ALL CANADIAN, Trudeau's liberals are planning further gun control.
ALL CANADIAN, Trudeau's liberals are planning further gun control.
you have my sword
Do not let this muslim loving commie disarm our country!
2a loving Americans, we need you support!
canada has guns?
Vz 58
Esss kay essss
Svt 40s
Chink m1a
All very common and cheap in syrup land compared to America
canada is doomed, just let it go and move to the us already. get yourself a free mexican girl and make the country more white.
Tons. We love guns.
We've already been limited to 5 rnd mags and no AR or AK variants.
Next they'll be after all military center-fires.
We'll be left with rimfires and Enfields.
I hope Trump continues King Nigger's embargo on Russian weapons so we can grab all the Russian SKSes before you guys do :^)
why don't you assassinate that queer?
Fucking leafs are useless meatbags with eyeballs.
Canadians blow away into the distance never to be seen again while Ahmed and the crew move in
Same reason you didn't get rid of Obongo.
Aren't AR's only restricted up there?
At this point an ak is 450
An sks is 350
But atleast I can have an ak and as big a mag as I want, pretty jelly of those svts though
Throw one over the border to me
You lost your guns already, pathetic shame you'd scoff while another white country getting disarmed.
we don't have to. he didn't legislate shit. our guns are safe.
you voted for the commie fuck, now enjoy him. what was his name.. trudeo? some French faggot name
How do things work here, anyway? Do I need a licence to buy a hunting rifle or can I just waltz into Cabela's, show some ID and pay for one?
Australian nigger subject pls... you haven't even seen a gun from within 500 miles.
I did not, and will never vote liberal.
He won with 36% of the vote. Women, natives, nigs, and fags.
Blue = white, employed taxpayers
>only restricted
Restricted is still fucking shit though
>take an additional safety course after the non-restricted one
>apply for permission at a police station (basically a formality unless you're a shitskin)
>wait fucking months
>only be allowed to directly transport your weapon to a shooting range or store it at your house, nothing else
>have to register your restricted weapon
Canucks are too nice to 1776
You all voted this cuck into office, now its time to reap what you've sown.
Enjoy losing your guns, syrup niggers.
scoffing at how you got the worlds biggest quiff faggot as a leader and think you're not doomed already
You need to get your PAL. $65 Weekend course, $85 for restricted (handguns) as well. Check kijiji for local courses, and do it now.
Strange how an AK is more dangerous than an FAL.
>Captcha perhaps related
>You all
Poor common-core victim can't math.
He had 36% of the vote.
>pinned mags
Why did you have to remind me ;_;
Do the non-restricted course so you CAN buy weapons even if you won't right away
We are only just entering the Obama phase.
Strange how 10 round wasrs and vzs can be imported but svt40s and sks' are no Bueno
From what i can glean the RCMP are litterly the ATF except with more popular support. Did you vote for anyone there? Did you ever get to vote for a repeal of NFA or the GCA? Do you think it's constitutional that you can't own a gun over .50 bore or have to pay 200 dollars for a suppressor or a rifle or shotgun of an arbitrary length or be subject to jailing and fines?
our meeting in venice was pure coincidence.
Trump must win, and uncuck the west
If I remember right, a FAL variant is used as the army's service rifle so they won't ban it
don't do it leafbro save your country while you still can
But you don't have that law kek
>“This has been an issue for 26 years now, that we need to get certain weapons off the market,” she said. “The solution is: you do not allow weapons that are designed for military purposes into the hands of civilians.”
The Beretta Cx4 Storm wasn't designed for military purposes. It's a sporting and law enforcement firearm. It's entirely deficient for military purposes.
George Washington would snarl in disgust at such a pathetic statement.
Maybe even shoot you himself, out of pitty.
>maximum kek
SVT's are worth 1500 dollars in the US.
It's probably better to smuggle them than weed at this point, I know I want one.
Surrey here
The faggot Feds have tried disarming us for years. If the cops tried full on taking our guns they'd all end up dead
This is the truth guys. The honest truth: "banned guns" are about as illegal as weed. That is they are very readily available so much so they may as well be legal. If they come for your gun hide it. If you don't have one make a few friends and you'll find out where a good gun can be bought. There is nothing stopping you physically from owning a gun except a piece of paper especially if you live in a place policed by RCMP who would rather write traffic tickets. If you are choosing to bow down and become a disarmed sheep because of some piece of paper written by some eastern faggot all the way back in Ottawa who doesn't even care about you as anything more than a colony then I'm sorry but it's your fault for bowing down. Hell even my dad back in the sticks kept his FAL when they banned them and hasn't had a valid gun license for 25 years.
When the time is right I may post something about where BC anons can go to purchase some real guns.
Don't do this. RCMP lurks the board
Quads of freedom, though you should know that Aussies have the same thing, doesn't stop their gunculture from getting decimated and a criminalization of most guns.
You might keep your guns for now but without culture your children will turn them in to the smelter.
