada’s new heartthrob, yoga hotshot, feminist PM — apparently eager to show he’s more than a now globally recognized pretty face — promptly showed he has computer-geek talents previously little known.
>“OK, quite simply, normal computers work by . . . ,” Trudeau said to laughter and applause..

I don't know about this country anymore. People now thing that our election reform is a good thing. A vote where the majority wins is not good, apparently. Apparently the losers need to form a coalition to overpower the majority party. Apparently the popular vote in 2016 no longer matters. Yet they ask for a referendum on this. Very confusing.

No surprise. Can't wait for next election. Saged


>Be an epidemiologist
>Correlate suicide rates with transgender
>Get arrested

Most transgender people are fucking retarded. Your chromosomes determine your sex. These "trans" people are being "transphobic" and reinforcing the very "gender roles" they seek to evade by changing their genitalia to match the "gender role" they want to pursue. WTF. It just feels like their ignorance is a way to push transgenic humans, using lentiviral injections to modify their DNA, leading to mass eugenics programs. Fuck this. Why can't they understand their own degeneracy and obvious use as pawns in the destruction of civilization?

>if you want to talk shit back up your crap with facts

Facts are raciss, shitlord.

No wonder you live on a penal continent.

>Did they only sample the most liberal cities or what?

Yeah. Both of them.

Canada is like Mexico, with snow.
And without tacos, tequila, or hot broads.

Even if there were only two parties, with the Canadian system it would only take a well-distributed ~26% of voters to fully control parliament.

With three parties and perfect vote-splitting, it would only take ~17%. We have five parties that won seats.

Trudeau's free-spending, open-borders Liberals got under 40% of the vote (supported by under 30% of eligible voters), and they get to run the country (into the ground) for years. The Conservative and NDP were both running on platforms of fiscal conservatism and tightly-limited immigration, and they got a combined ~52% of the vote, but they have no power at all unless at least a fifth of the Liberal members of parliament vote against the party.

And we have no legal way to recall them, even if 100% of non-member-of-parliament Candians are opposed to them.

I honestly didn't think you all could get any worse but somehow this is the reality we live in.

ALex Jones does say we live under a police state here and it's NWO dream land and this kind of shit just proves him right



This whole country is just one gay police state.

>Canada’s commitment to free speech is about to be tested in a major new case involving Bill Whatcott, a Saskatchewan nurse and Christian activist whose leaflets were the subject of a 2013 decision by the Supreme Court of Canada. This time, Whatcott has been slapped with a C$104 million lawsuit by two of Ontario’s most prominent gay heavyweights: iconic activist Christopher Hudspeth and former Liberal Deputy Premier George Smitherman.

>They are suing Whatcott for mental distress on behalf of Toronto's entire gay community and for libel against various Liberal leaders including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. The lawsuit stems from Whatcott’s activities at this year’s Toronto’s Pride, which Whatcott and a handful of others managed to infiltrate while dressed as “gay zombies” in green suits. They handed out leaflets which graphically warned about the health dangers of gay sex and accused the Liberal party of being in cahoots with the gay agenda.

>Campaign Life and LifeSite have no relation to Whatcott and his zombies, but Hudspeth and Smitherman have already found a way to pull them into the vortex. Just days after launching their lawsuit against Whatcott, the plaintiffs’ lawyers sent a notice to Campaign Life Coalition, demanding that LifeSite immediately take down its news story about the zombies’ activities at Pride and its link to Whatcott’s flyers. Otherwise, CLC can expect to get sued for taking part in Whatcott’s alleged conspiracy to cause mental harm and libel. The plaintiffs’ notice ended with the ominous words of a playground bully: “Govern yourselves accordingly”.

>mfw I'm more free than a fucking whitenordamerican will ever be

it's fucking beautiful.

fuck off you faggot.

i'm a fucking trap and i support absolute freedom of speech.

it is your RIGHT to call me offensive names, i don't give a FUCK.

The line is only drawn at violence, because that is assault.

Fucking hell I hate white guilt

How do the majority of canadians support it? I nor anyone I know was asked about this.

I am writing Justin DUDE WEED explaining Sup Forums and Sup Forums with screencaps.

Your time is almost up, leaf.

>survey conducted from July 26 to Aug. 2 that questioned a sample size of 1,416
Real extensive survey they did, not to mention the survey worded it as "discrimination" and made absolutely no mention of speech.

sounds like america needs another wall

where you at bb u wanna fug

Fuck yeah thought crime!

You ought to nuke the bigger cities and move nord all the redpilled countrymen.
it's the only way to survive.
Canadians are the most bluepilled idiots on the face of the eart, they are everything wrong with the whites.

>if you want to talk shit back up your crap with facts not rhetoric that spreads dissent.
Well played, I appreciate the irony of mocking the hypocrisy of leftists in one sentence. Very succinct. Ask someone to back up with facts not rhetoric then proceed to use only rhetoric and no facts, brilliant.

> The time of free speech is over
It never begun anywhere but the US.

it's real


Fuck I just read into that 2013 case and saw WHY it was deemed hate speech?

Promotion of genocide? No. He said homosexuals were equivalent to pedophiles

Fuck this attitudes lax attitude towards free speech. All these retarded humans right cases do is trample on rights while acting as a giant Streisand effect causing more people to read hate speech while blowing a shitton of money on the issue.

Are all Canadians just lurking waiting until the time is right to bring out their shitty shitpost, they are the most subhuman cucks ffs.

>I used to work with a canadian back when i was 19
>he would apologise anytime anyone even slightly raised their voice or asked him to perform a task
>"hey Tom can you bring me the toolbox thanks m8!"
>"oh ugh sorry ugh here you go"?
>his wife would sometimes come to work and flirt with all his coworkers including me while he just watched
>his wife would eat his lunch that he packs for work
>his wife is a stay at home mum with 2 kids

>mfw hes like 40 and im his apprentice

Are all Canadians like this because i would like to believe that there are some decent ones in that fucked up country

Yes, yes you are upset. Nobody cares, this is not the country for you. If you cannot make yourself undertake the arduous task of tolerating other real human beings then you should be imprisoned, or leave the country if you don't like it.

You will not be remembered well by history. honestly anyone who is still right wing at this point in time has to be mentally ill or something

Holy shit Stalin.

It would have to be a cherry picked group used for the polls. Trust me, the vast majority of Canadians are brutal racists and not happy whit the state of things here. Keep in mind we live in a very socialist leaning state and the messages you see are basically propaganda pushed out to portray an image. We don't have any right leaning unscripted media other than rebel media

Canada needs to be annexed by the USA, sorry, you lost all your rights to self govern, you turned your frostry paradise into a nigger infested shithole governed by the jews. All your politeness led to having your trusty old wood chopping axe showed up your ass and turned around violently, maple syrup will not heal those scars. Your population is tiny compared to the size of your land, and your resources are wast, the USA needs those resources to prosper again, and they have ten times your population and multiple times your army, president Trump should just take the international outrage and annex you, and keep you in the USA forever, with your voting rights taken away for several generations, until you regain the values of freedom which Trump represents. The public execution of Trudeou will be glorious.