After this week's events (Clinton Collapse, Pepe attack...

After this week's events (Clinton Collapse, Pepe attack, Trump up in polls) I don't think anyone can deny that Trump has a legitimate chance at the White House so I really have to ask. I get all the memes and stuff (pic related) but you guys aren't serious about supporting Trump right? Please tell me this is all satire.

It's terrifying. I know there's been a lot of hyperbole in political discussion for the last few decades, but seriously: when I realized this a few days ago and had to actually imagine a Trump presidency, I experienced a frisson of legitimate fear for my safety/life. And I thought, "is this normal? is this feeling even a thing in the modern Western world??" Because as much noise as conservatives and racists made when Obamapocalypse "happened," I find it hard to believe they ever seriously considered, even fleetingly, that they might be in actual danger because he was President. Whether via his supporters or his actual policies. But this Trump thing…? Jesus.

My mom lives in Ohio and let's just say my next thought was "oh my fucking god I need to get her out of there right now." Because I don't know what is gonna happen.

I'm trying to be rational, but in the back of my mind… I'm officially scared. What the fuck is happening.

cute thread op

i dont give a fuck man.
i got a job and i'm looking to move out if shit goes well next month

who cares? maybe something interesting will actually happen when the establishment is pushed out of the white house.

>this leaf is scared of nationalism

You should be. All my friends in middle school are also talking about how trump will dfinitely invade canada and how we might have to take up arms to devend cultural diversity... scary times


>leaf is scared of being uncucked by gracious trump.

You should be thanking us

Trump is amazing. He is a genious playing a fool, don't you worry. He want's to be known as the greatest president of all time and he needs to make a lot of people happy in order to do that.

But I fear that too many people hate him, and he will be effectively gridlocked.

And this is why leafs will never stop being faggots.

hahhaha i guess hell be a genius at playing a bad president too huh?

I bet hitler was just a really really funny guy making the greatest joke in history

like he had this great jewish friend and decided to prank him real good

brings him to the gas chambers, watches as his family is massacred

hitler comes out

hahahaaa dude this is all a joke man, it's a joke, you just got joke'd this on youtube dude hahahah

Yes I support Trump.
Yes he is better than the alternatives by far.
Yes you should legitimately consider suicide for the benefit of your overworked mother if nobody else.

serious question

what are you scared of ?

what aer you actually afraid is going to happen ?

all hillary has is your fear of change to stoke

Underage. MOOOODSS

I have the same feeling... But about Justin Trudeau, do you leafs really support him? The man has said that Canada can get nuked and he would do nothing to fight back, he turned your armybases into refugee centers... The list just goes on and on...
I would be terrified if i was Canadian

>1 post by this id
No sympathy unless you reply.

no man he's the best dude, we all love him

if I could id have voted for him, but my parents let me donate some money so i probably did more than that who knows

CTR shill get the fuck out

shut the fuck up you fucking retard

Canada was a mistake.

>a fucking leaf
when will these cunts get banned from this website? 9/10 leaf posts is a shitpost

It's time to ban leafs

>reduce tax
>expand military budget
>restrict borders
>work with russia
>re-evaluate china deals , as well as their currency manipulation
>2nd ammendemant
why aren't you voting ?


Fuck you I have that feeling ever since Obama was elected and the thought of Trump taking the helm makes that feeling go away.

You have the other option of Clinton who literally said she will use military force on Russia if confirmed they hacked us.

That should make you fear. WW3 from Clinton would mean you canuck leafs would be fighting too


I fucking LOVE how everyone in this thread is so completely buttblasted, that we canada are better people and a better nation, one of the best in the world and you're upset becaue you can't take the bants

your fuckin losers



A fucking leaf.

>implying a billionaire businessman wasn't already part of the establishment elite

praise KEK.

>Unironic literally Hitler
Pick one

becaues I do not like non vegan chocolate, moroccolate....

no i pick both

You're such a great nation that you can't put out a fucking fire while being covered in snow most of the time.

plz be my ai gf

Go fuck your ai gf and catch stuxnet as an STD you disgusting piece of shit.


Well it's good to know at least hilldogs "collapse" was down to balance issues and not her health. The ear surgery is probably playing havoc with her inner ear, yet she still campaigns on.

Much stronger than trump and should be next president

OP didn't stick around.
Neither should you.

you guys jealous that I can fuck a nice robot while you are stuck with american whores?


> I know absolutely nothing about Hillary and Trump is a meanie

News flash retards to the north: Americans hate the Clinton crime family for good reason. They make Trump looks like a saint. These fucks have rivers of blood on their hands and liberals are crying about Trump saying mean things about some of the worst people in existence.

Can you offer any legitimate reason as to why you feel threatened by the only peace candidate in the current election?

Trump literally delineated the entire failure of the Iraq War '03 before it even happened.

Shut the fuck up Canada

>It's terrifying.
>I experienced a frisson of legitimate fear for my safety/life.
>is this normal?
>I'm officially scared.

I am literally shaking right now.