You're fucking STUPID if you don't think a war is gonna happen.
Fucking STUPID.
You're fucking STUPID if you don't think a war is gonna happen.
Fucking STUPID.
They're egging us on. Even now, our media and even foreign ones (CNN a lot) is still bringing up that incident between Duterte and Obama, as well as the thing about the American soldiers at Mindanao and America leaving us to get feasted upon by China. Only Japan's news seems to be praising our leader. Maybe Thailand too, idr. Duterte wants to take it slow and talk about it with China.
Wars aren't all bombs and missiles.
There could very well be economic warfare between the Philippines and China. China has a lot of experience in economic warfare and currency manipulation. We could again see a lot of economic turmoil in the Asian region and a renewed sense of nationalism.
The world is splitting back apart into highly nationalistic views, after the failures of globalist views. This is the feeling the world had before entering WW2.
you are fucking stupid if you think China can go to war without US approval
War with who? Kek this is fucking stupid.
The Philipine president wants it to happen so he can be ruled by Chinese overlords.
>He thinks he took a shit on the USA for the sake of it
china is going to make you a new asshole for claiming those islands, they already found huge ships near your island where you could of returned fire.
Duterte is a mistake
The Philippines cant hope to win a war with their shitty navy.
Vietnam-Phillippines-Malaysia vs China
What happens Sup Forums?
China would fucking steamroll all of them. China has a billion extra bodies and wouldn't give a fuck about the rules of war. That entire region better pray that China never goes into full conquest mode, because they'd be fucking unstoppable (at least in the region).
China simply can't start a war against US allies like vietnam or the philippines since Chinese economy is dependant on US economy
And then they bleed themselves white trying to maintain control over the Vietnamese for the sixth time.
you mean slaughter, right?
This isn't 1914. Bodies arn't all that matter in modern war. Still aside from the japs, asia is woefully unprepared when china starts smacking them like the banana republics they are.
There is no active military defense treaty by USA and those countries.
Also USA would do nothing if China did something because of Mutually Assured Destruction
>tfw want nationalism but don't want the chest beating that comes with it
government fuck off from the planet
not even a pacifist but militaries should be abolished from the planet
>Woppoli thinks America will get into a shooting war with a nuclear power over Vietnam.
Not happening. Honesty I don't think we would honor most of our NATO treaty's against Russia at this point.
We certainly aren't going to sling nukes over Estonia.
Who cares?
China fears economical backlash, if thry go to war its either going to be with the US which will at least include EU sanctions or with the Philippines(US; EU sanctions) or with Vietnam where they will get gookstomped again because China's military is shit.
China wont go to war with the U.S. because we will just nuke three gorges and the Chinese will be bent backwards for the next decade as famine hits those not killed by the dam breaking.
you have strategic interests in the south China sea. No, there would never be an open confrontation, but the US would just need to put tarriffs on Chinese imports and their economy would collapse in less than a month. Good luck waging war when you have no means to sustain it and have to deal with riots and rebellions since there's not enough food for the population
that entire region is populated with islamic pirates who abduct ships and smuggle weapons and drugs through the area
the chinese are administering it, since the area runs through the territorial waters of 6 different countries, all of them ncompetent except for china and taiwan.
the US is using this area to fund weapon and drug smuggling operations to fund chinese resistance, and the chinese are going to turn it into a safe area since it's in their backyard
that's it. there won't be a war because our leaders know we've been using it to try and fuck up china. that's why despite how bold of a move it looks, we will do nothing. because teh situation was caused by us.
all of malaysia has the population of shanghai.
nothing will happen. china already won.
There would never be a conventional war, only a trade war. And you would very easily win it
Duterte is actively trying to mend relationship with China. He is even considering buying weapons from China; probably wants a place in SCO. I just don't see a war happening.
>Blaming Nationalism over greed
correction: WW1
i hope the chinks genocide those island gooks
whos not to say this is the beginning of one world currency and super collapses are coming
We would cower halfway through and make a deal. In the end the only loser would be Vietnam, Philippines or whoever the conflict started over. America defends those who can defend themselves. If the cong can't win on their own, or at least do most of the fighting, were not going to save them from destruction.
That's our new foreign policy is Asia and its a pretty good policy. We give you the cash and guns and you do the fighting and dying.
Ph actually has mutual defense treaty with US
I think Australia will be a major player in this war.
USA will use AU as a proxy Into the conflict through Australian military and intelligence
where are you getting any of this from?
the "pivot" if you take it at face value is exactly the opposite of that. in reality, the pivot is just social engineering, lke QE, but we don't even give the region significant aid, because aid has ceased to be a valuable policy tool.
for all I can see, we're slowly losing the region to china, gradually, then all at once, because as you said, whoever started the conflict would be the only one to lose.
lol nah everyone is going to be involved, china has told the aussies to back off from thesea already.
pretty sure that ended in the early 2000s
australia has very little economic clout or political power. china holds up everything they are by a string and chinese domestic citizens in AU already have more clout than america does by sheer presence.
Answer: let the Japanese have their standing army back, give them nukes. No more Chinese threat.
The pivot is a show of force and limited at that. This has been standard policy for years only escalated more in recent years, see our withdrawal of force from South Korea.