I'm happy to see my hometown of Chilliwack is still blue. I remember meeting the MP Chuck Strahl when I was a kid, and he was really knowledgeable about the topics my dad was bringing up about the hospital. I've never met his son, Mark, after he took up the mantle but I know that he did personally respond to a letter my dad wrote to him a few years ago. At the very least they're good at seeming like they give a shit about their constituency.
I also only recently noticed how much the city's flag looks like the Sup Forums logo.
Because it's pointless ultimately.
What happens when you shoot a puppet?
They replace it with another puppet
It's something you Americans don't realize but really should. All the elected leaders are just puppets. Obongo, Trudeau, Harper, Merkel. They're all just puppets.
Until we can find and kill whoever is pulling the strings nothing will be helped. Killing a puppet without killing the puppeteer is an unnecessary pointless sacrifice.
Our history was forged by guns. Hunting, exploration, war, survival.
We were a strong, proud nation. The communist ROT has seeped too deep.
>pinned mags
It's actually pretty easy to buy mags off eBay and stuff because they themselves aren't restricted for sale
Just keep a few "limited" mags on hand to show to any authorities and keep your real mags hidden
Here ya go.
The FAL (C1A1) hasn't been our service rifle for a long time. We use C7s and C8s which are AR platform rifles. Essentially M16s and M4s.
FALs are also prohib here, 99% of AK variants are as well. Only the valmet hunter isn't I believe.
Well yeah, I know you'd basically have to be retarded to not be able to remove the pins, but I'd still rather keep it legal
It's a tragety when a nation gets told by ignorant retards they have no culture, Canada is more than America-lite, their bravery and strategies in WWI are frankly as far ahead of their time as the German storm troops yet no one talks of it.
The RCMP are a bunch of (literal) faggots who generally prefer harassing drivers for going 5km/h over the limit or hauling drunks to the tank
If it ever came down to the RCMP vs the people of Surrey the federal fag cops would get shit on pretty quickly. The only problem is after the RCMP get BTFO they might negotiate for the Vancouver police to come in and THOSE fuckers tend to be hardasses who know how to handle a proper firearm especially the tactical units and riot units. Can't fucking bribe them either whereas the RCMP live for the fucking bribes
I understand for now
However if shit hits the fan and we do have to fight the globalist fuckers that run the federal government it's not going to matter what's legal.
It truly is. We share and joined and similar history, but they are different, and not borrowed.
>>offers no timeline
>>no timeline
>>guns will be confiscated nao
Actually from my perspective we (BC) were conned into joining this fuckup mess of a country.
What did we get: one railway we never really use
What did we sacrifice: everything including our very racial makeup when Ottawa decided to force us to allow non white immigration
>the post
t. faggot who speaks from ass.
I want to get a gun.
SKS with Romanian ammo sound good for a first time?
>high ass concentration of pre-communist (nationalist) Chinese
>hard blue
It kind of makes one think
As much as they push they can never fully take our guns. We have moose and bears which will kill you in seconds flat. Too many arctic murder beasts to not have guns.
Too bad so much of our nation is delusional cucks detached from the wilderness of Canada.
It should not even be discussed, you complacent, apathetic cuck.
The thought of disarming law abiding citizens should be met with resistance, alarm, and disgust.
Yes, SKS is great. Just make sure you take the whole thing apart to remove the cosmoline before you use it
So let's break this down for the double digit IQers whom are amongst us
>lets discuss a fire exit plan
>lets discuss that there is now a fire
>both discussions are the same
why spread panic and misinformation??
You find your local "off record" "gun show" and buy whatever the fuck you want
Don't let bullshit laws written by faggots farther away from us than Japan dictate what you do
>We've already been limited to 5 rnd mags and no AR or AK variants.
They've already taken your guns m8.
It's time for Western Separation, anyway. Manitoba, Sask, Alberta,BC, and the Yukon 'cause it's pretty.
We'd be set.
>If I remember right, a FAL variant is used as the army's service rifle so they won't ban it
The fact that the FN C1 was formerly the service rifle is one of the reasons why it is prohibited by name.
Yes, great gun. Reliable, cheap, cheap surplus ammo.
Very moddable, too.
It's what you get having fucks in a far away city make all your laws
Its why at least BC Yukon Alberta and Sask need independence
And NO Alberta I said nothing about the west being in a union just that we should separate around the same time. I'll be fucked if I ever let freeloading horsefuckers make us build a pipeline across OUR land to OUR sea AT COST to us with no benefits
>their bravery and strategies in WWI are frankly as far ahead of their time as the German storm troops yet no one talks of it.
The Canadian Corps was feared by the Germans, who called them shock troops. Possibly because they didn't always take a lot of prisoners.
No one said they were in the midst of seizing guns, just that they were planning it.
>lets discuss a fire exit plan
>lets discuss that there is now a fire
>both discussions are the same
Why be a smartass twat?
