Would you accept the challenge Sup Forums?

would you accept the challenge Sup Forums?

No, I like good literature.

No, that's racist and sexist and heterophobic and cisphobic.

I don't read fiction. I'm not a child. Literally all I read is reference books.

I don't read anything that isn't written by the glorious raging harpy herself, Germaine Greer

I challenge her to skip donuts for a month.

No, I need to finish this university.

Most of the posts from this board are from bongs, americans and swedes, I think I might already have beaten that a while ago.

>(((Neil Gaiman)))
Look at this disgusting anti-Semite, oy vey, it's like anuddah shoah.

maybe you could stop reading white authors for a year
maybe you could stop reading straight authors a year
but there is no way you could stop reading cis male authors and still get any enjoyment from reading
most female writers only write fiction and the overwhelming majority of it is mary sue garbage

>all fiction is for children

>get a dog up ya
~ Rusty Crowe to Greer
Alexandr Pushkin and Alexander Dumas?

I already dont. I dont consider the gender or the race of the author of any text that I read in a day; unless their race or gender is for some reason specifically pertinent to the text that I am reading.

A better question is: who unironically reads a book only based on the author's name and therefore perceived race, rather than based on the title of the book.

I dont care if the author's name is Magumbamumba Gambamumba if the title of the book is something that I find interesting i'd still read it.

i fucking tired from your stupid western shit

>implying I could learn anything doing that

I'd challenge her to stop using anything made or invented by a white, straight, cis male for 1 year.

i mean, he's not wrong...
reading fiction is childish. you can enjoy childish things if you want to though, it's not against the law.

Don't read anything 'good'
Okay I can do that.

>Magumbamumba Gambamumba
I get skeptical when a medical journal has a pooinloo name in it.

paper was invented by chinese

>I need to read the mental masturbation of degenerates
Waste trips.

So i don't read nothing for a year? Seriously, how many tranny authors are there? Tumblr "cartoonists"?

haha joke's on her, I don't read


why do sjws claim anyone who is just 1/16th non white as PoC?

I just realized I don't own a single book by a female author

I went years without reading anything, this is no different.

I'd read entirely Japanese authors.
Fuck these dumb niggers.

Jokes on you I don't read at all. And somehow I still hate feminism.

What bearing does their background and sexuality have on the quality of work?

Seems very narrow minded to ignore the work of people based solely on factors outside their control.

how does it feel to be even less civilized and dumber than a tumblr feminist?

I challenge you to go on a diet you fat nigger.


Yeah but what if the person is actually just some crazy white dude that lost his mind years ago and legally changed it then started writing books. IM JUST SAYING YOU CANT JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER user Y_Y

>assuming Neil Gaiman is male gendered just because he is masculine

Yeah this transphobic bigot can go fuck themselves.

I had a good chuckle at that.

>So i don't read nothing for a year?
double negative, if you DONT read nothing this means you are not reading nothing meaning then you will read something

I agree. Burn all of Stephen King's books and replace it with smut.

I offer a counter challenge to all of pol: burn all books not written by white, straight CIS male authors
there is no time limit

Do you think all fiction is love stories and fanfic?

Do you seriously doubt the artistic merit of works like Brave New World, Thomas More's Utopia, works by George Orwell and Dostoyevsky?

>I don't read fiction. I'm not a child.
That attitude itself is childish.

Impossible, I work in science.

>Neil Gaiman
>Gay Man

SJWs btfo

Papyrus, was invented by Egyptians. Chinks used something entirely different that was never utilized in the West.

Probably by a MAN

the funny thing is that the white, straight, cis, male authors are the ones writing the shitty stronk female feminist bullshit while the female authors are the ones writing the macho man fantasy crap.

someone redpill me about this straight white male privilege thing

why do i need to think that i am benefitting from systematic opression when everything i say is inherently racist and invalid

>Next level irony
How unironic Hanz

Name something useful that wasn't invented by a man.


>stop reading for a year
nah fuck off niggerkike

I get to read enough black literature on the walls around LA.

