I'm defecting to Russia i can't stand this PC country

I'm defecting to Russia i can't stand this PC country.

Russia bros what do i need to know before i come over.
I'm white.

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Do you know Russian?

Otherwise they'll just think of you as a tourist and not a Russiaboo.

I've been learning, slowly.

Dude, you don't want to be in Russia for a longer period of time

The language, basic information about the Russian government system and the Russian history and also the fact that nothing will be given to you on a silver platter here.

I'm going to stay here and fight, and probably die being tortured by SJW's.

I don't care, I'm not leaving my country and I'll gladly die a thousand times a horrible slow death to change it for the better.


I've never been on welfare im a tradie.

I'm sick of Russians being touted on this board as some hyper-masculine ideal of red-pilled manliness. They're massive KEKS

>historically owned by mongols
That's why they don't look 100% white. Nice moonface, general chinkiness, etc.

>March 8th: international women's day
This is where the men grovel and try to please their women, like an emasculated servant. They clean, cook, and basically act like a woman for a day. Self-abasement is a part of their culture.

>their women love Muslims from the Caucasus
Putin lets the Muslims run wild there. They march in Moscow, and they do whatever they want. Russia is very corrupt, which means tribal Muslim apes get to do whatever they want. The worst part: Russian women appreciate the Mudlime's manly ruggedness to their own stock.

>the most admired Russian poet is Pushkin

>Putin funded a giant anti-fascist, anti-racist, eurasian nationalist youth organisation called NASHI



You'll be fucked sadly. Skilled labor ain't appreciated, cheap labor is. Low employment and a foreign country won't treat you well (especially with most men being trained in trades).

Russia's "greatness" is a meme on Sup Forums .

If you go thinking it'll be like australia but not pc and poorer ,you'll get beat up at 10 PM by gangs.
There's also unwritten rules you can't find out if you're not native that , unless you're rich living in some luxury neighborhood , you'll hit at times .
This includes neighbourhood rivalries , football rivalries , people that hate foreigners ,talking about politics openly, openly being a fascist , dressing the wrong way

And this coming from a Tigan.

Romanians are subhuman.
Not only are they subhuman but they also deny it.
Not only do they deny it but they also say that Romania is great yet posting under a foreign flag.
Not only do they post under foreign flags but they also disrespect everything European and especially Hungarian while leeching welfare.
Not only do they leech welfare but they do not integrate.
Not only are they not integrating but they also steal copper wires wherever they set foot.

When a Romanian dies the heavens sing and when a Romanian is born angels cry.

>you'll get beat up at 10 PM by gangs.

desu, would you rather get beaten by "whites" or niggers/the chinese.

the chinese are actually savage af.

fuck, used the nsfw to bypass signing in, forgot to go back for link

Shit nigga these are good points.
The russian women are so fine tho.

I agree with the straya dude that Russians are a little overrated on this board, I now plenty of leftist cuck Russnatsi, they tend to be self-hating (hate Russia) and think western transvestite cuckery is a mark of progress.

That being said though, they are on average much more based than any western country I've been to.

Even as a Bulgarian, when I first interacted with westerners irl, I was shocked that they actually take political correctness seriously and made these frowns when I complained about their cities being full of faggots and muslims in full blown ninja costume gear.

Anyway, you're not going to go a long way with English, except maybe in Moscow or St. Pete's. Definitely learn as much Russian as you can. You have little chance of integration outside of the major metropolis cities. Think about what line of work you will be in and what pay can you expect or if you can even get a job.

Dunno about straya-Poccия visa agreements.

The ones you see out of Russia are the hot ones, as they're using their natural assets to leave (as most people who can leave want to).


Then you haven't been in a real fight in your life

displaying emotions such as laughter in public is rude

Don't say anything about Putin. Papers, Please. LONG LIVE ARSTOTSKA

I understand a former Aussie PM Harold Holt lives in Russia.

Citation ministry of labour. Misspelled name of nation. Director is imprisoning family and dog as we speak

Whats pingers and sunnies

Also do you enjoy schweppes the beverage

>i can't stand this PC country.
from what you took that here we need weaklings?

>Then you haven't been in a real fight in your life

Even if that were true, that doesn't argue anything. Niggers are still worse, especially since they're so randomly provoked. Hence the term "knockout game".

At least you can kinda tell when the russians or another white group are about to fuck you up.

Ecstasy and Sunglasses.

Pingers are recreational drugs that are pills

Sunnies are sun glasses.