>west needs independence from east
>i'd be a cuck if they build a pipeline
>west canada is glorious canada
>economically prosperous, many jobs around
>but no oil jobs
>and no access to foreign capital
>and who cares about jobs if i have a gun, some deer and my dog to fuck
>west canada is best canada
oh weew
Strange, I have a few beside me now, within a few KM there's half a dozen stores full of guns, just waiting to be bought.
I say military alliance and economic/border treaty at best
If the west is to be independent as a "unit" it should not have a centralized government. Why? Because it would become Canada lite. BC and parts of Alberta would end up becoming "the only place where votes count" while Manitoba and sask would become powerless
Sum it up: Economic union military alliance and freedom/semi freedom of movement? Yes. central government? I ant doin that sheeit again niggah
Because you seek to corrupt the youth with lies, and terrible lies at it. the headline in the slug said no timeline. You are trying to spin shit and someone called you out on it.
That's not me being a smart ass, that's you being a piece of shit.
Trump will negotiate.
>zionational zost
I don't really think the guns laws can't really get any worse. We are already pretty neutered now with 5 mags, no ARs/AKs, anything scary is "restricted". You start locking out semi-autos to people and anyone outside of the city is going to get really pissed because now 99% of guns you can't get and now you have to use your citizen mandated bolt action to defend yourself from the bear that broke into your house.
USA, Just come annex us now please. Our nation is broken beyond help.
You mean ones with 5 round mags, non-AKs or ARs.
BC would be a hell of a lot better off if we had voted for nationhood in 1871 instead of to join Canada
>we used to have a whites only policy
>we used to have genetic purity laws
>until fucking Ottawa made us take in whoever they wanted us to because "evil racism"
We have gotten nothing valuable enough from being part of Canada compared to what we are losing because of it
The Canadian civil war has started.
>Our nation is broken beyond help
I know of a man who once felt this way..
My dream is to rebuild the northern US and Canada into one strong white nation with abundant resources and fertile land. The cold keeps the weak and feeble out. It would be the perfect time to draw up a nice line in the sand to rebuild on a good foundation since most productive people live in colder climates. Relegate all the shitskins and chimps to the new "southern america"
Funny thing is gun laws are ineffective anyway for their "official purpose" (keeping guns out of the hands of scary killers)
If I wanted to shoot up the local school not that I would but pretend I'm some phsyco closet fag who wants to mass shoot because of his mental instability I know where one can very easily set oneself up with an RPD and 500 rounds of ammunition for about 450-600$ depending on how easy the smuggling was.
All the shootings that happen in Surrey for example are done with illegal guns
Yet the Feds circlejerk all day long about Americans shootings and some mass shooting that happened in the 80s while conveniently ignoring the fact that most firearmed criminals carry illegally purchased or at very least illegally modified guns
Abu Grabi pls
They were just lucky that ISIS inspired shooting in ottawa was stopped by the one guy who was legally allowed to carry a gun in parliament.
It could have been a much bloodier scene until the cops showed up.
Of course that didn't help further the idea that some people can safely carry firearms around without going postal.
It's what I have envisioned too. The northern US states combined with what is now Canada plus Alaska and Greenland.
My view is there will have to be a US civil war and collapse in the US and a violent Revolution here
All the shitskins would be put in the south US which would be a buffer state between us and Mexico where a puppet regime would be set up to keep the shit in line and the central south US would be used to send the natives to (allowing them to run things their own way and not take from us) Maybe we could give the Chinese southern California so long as they rule it with a Kuomintang type government and are military allies
The funny thing is I have never been able to find any proof that I did not doubt that the Ottawa shooters gun was completely legal
Keep in mind a difference between purchased legally and what happens after some illegal modification
Hmm I've actually thought some more
I think BC x Alberta could be kind of a decent mairrage desu
You know I may call you stupid leafs or Leaffags but dammit I would go to hell and back for my brothers to the north.
You have my support.
If shit hits the fan can we count on some ARs and some real magazine sizes getting shipped up by you burgers?
Honestly Canada is redpilled as fuck. As soon as you get out of the city core its full of white people who love guns, beer, boats and big titty bitches. The problem is the cucks are the most active on the internet and the media make it seem like a cuck paradise full of open arms for shitskins and degenerates. Its a shame we got a PM who is a poster child for those fucks. Most people that are redpilled are just far too busy taking care of real business and enjoying the fun that the wilderness gives ya.
The comments seem to be mostly people with common sense, good on you Canada for not resorting to symbolic bans
The Mini-14 rifle was demonized in Norway after 22/7, but it's still legal. Wonder if there will be a call to ban it in 5 years here
And I for you.
Can't argue with those trips!
>governments have literal flying death robots
>average citizens around the world not allowed to buy rifles
Save your original stock if you do this. Save the mag too, and the bayonet if you take it off.
If you don't you'll bitterly regret not being able to pose such a beautiful rifle for pictures.