Donald Trump is obese
Other urls found in this thread:
>fat shaming
tsk tsk tsk
race war now
Most of his weight is from his massive dong though.
BMI doesn't account for excessive muscle mass
And his hands are small..you know what that means.
wasn't it 230ish?
/fit/ here, dumb amerifat educate yourself.
He is still 100% more alive than Hillary.
I feel like Trump is the next Teddy Roosevelt
it is reported that he is only 90kg u liar
>>fat shaming
>tsk tsk tsk
Dubs will confirm that 4D chess is being played by The Big Man.
Most blue pilled way to measure health.
Along with 2 in 3 people in your country. Are you suggesting 66% of your population should be ridiculed? Are you being a fuckign bigot in the CURRENT YEAR?
His weight is 236, look it up.
Obesity is normal in America. How is that a problem?
he will win by a landslide as long as Chinese made mobility scooters hold out.
He did that to represent American people better.
bitch please
Or bone density, or size of one's frame in comparison to height.
Guess what's heavier than fat mass ? Muscle mass.
For all we know he might have some of both.
He may be a healthy but he is still overweight.
>Tall person
BMI is only a good measure for manlets like you.
Link me to the scientific study that proves hand size directly correlates to penis size.
BTW his hands only look small because he's fat and has a big, frog like head.
>Hillary makes fun of Trump for being a fatfuck
Trump just won the obese vote in America
On Dr. Oz he said that his exercise is through his speeches when he moves his hands. There is no way he has a large muscle mass, stfu pizza man.
fucking bigot
And Hillary is fucking dead
lesser of two evils
He's overweight, but not by that much. The 267 lbs number is completely made up bullshit. That's the size of fucking Brock Lesnar or Chris Kristie after taking a dump. Trump looks like an average tall, fat guy, not morbidly obese.
>using BMI at all
BMI only makes sense in the context of population studies. It isn't used for making assumptions about individuals, it does not differentiate bodyfat and lean mass, which is much more important than overall ratio of weight to height.
But then, literally everyone in this thread but OP knows that. What an embarrassment.
The obese vote is what? 60% of the vote in Florida? I guess we can paint that state solid red this year.
Suddenly Mexicans love Trump
Yes, I do know that but that does not make it an absolute futile metric.
Not to mention the orange tinge vote. A lot of Floridians got that shit going on.
Good now he represents us fully!
Yeah, and he will only become even more overweight as President, although I think the sedentary lifestyle would hit Hillary harder.
Don't trigger me with pizza you shartard, I can't get one in the morning.
Oh god she's kasich
he's 6'3
I actually really want pizza now. There's an Italian pizza shop with a guy named Paolo around the corner of my flat.
that's better
He can run or cycle it off where as Hillary can't even walk up a flight of stairs unaided
Are you jelly?
>jealous of obesity
Kek, that sounds about right. Also, Lithuanianbro, my grandparents immigrated from there.
Trumpis a full on lardass with tiny hands, so his natural white penis size would be probably around a hefty four inches at best. However, he has shitty circulation and a massive gunty panniculus,so probably about 3/4 of an inch of ruddy yellow dicktip shows through while he's raping his children to sleep.
>probably about 3/4 of an inch of ruddy yellow dicktip shows through while he's raping his children to sleep
holy shit
>hurr durr white penis size
in actual medical penis size studies, whites are slightly bigger than blacks, the BBC is a porn myth designed to make the most insecure group - black men - feel more secure about themselves - really makes you think...
Donald has muscle, BMI does not count in muscle at all, this is why BMI is weak, a body builder would also be considered "obese"
OP would get the shit kicked out of him from donald
> Projecting: the comment.
So he's a true American then, whats the issue?
Yeah, their mom probably just screamed at them so they wrote this as tears dripped into their mouth in their dark bedroom, tenebrous by the computer light.