I would knock you out cunt

hello mr. istvan erdely!

Whats your favourite colour

>meet a bunch of Frenchies
>they compliment our subway, saying how clean it is
>"that's because we don't have niggers or arabs"
>get frowns

literally what did they mean by this?

>I would knock you out cunt
I'm waiting for your photo, bitch

>At least you can kinda tell when the russians or another white group are about to fuck you up.

In a foreign country ?

no time stamp not you

Hahahahhahaahahahhaha everyone laugh at this fag

had 3 french students study in my class at college ...with erasmus

literally all 3 were black

fucking france man ...

What the fuck man? This is just some bullshit you made up. 10pm gangs? Just fucking lold. In Russia one can go anywhere anytime. You may meet a couple of drunken gopniks, but the moment they know you are a foreigner, they will immediately turn friendly and try to show you Russian hospitality by inviting to drink with them. There are only Sertorius criminals left here and they do serious business, which doesn't involve shitty lowlife fighting on the streets.

Find out who your nearest notary is. Those fuckers are like an extension of the government, if you want to do ANY legal action (eg sell a house) you'll have to get some of the papers stamped by a notary. t. russian dual citizen

Are Romanian universities good?
I'm either going to Russia Petersburg for a year or somewhere south

Ayyye siege is the shit love that game

post dick pls for research purposes.

good, one less delusional retard in the developed world

pipe down fag

You need to stretch your pooper, Russians love gay anal sex over everything

buahahah go choke on some Somali semen you fucking retarded Swedish faggot

Pink to be honest senpai.

I should probably inform you that most western transplants eventually end up emigrating back to their country of orgin

Not going to lie, I'd rather go back then move to Sweden.

best twink porn is russian and german twink porn

You have chosen a wrong country.
You'll never fit here unless you have relatives of Russian origin.
Also, compared to Australia, Russia is kind of a hellhole. No, it's not THAT bad. It's not Ukraine/Africa-tier, but somewhat lower than average Eastern-European country. However if you're a qualified specialist with useful skills you'll live like a king.

wtf you literally just cursed me like 10-15 min ago

Are they good? I don't know i've only been at one and I was almost pretty disappointed. I'd say aim for the capital but Bucharest is cancer. I was born in one of the poorest cities in romania. Never had i got mugged once. I spent a few weeks in bucharest once some1 stole my wallet in the bus, didn't even feel it . City's also filthy and everyone's a fucking asshole. go to the west, cities are richer than the east and easterners hate foreigners ...unless you're ethnically german , at which point you can go wherever cause we suck more german cuck than we drink water. Our president is german, the heir to our throne(would we turn monarchy) is german ....whomever you ask about germans here " um yes yes germans are hard working good individuals" ...

I can't get past ukraine i'm sorry , i mean how the fuck do you have a lower gdp/capita than fucking moldova...

they also killed themselves for the eu ...and then :
>"Juncker Says Ukraine Not Likely To Join EU, NATO For 20-25 Years"

I don't know man. After being on a trip there I think it's quite the same. Southern Europe definitely lives poorer.

Are you highly qualified specialist with experience?
If yes- do you know our language? Our history? Our law system? This is essentials.

If no- go bang a kangaroo, we have no need for the likes of you

You'll be fine if you have money. I lived there for a while. The police are corrupt, but if you don't bother anybody, you generally won't be bothered. If you're a skilled laborer you should be fine. I've heard they need welders specifically

Just bants, you know? I enjoy when you and Hungarians shit each other
I'm Russian/German (75/25) so I'd be fine. Thinking about Cluj or Timisora... Bukarest is the Gypsies favorite city from what I've heard

But I'll probably end up going to Russia. Many relatives in Petersburg

Russia is cuck central. We donate loads of money to Caucasus, where Kadyrov is blackmailing us by threatening to unleash another wave of terrorists. We worship pedocuck emperor who got dropped by his wife and has enough botox to poison the whole city. We have a deep-rooted culture of corruption that makes everyone trying to be anything by gray filler sick.

I just ignore hungarians on Sup Forums . I know a few in real life and i've never had arguments with them.

Romanians have a tendency to play the victim card a lot ...even though we literally declared war and invaded all of our neighbors (including the fucking soviet union) . Sure i'm against autonomy as well , but when you have such an aggressive attitude towards them non-stop why are you even surprised when they want to leave.

>Bukarest is the Gypsies favorite city from what I've heard
Yeah . Bucharest is shit. Full of gypies that wait to pickpocket you. The city is fucking filthy. People are assholes.

