Lock and load, partner, we're making Britain Great again.
Lock and load, partner, we're making Britain Great again
In before, "Tip more, fedora fag."
NOW We'll start the war on drugs!
Tip more, fedora faggot.
Peter is your best friend, Chris is your academic roommate who belittles your limited vocabulary but still helps you write your research papers.
Tip more, fedora fag
Tip more, fedora fag
Into my heart an air that kills
From yon far country blows:
What are those blue remembered hills,
What spires, what farms are those?
That is the land of lost content,
I see it shining plain,
The happy highways where I went
And cannot come again.
Post more morality man
Tip more, fedora fag.
Hasn't le morality man given up on Britain already? He has gone on record saying there's no possible comeback in sight.
>Frankly, I could carve a better opposition party out of a banana than the Tories.
thats pretty fucking depressing. unfortunately, we're going that way too.
>Because it calls itself the Conservative party; if it called itself the Socialist Workers' Party, I wouldn't have anything against it. It's egalitarian, it's opposed to the maintenance to the married family, which is the absolute pillar of morale and social conservatism. It's opposed to national independence, completely wedded to our membership of the supranational European Union which robs us of sovereignty. It's got much more in common with the SWP than it has with Conservatism.
Tip more, fedora fag.
holy shit, how redpilled is he? He can certainly lash out; he is after all (((Related to them))).
>Many of the things which New Labour were doing had in fact been presaged by John Major, who really was the first New Labour Prime Minister.
>Let me repeat that the absurd thing about the anti-Islam neo-conservatives is that they are invariably supporters of unrestricted migration, the means by which Islam has quite peacefully established itself as a permanent, growing major social, religious and political force in our country. If Sharia law comes to Britain, as Mr Jacubs fears, it will not be because of violent actions such as the Woolwich outrage, which I think we can safely assume were condemned and disowned by most British Muslims. It will be as the result of the entirely peaceful establishment of a sizeable Muslim population in this country.
When will we gas the Brits?
Thats the thing... Everywhere is going that way, other than japan and israel.
Everything is going to shit, other than japan and israel.
But why?
>The struggle for [gender] equality in education and professions was won decades ago. What is really fascinating is this extraordinary alliance between radical leftist feminism and corporate multinational business which is probably the most sinister and cynical alliance since the Nazi-Soviet pact.
>the main lesson of history is that nobody learns any lessons from history
real talk right here
Peter 'I'm wrong more times than I'm right' Hitchens.
What a fucking cuck.
A need to reread A Shropshire Lad. What beautiful poetry.
Immorality detected
The black red pill