>I will never be this much of a try hard
He's a big guy
Sure he's fat but BMI is archaic bullshit, fat percentage is where it's at. That being said Both Trump and Hillary have seen better days when it comes to physical health.
Stop fatshaming. It's 2016 :^)
BMI is literally junk science, if you do any consistent lifting and aren't a limp wristed faggot they consider you obese, no doubt the dude is fat (and looks even fatter because he now wears a bulletproof vest) but get a fat caliper and tell us what that says don't go by fucking BMI.
So is Hillary
Most of America is
It's the price of freedom
>what is brown and white fat
You can be healthy while being fat.
Most of these walking seacows aren't healthy tho.
At least Trump golfs and does shit. Clinton doesn't do anything except campaign and she probably runs a Tumblr page for shits and giggles.
The physically fit candidate is Gary Johnson and his campaign is a fucking wreck for denying the party platform to pick up Berners.
If I was voting purely on physical fitness I'd pick Gary but Trump could at least walk 18 holes.
Are CTR trying to endear him even more to the average American?
How can they be so fucking clueless?
>buying into BMI kike
So is Usain Bolt
BMI 25.0
Just Overweight
Trump isn't having epileptic seizures and coughing up shit live on television.
Really makes you ponder.
>be man who pays for his own healthcare
Can do whatever he wants. Obesity is an issue in "free" healthcare country's where your government taxes sugar and shit to stop you bringing costs upon the amazing healthcare system. Here a fat fuck costs the system an insane amount of money and probably pays half of that back in costs. It's why being fat is shit.
In the USofA where you pay for your own shit people therefore pay the cost of their choices. If they decide to get fat and not exercise, they pay higher premiums on their insurance or they will need to fork out money for their incoming surgery.
This is why people in America shouldn't care, a man should be free to make his choices no matter how stupid or disgusting as long as he pays for his own shit. When you lose sight of this you end up being taxed to the shit house for alcohol cigarettes sugar etc to pay for their costs and ontop of that turn into a nanny state who doesn't let you hurt yourself lest you cost the healthcare system (it's illegal to ride a bicycle without a helmet here). America has seen the rise of Medicare, obamacare and is slowly losing this aspect of American exceptionalism. They have embraced the free healthcare Jew slowly and have given up their freedoms.
Welcome to free healthcare, enjoy your government mandated 20min of cardio.
By your standard so is hilary
im 5'7 with short fingers and toes.
my dick is just shy of 8in
>Obesity is an issue in "free" healthcare country's where your government taxes sugar and shit to stop you bringing costs upon the amazing healthcare system.
Stop being retarded and learn to speak English
>fat shaming
If Trump was a woman there would be outrage.
He made perfect sense you stupid continental.
I'm 5'9" and 220 lbs, I'm considered obese. However, skin fold measurements confirm I'm only 20% body fat. Fuck off with your bmi witchcraft
>only 20% body fat
nigga you need to cut half of this
You are not obese, but you are definately overweight.
Even most athletes are above 10%
here's you're (You)
The government is needed to keep people from making stupid decissions so there's nothing wrong with taxing unhealthy foods
Bmi is accurate for 95% of people though. You either exercise or are very naturally big. Body fat is a better measurement but BMI is a lot quicker. BMI was designed for non athletes, and it is pretty accurate for them.
they are around 10%
usually from 8% (more cardio intensive sports) to 12% (maybe even higer in weightlifting)
20% is definately too much
unless you count american footballers
Maybe this is just stupid burger thinking but many people here play high school sports and keep that physique until their late 20's. In baseball, hockey, and football, putting on weight is encouraged until it slows down your sprinting speed. Then you're told to lose weight.
I graduated high school at 5'11" 195lbs running three miles a day and lifting and the Internet says that's a BMI of 27.2.
The cognitive dissonance in this thread is truly astounding.
'It's OK when we like it' is what you cucks hate about libshits, yet here you are greentexting and making excuses for this fat fuck.
