There are mass shootings every day in the U.S. because of your disgusting outdated gun laws. Why don't you guys just ban guns? Morons, I tell ya.

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What if I told you fucking leafs are viewed as idiotic by everyone.

Many Americans agree with ya Leafman

I can't think of many leaf-related deaths to be honest

Oooo nice bait I almost bit down

because they count their deaths as victories

>There are mass shootings every day in the U.S. because of your disgusting outdated gun laws.

can you tell me more about how the banning of guns in other countries have permanently removed the possibility of mass shooting?

also i agree the gun laws are retarded, in the sense they shouldn't even exist because of one simple phrase




American gun laws are not idiotic . Canadian ones are.

gun crime is up in Australia since our stringent gun control laws came in.

not posting source, it's fucking everywhere at the moment.

If 2 people get shot, the media calls it a mass shooting lol.

Fuck you flaccid leaf click scum

Fuck the FDA I eat what I want

Appeal to majority

Do you know how many people die from diabetes every year?

Do you also know that maple syrup causes diabetes?

>its not guns its niggers
>black gun crime rate vs white gun crime rate.jpg

if you kill your enemies they win, counting your own deaths as victorys is just a natural extension of that

>great great great grandfather fights in American Civil war. Keeps a gun from it. Buys another one, a nice hunting rifle.
>Passes down these weapons from father to son. Maintaining them immaculately through the century.
>Eventually reaches my grandfather, he cherishes these.
>Only has daughters, my mother is only mildly interested in guns.
>When I turned 18, Grandfather writes me into the will, saying I get these weapons.
>feel really proud, as I can continue this legacy.
>post about it on Siberian washing board
>Leaf wants to take my heirlooms away.


Fucking envious of concealed/open carry down here desu.


I think American gun laws are one of the smartest acts of statecraft ever.

I used to think ur gun laws stupid but they just need tweaking.

In australia we succeed because we are island with best customs where america is next to shitty mexico and there are already tons of guns criminals have.

Maybe you idiots can just have a better vetting process and ban full auto and pump action shotguns.

Eat shit tyrants and useful idiots

Why do you care so much? We live free, or die. It's our way of life. Without guns to protect yourselves you are never free from oppression.

What if I told you that non-Americans don't get to make American laws?

Also, what if I told you that this isn't even an actual quote from the Matrix?

cold dead hands, etc etc
shall not be infringed, etc

You ALWAYS know a leftist cuck by how they bring up how others might perceive one.

Who gives a fuck what people outside of America think about their gun laws?



Good for you.

Maybe you should learn what the hell you're talking about before spouting such bullshit

fucking leaf

Because how do you just collect all the guns? What are the logistics? It's easy in your liberal countries where you never gave citizens that right, but in the US, it can't be undone.

Stop pretending you understand our complex political system. Half of us don't even under it

>ban full auto

What's it like being retarded?


Canada has a constitution.

No no, you can't correct this level of stupid, you need to let them learn on their own.

We never submit, worry about your self leafcuck

Come and get it "everyone outside of the US". Oh, that's right. You'd need another America to do the dirty work. Shut the fuck up before we crash your meme countries and leave them with a functional democracy like Iraq.


I wish they were capable of learning




"If you kill your enemies they win" is clearly a figuire of speech. If you people weren't so simple minded you'd understand this.

This really made me think.

Thanks OP. I will now move to Canada and adopt African babies.

most of the guns here come from usa

>not sucking the big governments dick 24/7

Wut. You eurotrash fags are retarded.

What are israels and switzerlands gun laws like?


[citacion needadio]

"Then Kek would have had to suffer many times since the first croaks of the world. But now he has appeared once for all at the end of the ages to do away with sin by the sacrifice of repeating digits."

Repeatus Digitus 9:26 IV

>claiming to be a girl on a south eastern indonesian stamp collecting trading page

"At that time Kek, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people—anons whose name is found written in the book —will be delivered."

The End Croaks 12:1

Fucking leaf.

Every sane person on this earth admires the americans for that. Or do you think it was good that only noblemen were allowed to carry swords in feudal europe?

