I'm so angry and fed up I think I'm going to kill myself I surely would have already done it if I had easy access to guns probably would have taken some muslims with me. I feel so defeated day after day I have to see the west and white people bend their knee to multiculturalism and Islam it's disgusting it's filth it's dog shit. Nothing is going to change the same two parties Labor and Liberal just fuck Australians over year after year nothing ever changes sure I voted One Nation but what good does it have just having Pauline in the senate we need her and her party running this country.
I'm so angry and fed up I think I'm going to kill myself I surely would have already done it if I had easy access to...
Please don't kill yourself. I believe in you.
This is the equivalent of a girl posting some semi seductive picture of herself in the op
And here we go
All these posters are women
just leave aussie land.
pauline was a mistake, i can't believe i voted for her. legit sounds like she's constantly constipated.
mate, relax just glass some fuckin muzzies ey
If you do kill yourself, can I have your stuff?
I hate AusFAILIANS so much.
Don't an hero OP. No matter what we do we're probably going to get screwed either way, but at least we live in interesting times. Manufacturing is going to go bust in victoria and leave up to 200k people out of work, and hopefully that'll crash the housing bubble and put us into a recession. When white working class voters are looking for jobs you can sure as shit guarantee there'll be a big discussion about immigration and how to stop it for the sake of white australians.
Remember, we still in the Majority here for now and the pendulum is starting to swing right all over the world. A recession is honestly the best thing that could happen to us atm TBQHF.
Learn useful skills, keep working, acquire supplies, when you stop feeling suicidal go get yourself a gun licence and stock up on ammunition in preparation for a mad max style future. (Which i'm personally hoping for.)
The fire rises, and the left is beginning to lose control of it's 70 year hegemony. Don't quit yet.
Use a knife cunt
Mudslimes can do it, why can't you
Try leaving Sup Forums for a while and disconnect from following news and politics for a few weeks. Focus on achieving a few short term goals while planning out some longer term ones. Then report back.
Notice how there have been about 10 threads in a row about suicide or mentioning suicide.
Now understand this forum is so heavily patrolled and controlled by government shills that they're using psychological tactics on you all
if you kill yourself they win
this. Sup Forums red pilled me on muslims/immigration/women/legal system and I got depressed. Now I have a good job, bank balance is good, started getting /fit/ and met a qt3.14 who voted Hanson and is fiscally responsible.
Sup Forums is good for a bit, but it's ok to take a break when things get you bogged down.
>inb4 "da jooz neva re$t u cuck"
Accept Islam, it's very redpill and alpha. All other religions are cucked.
go to bed Trudeau
Use a car or truck. Mudslimes can run down a crowd of cheese eating surrender monkeys why can't you?
Power through, Steve Irwin. Don't let the left be the stingray that ended you.