Truly pathetic.
>well shit I don't have anything of substance to say let me criticize a spelling mistake.
Is there a better way to know you've won than this?
Just kill me, senpai
>putting on weight is encouraged until it slows down your sprinting speed.
It's the basis of bulking and cutting
You work out, and eat a lot you are going to gain weight. It's going to be a mixture of fat and muscle.
When you get too much fat you stop gaining and start cutting. Eat at a caloric deficit and do more cardio.
Those are very basics, they just do not explain them to you.
Also is really easy to cut when you are in high school.
Being super low bodyfat isn't great either. Most athletes never get near 5%, but when men get under 5% their hormones don't work right and they can't get erections.
Ronaldo was 8%, and coaches told him he would be be a better (faster, more explosive) athlete at a higher bf%, but he stayed at 8% because he liked how it looks.
Most American footballers are in that lower range too, it's really only linemen but they are all ~300lbs at 20%bf, that's still 240 lbs of lean mass.
I'm not going to hold a 70 year old business man that gets 4 hours of sleep a night to a low 20's tumblr user
I was a football lineman so I really had to bulk up. Went from 5'9" 180lbs 15%bf freshman year to 5'11" 260 18%bf senior year. My school used to put skinny linemen on 10k kcal/day diets to bulk them up. Of course it just all turned to fat.
It's really easy to bulk too, your body is on natural steroids.
Not really, no. That's more of a New Jersey thing.
>Being super low bodyfat isn't great either.
Tue dat, 8% is probably the lowest "safe" territory
Maybe some freks can go down to 6% and stay healthy, but those are definately outliers
Cutting under 5% is straight dangerous, and some bodybuilders going down 1% and under are wrecking themselves with this.
They look huge and strong, but even flexing is hard for them then. At this low level you are 100% constantly dehydrated and your body is shutting down less vital systems (kidneys, liver) to save crucial ones (heart, brain).
It's somewhat fascinating that some bb get to health level of aushwitz prisoner for their competitions. Gone are glory days if 70-80 6-8% bf masterrace
People have died because of this
>It's really easy to bulk too, your body is on natural steroids.
pretty much, but it's always easier to bulk then cut
They're quoting some alleged anonymous audience member of the Dr. Oz show. It's reliable because it is not like people lie about Trump
of all the SJW rhetoric that's regurgitating nonstop, I still never think to use it against them
>BMI is bullshit
Typical obese piece of trash.
What's next ? Heavy bones ?
>muh lifiting
Only culturists or high level atheletes reach a BMI >30 with muscles.
>Tfw 9% bf
>Tfw 18 inch arms
Guess I'm overweight!
Yeah, manlet kill yourself etc
I bet Hillary "hips a mile wide" Clinton is obese too.
God people in this thread are fucking retarded. I support Trump but why the fuck do you delude yourselves, you are no better than leftists.
The amount of muscle you need to fool the BMI scale is so fucking much that it's almost impossible (except on manlets) to even be overweight without steroids, not to even mention what you need to be obese without actually being a fatass.
At trump's height and weight, to be 15% bodyfat (which is still fat as fuck) he'd need an FFMI of 25.2, which is really fucking hard at his height.
Furthermore, BMI actually UNDERESTIMATES how obese you are when compared to actual bodyfat.
(You) can have this right back.
Donald is THICC
Watching the Today show while having breakfast right now and dr Mehmet Oz was actually pretty based about Trump being healthy. Of course the anchors were Jews and kept trying to dismiss it by saying it might not be true data/it's a tv show instead of him releasing it to the public. Typically kike speak but Oz wasn't having it
15% body fat is not fat as fuck you retarded idiot. Most people have visible abs at that %
If Trump was really healthy he would disclose his full medical records instead of just showing some details to some fucking tv doctor.
>hur dur jews anchors
>he said as he took everything said on Dr,Shoah's show as fact