Was it good that only samurai were allowed to carry swords in japan?


You are literally retarded.

Really makes you think





what if i told you, i dont give a shit about anybody outside of the U.S.



Your country is a joke to everyone.

>disgusting outdated gun laws
>a fucking leaf

Full autos are only for the rich. I work for a gun range as a firearms instructor and the owner is the only person I know with a class 3 permit. He stores 10 full autos in the store and I have personal access to 3 of them. Pretty fun to bring tinder dates to the range and shooting free ammo with full autos. Walk in and get everything free and wow the girl. It's such an easy move.


anyone in my region owning lots of guns and just shooting them because it's cool would be viewed as the ultimate manchild.

t. Helsingissa

Anyone who cares what other people think of their hobbies is, indeed, a manchild.

I used to think that, but now I don't give a fuck and realize its just the niggers that shoot each other 24/7

>everyone outside of America

You mean the runners up?

Stay salty, faggot

I like guns and I'm an not a criminal so fuck off.


>a fucking leaf

I envy America's gun laws.

>one post by this ID

>"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."- Second Amendment

>Militia- all able-bodied civilians eligible by law for military service

The founding fathers did not want to allow the possibility of tyranny to affect their new country. Because of this they enacted the second amendment to make it the responsibility of the people to control their government not for the government to control the people

Unlike our European counterparts our country formed itself allowing the people this right to stop a possible tyranny from rising. Should it arise it is the job of the people and the military to defend the constitutional rights given to us by birthright. We the people are the ones in control and we can deem change to be necessary if it becomes the other way around.

>1 post by this ID

Everyone outside America is wrong.

This. Also, come over here and try to collect the debt or get revenge for being cucked. No? Thought so. The majority of our people will gladly shit on you pussies in a war. How about you aim your sympathy at countries which arn't allies, aye? We'll be the one's coming to your rescue if anyone every wants your miserable land.

I want american gun laws.

There I destroyed your shitty anegdotal evidence OP, now fuck off.

Actually no, most people want to be able to on a gun.

Only liberal idiots cry about guns because they are weak wristed faggots who can't even do basic house maintenance.

Fuck off leaf.

>everyone except one person thinks one way thus that means they're right

Cool bandwagon, faggot.

leafs are getting confident with their shitposting after their get

If every one of your fellow sebfags had guns, what would you want to happen?


*Kuckinese fags, trannies, nonwhite violent mobs

Yes other countries that feed their citizens the narrative that guns are evil think guns are evil.
Really makes me think

Also its niggers and spics killing each other that has our gun deaths/homicide rate so high, we would have a homicide rate on average of any other European white country, but not be as cucked.

>1 post by this ID

Only by yanks apparently. Most of the world is quite ok with leafs normally.

His mother isn't interested in guns. Can you read?

So do I.

when the left can't win an argument go to the old standby of calling the opposition names. Boring.

Yes, i too extensively study and follow the politics, culture and laws of other countries I deem as jokes.

Gun owners are LARP faggots.

>being this bad at reading

I fucking hate them, it's not an american only thing. Every leaf post is god awful.

It's as if they're sucking black cock and taking it up the ass, while at the same time pointing and laughing at everyone else who's not doing the same.

Serbs - thank you for being on our side in World War II. Sorry about that bombing back in 1999, in hindsight we should have let you kill all the Muslims.

Why don't you try invading America and see what happens leaf.

>things you can't confirm for $500 please

>leafs and native/spain shitfags btfo

kill yourselfs.

>He jumped from muh mother getting guns to muh grandfather writing me out of the will.

He is a terrible story teller. He should figure his shit out. Plus he could be a fucking vagina, user never denied that.


I want and have right to protect myself in case robber or terrorist comes to endanger lives of me, friends and family.

I mean geez is that to much to ask?

Only thing we don't have here is right for open or concealed carry. You must ask for permission of the state, which they can arbitraliry deny.

there are places other than america?

le sigh I check myself before I wreck myself.

yay guns, praise kek (pbuh), U! S! A!


Lol, go back to fighting freedom of speech to "protect" the brittle minded trannies