Sup Forums and Anti-Intellectualism

Why is Sup Forums so anti-intellectual? Why does it scorn institutes of higher learning and liberal education?


Because we don't teach our children to think critically, only to accept that "multiculturalism", "diversity", and "tolerance" are an infallible truth and neccesity for society.

Higher learning and liberal education has largely been hijacked. Its been hijacked by left winged propaganda.

I think America has a bigger problem with hyper-intellectualism than anti-intellectualism. I think Americans value formal education too much. We wouldn't be having such a large student loan bubble if Americans didn't worship education so much and see the professors as the "higher class, the more holy class."

Most of higher education doesn't deal with political topics but it's members are pressured by the vocal minority to adopt views that are contrary to Sup Forums's.

Some of us have evidence to back up our claims, which is more that can be said for such current day liberal paradigms as "all races are equal"

these positions are only maintained when dissenters are shamed and opposition is impossible if you value a career. However here there is no such pressure so the obvious truth immediately comes to the surface

Sup Forums has it half-right

>meritocracy vs democracy

it just need dump the "anti-intellectualism".

which is code for "listen to /sci/ more than /x/"

Intellectual is a codeword for commie kike.

"Intellectuals" inflated sense of self worth, pride, and massive egos always blind them to when they are being used, they eventually believe a lie and then have to mold their beliefs around that lie.

But there is obviously some truth to what they are saying. Otherwise, they wouldn't have been able to hi-jack these things.

I find that Sup Forums honestly believes it's own shit sometimes.

because all of these insitutions are meant to have no dissenting opinion by design

universities were great places to go to for different opinions and whatnot 60 years ago, but not now. they're useless now.

of course it doesn't help that now if you don't have a degree you are treated as a subhuman and naturally are excluded from society even more.

notice how everyone seems to be leftist? it's because anyone who does not visibly display that they are leftist is turned into a pariah and damnatio memoriae'd. they have complete control.

that's a nice shitpost. what's your favourite subleddit?

This guy gets it

>meritocracy with democratic undertones

> I'm an intellectual because I believe I am

Who are these overlords that know what we shall and shall not do or say? Who are these people to tell one group it's ok to be and another not to be? What kind of person self-appoints themselves as the end-all, be-all, and say-all?

Those that proclaim to be all knowing are fools and those that proclaim they have much to learn are wise

Intellectuals constantly belittle everyone for not believing their wacked out view of thw world. They'll quote other wacked out lefties, as if we care what they say.

Mostly its some college twat who thinks because he paid $120k for a piece of paper, he is superior to others.

Intellectuals dont have an actual grasp on the real world, they are in a bubble and perpetuate that by not exposing their views to outside individuals, except to belittle them.

Fuck smart assholes, ill still kick their ass's, and when the world is burning i might fuck their ass's too.

>Why is Sup Forums so anti-intellectual? Why does it scorn institutes of higher learning and liberal education?
Please explain.

When Isaac Asimov died of AIDS, intellectuals were still intellectual.
(((((Intellectuals))))) and academics in current year are the most anti intellectual because they believe their feelings are more important than actual facts, knowledge, and learning.
basically, Isaac Asimov would be a Sup Forumslack if he were alive today instead of dead from AIDS

Because intellectualism has nothing to do with intelligence.

Because liberal educations are anti-intellectual.

If you believe that adhering to the teachings of a pedophile who claimed to hold a flaming sword and ride a flaming donkey, or believe you can alter your gender by thinking about it really hard, you're literally in the same basket as the bible thumping cousin fucking trailer park dwellers who physically recoil from books.

>commie kikes subverting everyone unto hating white men
>liberal education

I want conservative education.


The biggest issue with higher learning is opinions are forced with neither evidence nor conflicting opinions. When I studied at William and Mary about 10 years ago all freshman were forced to take an introductory course about the environment. It was the first time they had done this and it was extremely disappointing. The professors told us the environment was in danger and that we, as new leaders of the world, need to do something about it. What was interesting to note is we did not discuss the science behind climate change whatsoever. The course was essentially us forming projects to help raise climate change awareness outside of the classroom while parroting the same nonsense that had been said 30 years ago while inside. I hate to use the word smug on this website but no other word really describes the haughtiness of the teachers and students in this class. In the end a small group of us were disgusted with the notion we were forced to pay for this class and had stopped attending. We decided to make T shirts saying "X Class sucks" and sold them around campus. Eventually we were politely told to "stop or else" and we naturally fell in line as nobody wished to be expelled for something that would soon be forgotten. As a kid you didn't really think as much of it but looking back it's kind of disturbing. I still have my shirt tucked away somewhere.

>I have never let my schooling interfere with my education
t. Mark Twain :^)

How exactly do universities push leftist shit on it's students? I'll be studying sciences only, will they seriously go out of their way to bring up politics?

Because the credentials of all important establishments have been proven to be shit. Look at modern journalism, they are literally reporting about a frog on the internet while Obama ships in more Africans into America during his last few days.

>Intellectuals dont have an actual grasp on the real world

This is probably my biggest gripe with "intellectuals". They speak as though they know best for the world, but they completely disregard (or rather, cannot fathom) the fact that their policies, while lofty and benefitting them, massively screw over the actual working class (which these intellectuals believe they are part of) for whose benefit they say they strive.

And then, when the communist revolution happens, they get lined up against the wall like the bourgoisie scum they are, still clueless as to why the proletariat hates them to the core.

if you were really so smart, you'd be anything but smart

>Why is Sup Forums so anti-intellectual?
gee, bait bait wonder why bait
>Why does it scorn institutes of higher learning and liberal education?
gosh, bait bait bait bait bait bait saged

you ask because you already know why.
thanks for making the board boring and predictable, here's your fucking (you).
What's the point of australians here anymore anyway?

stop answering obvious bait without typing sage in the options field

>studying sciences only
"general education", nerd. You're going to take those bullshit feminist literature and horseshoe theory polisci courses if you want to graduate.
The problem isn't anti-intellectualism (although it doesn't help), the problem is "education" systems that don't actually teach critical thinking, just rhetoric. They don't educate, they just convince you you've been educated, and when people call out your bullshit, they teach you to call them "anti-intellectual", "uneducated", or the more vapid pejoratives ("racist", "sexist", etc.)

military types like to imagine that they're more invested in their country's ideals than others, but it's rarely if ever true.
We don't need less democracy, we just need less "rock the vote" campaigns convincing idiots to vote for people who couldn't be trusted with a pool noodle.

Yeah I'm not sure that's how it works outside of the US. I've already planned a full schedule. There wasn't any politics pushing in grades 1-12 either.

If you can get lucky and have an actual career with no real knowledge good for you, that's not how it goes for most people.

More like anti pseudo-intellectual.