Why do we still do this?
Why do we still do this?
I don't remember being given a choice.
There is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish
Take a guess faggot
We are Israel's bitch, duh.
The best goys
Are all New Zealanders and Canadians on this board jewish?
Also: Nice dubs.
you mad!
Deal with it! REMEMBER 6 GORILLION!!!!
Its like giving money to ourselves.
Also Israel sells weapons to China and other despots that would cause an uproar in the US. Israel and the Clintons are why China has nukes after all.
Because it has never been put to a national vote.
Israel, for all intents and purposes, it pretty much a 1st world country (thanks to the West).
They won the Six Day War. They have a strong military (again thanks to the West). Yet they still pull the victim card and insist on getting help when they clearly don't need any.
I wish Israel would fuck off already.
That's why USA is cuck as fuck
>Why do we still do this?
Roughly $34 Billion will be used to purchase American made military hardware.
That's always been the deal. That's why they get so much money. Because they use it to buy our stuff. We actually force them to do this.
Because they are our greatest ally
So you are saying we're Jewing the Jews?
Feels good man!
>using taxpayer dollars to finance israel which purchases weapons from private american companies
>essentially using taxpayer dollars to subsidize private companies
>That's always been the deal. That's why they get so much money. Because they use it to buy our stuff. We actually force them to do this.
>being this naive
Good goy
Wait explain the Clinton China nuke part. China has nukes for a while
If you dont we spill beans about 2001
I think Canada has a very high percentage of Jews.
Dis :^)
Part of the deal is that it all has to be spent on USA made weapons. It's a defense lobby handout.
Don't be mad at the jews, be mad at the defense lobby for taking our tax dollars.
Jews are the most powerful high tier race. Why wouldn't we want them on our side? (t's either them or the Muslims, you have to make a choice eventually.
>proceeds to sign a $37B military aid package with Israel
>We pay Israel $38b for them to buy $34b worth of our shit.
Yeah, we got the good part of the deal.
>Jews are the most powerful high tier race.
Well, no. Americans are dumb, but have no choice.
Yeah, USA already got jewed so harder by Israelis because kikes would sell them to other countries for more shekels afterward. :^)
More free money :^)
>Wait explain the Clinton China nuke part.
Israel sold them missile systems that they got from the US. Bill Clinton let Chinese agents steal a bunch of tech like satellite technology required to guide an ICBM. And he did it all for fucking money.
Yes, China has had big bombs since the 70s, but they couldn't do anything with them other than lob them a short distance. Not until the 90s when Clinton and Israel gave them the means to launch sophisticated missiles.
and (((they))) re gonna sell weapon to uganda
>US gives $38B to Israel
>We give them free money to buy our stuff with that money
That's the most retarded money making scheme I've ever heard.
You never had a chance goy.
muh 6 gorrillion
It literally is giving them free military equipment, but in an off-handed way.
regulating and monitoring how money traffics in that part of the world would be sound foreign policy ... and yet the united states only feels compelled to fill the area with more money
Because its a cheap way to kill muslims.
Kikes find that subverting USA is hilariously easy. :^)
Does anyone on Sup Forums doubt the parasitic and negative influence from the jews?
oy vey we need money to defend ourselves from the Iranians if they try to shoah us!
man your country's iq is not 99
Because if the American government gave away 38 billion dollars in subsidies to their friends the weapons industry people would get pissed. But if they launder it through Israel first no one cares.
>not knowing that ISIS is a US-Israeli creation.
Tbh the "buying weapons" from the US is largely incorrect, the Israelis manufacture most of their weaponry and purchase very little from America.
Yeah, it made sense early on, some info was leaked and then quickly forgotten of an Israeli Colonel I believe meeting with ISIS commanders.
Why do men give their shit to women
Mudslime detected.
Oh looks, the Sup Forums crowd is dangerously close to realizing what two countries the Bible is talking about when it said "the harlot rides the beast and its power is from the beast"
Well the Israeli weapons industry can still bribe American politicians. For 38 billion they can afford a few million a vote. Most of your senators and congressmen only became politicians to get rich off bribe money.
parasitic dick cutters
Home state nebraska holding it down
other states are you even trying
Will we ever be able to have a popular vote on international jewaid?
War inc.
Because Genocide is okay as long as it isn't against Jewish people
Because the merchant owns you
It's $38 bln over the next 10 years innit?
Its welfare for our defense industry, also Israel makes our politicians their bitch thanks to PACs
the jew makes us fools aka we the people, give it to them because we can not say what it is. they have silenced our opposition to their enslaving us, to the dead weight nigger, and even the utterance of the derogatory word jew. a slave who does not fight, deserves his shackles and lashes. he becomes a nigger, to the jew.
You are a bad goy. It looks like you are trying to shoah me.
Yeah...I hope we can afford the financing. I'll never understand why the US is giving ANY foreign aid at all since we have to fucking borrow money to do it.
That's twice CNN's estimated cost for Trump's wall
>Giving Isreali jews free money from American taxpayers to buy stuff from American jew military weapon factory owners
This is worse, it just means your getting cucked twice instead of once. The Isrealis Jews get weapons to genocide Arab Christians while the American Jew gets free shekels to spend on whatever sick satanic shit Jews buy.
that's not THAT much money in the grand scheme of things, less than 1% of the budget counting all foreign aid. sounds like it would be one of those things where it's symbolic to cut rather than going at the real beefy waste areas
this must really piss niggers off lol
5 billion could temporarily fix their entire community over night
> 2016
> not realizing America is run by Israelis and Saudis, now with Ruskies and China trying to get their claws in too
>-38 billion 'foreign aid'
>+38 billion 'defense spending'
it has a lot to do with how we spend our money.
you are vastly overestimating how much money $5 billion is
$5 bln would be about $130 per black American
That's enough for one nights crack
Because Israel are niggers. Gibsmedat is in their corrupted blood.
well I didn't mean individually to one person, but more black only segregated infrastructure, like schools and housing, you know what they are constantly whining about not having.
but yeah 5 billion really isn't much
it ends up being cheaper than the alternative.
yeah but it's not nearly enough to fix black communities or fix our infrastructure problems as I've seen some suggest
the National Infrastructure bank they were discussing a few years ago would've been a few hundred billion dollars
yeah I knew you weren't suggesting that, was just trying to give some perspective on how little cash that is
I'm from NZ, I'm not jewish but apparently a great grandmother was jewish (which my mother used as an excuse to get me circumcised, the doctor wouldn't allow it without a reason).
>(((American made military hardware)))