Any future action in Asia will be naval with limited marine intervention if needed. Thats plain to see. If the chicoms fight their neighbors we're not sending more than token forces while the friendly nations of the region who we're right now arming like crazy do most of the fighting, virtually all if it comes down to a land war.
Meanwhile our own navy is slashing the sub force and building littoral garbage. Thats not a sign of a major preparation for waging a sustained naval war halfway around the globe with a major power.
What happens when China turns all of its factories into warmachines? Manufacturing is why the United States was so powerful in WW2, but now China has the most manufacturing capability.
flips have no resistance. it winube a war, once duterte is killed all of their young able bodied men will also be slaughtered and pinays will willingly open their legs to be bred by their new chinese overlords. the women have no loyalty obviously because this scenario is whats already been happening to those people since they started
we're not really giving them cash though. no more than we ever have before. that's the only thing I really take contention with in your analysis.
the pivot is a dying power running its mouth in order to try and maintain an extra few years of hegemony.
The Flips, Viets, Malays and Aussies will kick China ass when they invade Hong Kong
well it clearly means that they'll have the most advanced military at that point.
honestly I think the military is the only way they can solve their debt/aggregate demand problem. and it will simultaneously allow them to be untouchable.
the real question is if thai men hire filipina bargirls, or if filipinos hire thai bargirls
The Chinese military is untested but god damn the Japs and Russians beat the shit out of them when they had conflict
China starting shit would open them up for hungry nations to re-subjugate their stupid asses
Its more tech transfer than cold hard cash. The big players in the region aren't hurting for money. Look at the new destroyers south Korea and the Japs have build. State of the art tech and most of it US supplied and until recently not allowed to be sold overseas.
Still I believe US hegemony is east asia is already lost. Right now it the equivalent of the brits trying to maintain superiority in the Caribbean in the 1890s. It can't last for long without a serious commitment of forces that we're as yet unwilling to sign off on.
seeing as how basically all attractive thai girls are prostitutes these days and flips have their religion to keep the sluts humble, id say the value of an attractive pinay is a bit higher to the buyer than a thai girl whose most likely already had her anus caved in
People that think China is never going to wage a large scale conventional war are in for a rude fucking awakening in the coming decades, especially if the West continues to become culturally weakened. I don't know where they're going to find enough non-cucked, non-degenerate males to fill the ranks of the US military in 20 years, unless we drastically turn things around. China is going to literally rule the world.
I say all this as a two tour USMC combat vet. I don't even think the majority of our armed forces today would be cut out for a conventional war with another major power.
japan has a bigger navy but practicaly zero force projection or political will. russia has zero power in the area and has to focus 100% of its effort on the euro front in order to stay stable.
we're giving them tech that we either sold to china already, or which china had managed to steal. it's not really a favor we're doing them.
but yeah
all prostitutes? are you saying this as an expat?
I met a few there during my romp that probably weren't prostitutes. they were too much work though. whenever I walked down the streets the majority of the prostitutes were ugly. I would have only paid for the high class ones, who were too expensive anyway.
I'm not talking about that though. you sounded like a thai shitposting about PI. I want to know that between the two inferior races, which one has dominance of the women of the other?
Of conventional combat forces are about half of what the were in 1989, less in some areas. Granted tech makes up for numbers somewhat since then but still we're not ready for a war with a major power.
China will gain control of their side of the globe and the US / west would lose our total dominance of the entire world.
yes its bad but its not like Der untergang.
You're fucking dumb, if there was no military there would be anarchy and invasion by people not as dumb as you.
we didn't need a marine to tell us that our forces couldn't compete with another power, but maybe that'll help make it through to the idiots on the board.
that said, china WILL scale up but it might not be in the way you think.
china is probably historically the least aggressive major power in history. they'd be happy to simply watch us fuck our own economy up, watch us starve, and repair the ruins when we're gone.
(((Banker families))) need world war 3. If global economy collapses without world war, power of money creation (the unbelievable power to create money out of nothing) which they have inherited from father to son since 1800's will be taken away. The only way (((they))) can protect that power is to cause world war 3, it will be made to happen. Filling Europe with racistly violent foreigners without trade or language skills on the eve of collapse of global economy where the ability maintain social security is lost, is an deliberate attempt to cause civil wars in Europe.
Mending relationships, yes. He even stated in a conference to "treat us like brothers, not enemies". Also, we had a deal with Japan that they would be the ones we will contract with to build bullet trains. It got ditched and the new contract is with the Chinese. A lot of flips are going "oh hell no. Either pick Japan or France!", but yeah, that's what happened. China also offered a special airplane for personal use of President Duterte. He declined saying he's just fine with our shitty flights not to mention that's really sketchy, isn't it? A personal special-made airplane...
Yall dumbasses are forgetting the newfound influence that India has in the region. Not to mention the fact that they could sink every chinese vessel without trying (see: Brahma missile) and counter any sort of zerg rush with a zerg defense which has a constantly tested military (thanks Pakistan!). This would also drive in Pakistan against India. Humorously enough, Iran may then work to aid India against Pakistan and that would then likely get many more Middle Eastern shitholes involved.
Now, by this point, I wouldn't put it past the Koreas to join the funtime happy hour and effectively drag the west and Japan into it too.
Gosh golly, throw in a good ol fashioned genocide in Europe and it's a party.
China and the US dont want a war, China can just do what it wants there and those other nations will have to swallow it.