Cluj and Timisoara are much better. Iasi in the east is ...decent for a year. Which is really weird cause all the cities sorrounding Iasi are poor as fuck

People keep saying "That's how capitals are" but I doubt it...it's literally ...retarded to live there.

Okay, thought so.
Thank you

>I'm defecting to Russia i can't stand this PC country.
Don't worry, you'll be "defecting" the opposite direction after a week of living in Russia.


At least we don't have to clean toilets in Europe

>lives in a first world country with a good GDP growth, one of the best IHDI in the world, low unemployment
>decides to go in a second world one with a crippled economy and an authoritarian regime under economic sanctions from the West.

Haha, it will always amaze me how dumbassese here fall for the Sup Forums memes.

Don't be a retard. Enjoy collectivist untermensch mentality along with crazy corruption and degenerate morals (commit crime, pray in church, repeat)
No matter how bad you have it, russia will be worse. Sure, west is degenerate, but so is russia, just the labels are different. The mentality of western SJWs mirrors that of "devout" orthodox normies. With god, everything is allowed, just like with some ridiculous higher ideal like, previously, the goal of attaining communism, or presently in the west, with egalitarianism.
T. Ex-russian

I am an estonian russian presently visiting finland btw

dude, just come here and if your a tradie, new york is your state. What do you trade anyway.

dumbass. ur leaving one of the best paying countries for trades and ur going to russia which is just slavs and gypsies chanting commie music.

>Pingers are recreational drugs that are pills
> Sunnies are sun glasses.
Retards can't even speak the English language properly.

Taxes are way to high in shit york.
I heard you have 18 year old men laying brick or working in a mine in WA making $100,000. If that's true, I might need to make a plan to go downunder.

Are you retarded? Why not Poland or Hungary or Bulgaria? Why do you want to live in Russia? This country has no future. Our men are faggots and muslims can do whatever the fuck they want to do. Russian women are unbearable too. Please stay in Australia.


I will, tomorrow. Attending this (paid for by euroshekeks).

why are you there? Are you some sort of politician?

sledge on attack, rook on defense.

ACOGs always and only.

muzz brake OP

Z.I.G.G.U.R.A.T hmu

I personally would only live in the big 5 cities.
>No future
Ehh maybe. Soon as the soviet mentality goes away, Russia can grow. Russian women are gorgeous, but are very clingy and arrogant.

I spent 4 months in Syktyvkar earlier this year.

I spent 4 months earlier this year in Syktyvkar and

u look like a manlet faggot

what are you, 5 foot 6?

> Russia bros what do i need to know before i come over.

What if I'm a pussy and can't drink

How come I see so many Australians complaining about noguns?
Don't you just need to get a shooting range membership to buy what you want here? Or are there restrictions of special stuff that people can't get?

If you're abandoning your heritage and country you shouldn't be here in the first place.
Real Australians will stay here and fight until the last drop of blood to make Australia great again.

im sorry about your hair

>voluntarily moving to a literal shithole

you're a fucking retard.

just let him go, he will cry and run back to australia.
stupid westerners think russia is rightwing heaven on earth, completely blind to the reality

Prepare your anus.


It's all about knowing thy enemy.

I concur

Does no one clean toilets in Russia?
It would explain a lot.
Don't forget your native serfs, it is the biggest mistake Europe made.

Fined $5 incorrect province!! ARSTOTZKA forever Kolechia spy scum

Australia bans pump action shotguns, that's how shit our laws are.

Don't even think about semi-automatics.

>I'm white
>move to Russia

How to raise the average IQ of two countries at once

You're gonna stick out if you don't look like an ugly goblin bastard (99% of ethnic Russians).

We're an authoritarian nanny state, but I wouldn't go to Russia and start referring to myself as a fascist ^_^

>I hate my PC country because of all the commies and social marxists running around.

>I'm going to defect to a commie country.

Moron, when the time comes I'll be glad to put you out of your misery, traitor.

>ugly Russian
Kek. Have you ever actually seen any Russians IRL faggot?


Nice fatceps manlet.

>6'4, 95kg

Would love to make you whimper in public, balding loser.

You mad you're not part of the 6'2 tanned Aussie Master Race mate?

Most of young russians are around 6"2- to 6"4.
>tfw 6"0 and used to be considered tall 10 years ago
Asian features do exist in eastern part of Russia behind Ural mountains. This is Asia so nothing wrong with that. People in eastern part look mostly European, except for those who migrated from the Western part