>male to female tranny comes out as a lesbian
You can't make this shit up
>male to female tranny comes out as a lesbian
You can't make this shit up
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That was the plan all along. He couldn't get laid as a guy so he took the long route
Not really a surprise since most troons are autogynephiles, of course they're attracted to women.
Most of them are just fetishists in teh first place.
They get off dressing like women it's not an identity.
It's like one of those guys who fucks cars dressing up as a rolls royce and trying to convince you that "car" is a gender
That's normal m8. Transbian scum
The majority of these dudes just have Body dysmorphic disorder, like people who want to amputate their limbs. A lot of them don't even have sex after. But the ones that do have so much of it they are 49 times more likely to have AIDS, so it balances out.
whenever i feel like i'm really autistic i'll think of this faggot
>im girl trapped in a mans body
>sex change
>i lke grils ima lesbian im like a man trapped in agirls body
Really dude? Can't they make up their minds.
>""""""""""""""""""""""to female""""""""""""""""""""""
There is no such thing as a passing tranny.
Prove me wrong
nice password, faggit
They don't be trans to get dick dumbass.
So is he straight? Just into cross dressing and cutting off his penis?
>male to female tranny comes out as a lesbian
Mr Garrison?
I knew a guy that did this, all for the sake of that pussy. Now he is stuck with some butch dike of a girlfriend. I laugh at him every chance I get.
reported directly to Justin Trudeau for hate speech. Enjoy Canadian jail bud.
Damn that chick is hot, I'd like to get me a piece of that ass
Uninstall abp, mate. They're going to start pushing ads with their add-on
Most claim to be
She needs to do a cover of this song now.
idk senpai he looked pretty normal before he got the autism
Not even that, I doubt that a dyke would touch him. Transbians are hated in their community because they're seen as men.
anuuuuu cheeki breeki
Trans people don't exist.
The holocaust didn't happen.
They can try to catch me, but I'll say I am from Quebec and get away!
Ah, liberté!
The long con. I can respect it.
The only reason someone becomes a tranny is because he thinks life as a women is easier/he was an unsuccessful man.
The only time I've ever been to /lgbt/ I discovered dykes hate transbians
Don't blame em considering how ugly this guy is
Don't trust what it says. Its using a proxy, its probably a Mutant from Pripyat.
their brains fucked mate
dont make meme excuses its a fucking disfunction like schitzophrenia or bipolar disorder
they are often defiant, argumentative, snobish autistic fuckwads
The darkest timeline
>Chad looking motherfucker turned into an ugly gril.
I bet /r9k/ will be pleased.
South park already did it.
well aren't you nice.
Does it make me a degenerate that I want to keep one of these plastic looking bimbos in a cage for my amusement and pleasure whenever I want it?
Anyone know that statistics on what the percentage of trans '''''women''''' are that are lesbians? It seems really high.
Gay men are not feminine. They are more butch than most normies. Trannies are ironically more like normies when you get Deep like me
Among the young generation in America, about half I'd wager. Can't get a girl, so they delude themselves into thinking being a tranny will solve their problem.
I found a study:
Page 29, Pic related. 67% of MtF are bi/lesbian/Queer. And the study had a very big sample size, 6,456.
so the big question
is a guy who gets tits, wears dresses, but has a cock and pounds girls with it gay?
Who cares, he's clearly a degenerate
Tranny gets implanted dicksucking lips.
>becomes a rugmuncher
Can't get them around the clit
>Gay men are not feminine.
Some of them obviously are. Last time I hooked up with a guy he was even doing the classic "gay voice", you know, the girly lisping shit. Kind of a turn-off honestly, but a blowjob is a blowjob.
I've said this before,I'll say it again.
This is really degenerate but that abomination is pretty sexy tbqph. Please stop confusing my dick with this kind of media.
>screencapped himself because someone called him 'based'
consider suicide
There is mutants here.
what if she falls in love with a ftm
they would be normal couple having normal sex right.
would that be considered gay?
Yes, I am clinically Autistic.
You happy now? I've considered suicide many times already by the way.
Can't say you are perfectly sane on the other hand though, since you are here with me on this Rhodesian Cave painting shouting session
>but that abomination is pretty sexy tbqph
Gas yourself you disgusting faggot
>actually screen capping yourself
You havent won many things in your life, have you?
>he literally looks like CGI
top kek
He must have had a micropenis. Only logical explanation.
Can we please not fight guys? The diversity in our opinions is what allows us to be such a great tolerant community that will thrive because we all have so many differences. The differences that divide us and could drive us apart are actually what make us so strong.
I've won some, more than the average user here. I was just happy somebody laughed at my joke, since I have...problems in achieving that usually.
I didn't even mention autism.
I've considered suicide before too though, don't sweat it Luigi.
There was some thai guy here the other day who worked at a ladyboy bar (as a barkeep or something not talent) and he pretty much said the same, they were huge sex addicts that liked it as a fetish but not only that they also got off on being the guys fetish.
Eh don't worry about it. I've often thought of screenshotting certain things so I don't have to fucking type something up all over again, and instead just post pic. Most threads here are deja vu and after years it's finally driving me crazy.
blaming your problems on Autism is Chrischan tier m8
don't do it or you will end up like him, there are many austists that are just fine
>got your dick chopped off
Jesus christ.What woman is going to face fuck that mess of a hole?
I'm high functioning and I hate sanic, so I'll never end up punching a hole in my lower ballsack and pretend its a music induced vagina
its okay senpai, I've screenshot myself too
>I'm high functioning
kek. just like Chris
Christ, there is so much makeup on that face, it's surely a fire hazard
>having uBlock origin *and* abp
>having privacy badger *and* disconnect
>not also having ghostery
Nigga... Get rid of disconnect and abp, and get fucking ghostery.
>I'm a fish with purple lips
>coming out of water
>I hate this
>can't breath
looks like fucking iggy azealae with those fake lips, masculine skull and 10kg of make up
no shit. don't you ever remember dreaming of being a girl for a day, or having the super power to switch whenever? some guys don't let their dreams just be dreams. as long as your goal is getting pussy whether it be scissoring or pussyfucks, nothing wrong with you other than being weak willed in regard to your primal male sexual urges which in its weakest form is one of you checking out a girl's ass.
>Male lesbian
>you can't be a dyke when you're 99.9% plastic
someone give that man a medal
>indulge in their mental disorders and help them live out their fantasy instead of treating them
When do we start nailing all of those mentally ill people who think they're Jesus to a cross?
>remove cock and balls and turn it into a feelingless flesh hole
>long route to sex
Most trannies keep their dicks, they can't go through the whole chopping off bit.
Is this the thing that was detained in Dubai???
Fucking disgusting
So they expect lesbos to take the dick? Top kek.
All those jokes about heterossexual menn being male lesbians are coming true.
This is some serious meme overdrive.
Yes or they try to be "straight" and try to fuck men who don't want to fuck guys with dicks.
>train wreck somehow manages to crash again
So, their dating market is now reduced to bisexuals and other trannies? Damn, not a good move.
"Lesbos", like any other women, enjoy taking the dick.
Simpsons didn't, though.