So that means when I go on Sup Forums, I can only read the OP?

Women invent things...?

You started it, anti-miscegenation laws looked back that far and further:
A man in 1950s Louisiana was tried for violating the states anti-miscegenation laws because his great-great-GREAT-gandfather married a black woman, producing a black child - the mans great-great-grandfather - and thus in the eyes of Louisiana law he was black and prohibited from marrying a white woman

Dumas grandmother was black
Pushkins great-grandfather was black


but thats because you're in Bosnia

It's literally just people making shit up.


Windshield wipers and radioactivity (discovered)

All I can think of off the top of my head

Tell me. You are no better than anybody just because you read books.
With such masterpieces like Capital you sure are one level above everybody... In being a degenerate.

greeks invented bras, brah

can we start with the Nips

btw, I work with a bunch of Koreans and they never shut up about you lot and what you did

papyrus isn't paper
and egyptians aren't white

What am I supposed to read then?

lol, next you'll be saying actors are artists.

No. I'm a physics student. All books I read were written by white men.


That is called imagination, user. It's a very important part of thinking.


99.99% of woman authors are absolute trash and filtering out the good stuff costs a lot of time.

If on any book it is mentioned that the author is lgbt you can be absolutely sure that half of the cast are mentally ill Politically correct characters and that the book is complete trash.

Although there are exceptions just like woman, nonwhites just cant write.

That´s why when figuring out what book to read ignoring books written by females, lgbt, or nonwhites means that you will get better books.

i dont read so ok

I actually looked it up out of curiosity and halls the shit wo?enter have invented are just toys or kitchen/home appliances, the best I can come up with is a life raft and Kevlar. Kek

>can we start with the Nips
sure, go ahead

>btw, I work with a bunch of Koreans and they never shut up about you lot and what you did
please burn those too

That narrows it down to Mishima, Chinese shit, and Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

Fuck no, I wouldn't.

Holy crap that is such a good book by such a good author

I'm so triggered right now

>You are no better than anybody just because you read books.
Everyone who read is better than all the degenerates that don't :) It's just the way the world works micha

>Neil GAYman


Are you being thick? This is literally the epitome of Western thought and one of the contributions we have made to the world that we are talking about here, which your autistic mind is saying is worthless.

I happen to like good literature. I'll take a challenge and try to read a book written by a shitskin though. Any fine examples?

The people on this board are fucking stupid. Who knew, eh?

The epitome of Western thought is science. Stories made up by losers are hardly anything to be proud of.

Mein Kampf

x-rays are called Röntgenstrahlung in German, because they were discovered by Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen a white German male.

The only book I could probably name, from secondhand knowledge, is Infidel by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, just because she's educated and hates Muslims with a passion.

Outside of that, unless you consider Asians "shitskins", then I'm drawing a blank.

*tips fedora*


>straight, cis male

If niggers would start writing well then yes, why not?

Saved the name and will Google the book later and no, I've read some good literature by Asians before. There's my challenge now I'm off.

oh look its the last hold out for Deutsche Physik

You have to prove it first. You take it for granted for the same reason people fall for college meme.
Book are grate for people with empty heads so they have something to fill it with because forming own ideas is too hard.
Then you can act pretentious and repeat what you read without even considering book doesn't have to reflect on reality.

Well, I don't read much anymore these last few years, so I guess I've already won the challenge. What is this ugly cunt going to give me for it?


how many engineering books have niggers written?

>white author
>puts Jewish author in the picture

Really takes me fly twice as high and take a look it's in a book reading rainbow reading rainbow.

if all my studybooks were written by black transgender apachehelicopters, then yes I would probably manage

I've been reading nothing but murakami lately, suck my dick


I'll take it. I don't waste my time reading about a patriarchal fantasy land, I live it.

The Three Musketeers

>this deep in defense mode
maybe you should try reading a book once and you would notice it's not just copying other people's ideas into your head lmao. though you're polish so I'm not sure you even know how to read properly, do you guys have schools over there?