OUT OF A PURELY ECONOMIC STANDPOINT, why is immigration bad?
I'm not talking about the social/political problems that come with it, only the economics.
Keep merchants to a minimum plz
OUT OF A PURELY ECONOMIC STANDPOINT, why is immigration bad?
I'm not talking about the social/political problems that come with it, only the economics.
Keep merchants to a minimum plz
they dont work and live off welfare and other such programs becoming a burden to the state.
What happens if we state from the start that we won't give them welfare?
From a purely economic standpoint, it's not. But some things are more important than economics.
They don't come
They'll either go back or resort to crime (like they would have anyway)
Even if they are not useless refugees and such, mass migration can be like it is in New Zealand where they put intense upward pressure on rents and housing prices while putting downward pressure on wages.
This screws over locals and young people in particular.
It is not inherently bad or good. If you take the case of France, the UK and Germany right after WWII, the large amounts of migrants from Poland, Italy, Portugal and Spain were a considerable advantage for the economy as it provided a large workforce first to rebuild the infrastructure and then to fill the factories that needed workers with low qualification to work on production chains.
Some could argue that this type of migration would currently be interesting for South Korea and Japan that both have an aging population, and a very educated youth reluctant to take low-paying but necessary jobs.
In the case of Europe, economic migration is happening while many destinations (Italy, France) are facing high unemployment rates, which is why it creates issues such as illegal camps, slow proceeding through immigration or asylum offices, enclaved communities, etc.
massive crime and the media will justify it because "muh racists don't want to feed niggers"
How will commerce and industry keep going once social cohesion is lost by demographic replacement and social strife between ethnic groups, I imagine your mudslimes are not pleasant to deal with.
Over here we have flip migrant workers.
They're pretty ok, willing to do the work that Israelis won't do.
and do you give them welfare? Also do keep in mind that flip migrants are different from nigger migrants
poor people get poorer and rich get richer, then a crisis happens and commies start doing commie stuff
I don't think we do.
The point for most of them is to come here, work for a few years and get alot more money than they could back home, and then return.
I am aware, I'm just trying to figure out how to cure niggers from this.
When I think migrants in Europe, I think of welfare migrants, and huge refugee shit camps, but I also hear from them that they "just want to work".
Welfare is obviously counter productive here, but maybe giving them jobs would occupy them from shitting up their host countries.
Immigration can be good, very good in fact. There is no bigger compliment for your country as when people want to leave their home to live in your country (gibsmedat aside).
But it's benefitial only when you control it well. You have to consider the numbers, the qualifications, cultural differences and the willingness on both sides to make it work.
As it is done today it costs social capital and generates real capital in labour intensive industries.
It's so to say a redistribution from bottom to the top. People get to live in ghettos and some industries reap the benefits of cheap labour.
Basically the western world is falling because they force everybody to get college degrees instead of sending only the smartest of every school to university.
A man becomes a meme, and a meme becomes a man.
think of certain jobs as finite resources
and think of people, who need jobs, as an expense
immigration usually takes away jobs, while adding people
you do the math and figure out how it ends decreasing the buying power of the locals, making their life shittier, while the rich sell more shit and hire cheaper workers
But doesn't this balance itself out with price lowering on products?
No. Companies will keep the high prices if there still are people willing to buy. What happens is that you pay much more for food and other basic stuff and got less money to pay for 'luxeries'.
This lowers the quality of life.
Actually depending on where the immigrants are from and their cultural ideas on money and lifestyle, it can create an issue with the Job market by screwing with supply and demand in working class labor.
Say for instance you let in 100 million unskilled third world monkeys and give them no welfare. These people will be willing to do any and all service jobs/unskilled work for minimum wage. However, since all of them are unskilled none of them bring job creation with them, only job consumption. This competition means an increased difficulty for the working class as they are forced to fight over jobs.
Now many would say they don't give a shit because this only affects the lower classes and they deserve it for being unskilled swine anyways. Half-true, but the reality is some of those "unskilled swine" will actually be fully capable people who were just lazy, but now that they can't be lazy anymore they now actually make a serious attempt to become skilled workers. And so next the lower-middle class gets affected by the immigration influx. It continues up and up until it fizzles out at around upper 10%. Basically unless you are very rich, you will find yourself eventually being paid lower wages because Pajeet is willing to do your job for half price.
This ironically creates a society that only benefits the elite. The open borders to third world countries causes a infinite supply of workers that all fight each other for the economic scraps. This results in the creation of a slave-class that can be easily exploited.
This is already happening in states that turn a blind eye to illegals.
if immigration isn't bad then why don't you go protest your country for having such strict immigration laws, schlomo?
>strict immigration laws
All you need is to proof some jewish presence in your family tree and you get a free ticket to settle.
[spoiler]unless you are Ethiopian
>they tewk our jewbs!!1
>nobody would do those jobs anyway
... ?
Eastern Europeans have created that problem here in Norway. Norwegian teens refuse to do physical work because those jobs are reserved for immigrants.
>Asking a question
>Means I instantly have a position on this
Why do leafs ruin everything?
This kike is performing a psychological trick. He gets you to argue against mass immigration without using any of the primary reasons to oppose it. This causes you to distance your opposition to immigration from the reasons for which you oppose immigration. You start to consider them less important and start to consider the handful of benefits of immigration in a vacuum, removed from all the negative aspects.
Being in top 10% is easy as shit, though. I understand not being in the top 1%, but top 10%? Anyone with half a brain can do it. Obviously, most people are retarded, but why care about them?
>I'm just trying to figure out how to cure niggers from this.
You can't. And I really don't understand why everyone tries so hard to do it anyway.
There are fucking 7 billion people on this planet. Even if we ban every black and brown person from entering our countries, there are still more who'd like to join left than we could ever take in.
At this point I have to assume it is just a fetish for black people because there is literally not a single reason to bother with them. It's like digging through trashcans to try and find some batteries with residual charge when you could as well just take the generator your neighbor offered to you.
And this is why your country is irrelevant and can't stop getting raped.
Since we started immigration from Maghreb the economy only plummeted.
Importing migrants when your unemployment keeps growing is a crime, every single politicians that governed here should be guillotined on public place, they provoked so much misery that even if we tortured them during days it would still not equal the 1/0000th of woe they generated.
No, actually the reason is commies.
>a fucking leaf
>devalue labor
>import unintegrated alien population who do not follow your customs or respect your values
>perfect storm of societal unrest
>eventually pot boils over and richfags end up with thier heads on pikes
not difficult to understand.
You found me out goy.
I came here looking to change the minds of a few dozen Sup Forumsacks by using a cheap pshyco trick.
When my plan/this thread is complete, western civilization would already be dead!
That's not exactly rocket science, Goldstein. Let's take the German Caliphate for an example:
- We pay for housing and transportation, food, clothes as well as "pocket money" those immigrants recieve.
- The underlining bureaucratic process is a huge machine, lots of new offices were created to support it. Costing us money.
- If immigrants are allowed to stay, they have to attend "integration school" in order to be allowed to work. This school spans a few years and includes language training, as well as cultural education and history.
- Needless to say, even asking them to learn simple German is asked too much, and is met with heavy resistance from most immigrants. However, they are by now fully eligible for welfare (=Fully covered rent [averaging 600 Euros], insurance + 500 Euro for whatever) This is more than students recieve + the immigrants don't have to pay it back, unlike students.
- Heavy push from the government to force employers to employ immigrants or face sanctions. Leading them to lay off German workers, which in turn now need welfare and become impoverished, as well as social unrest which needs an increased police force to supress.
- We also gave 6 Bn Euros to Erdogan so he wouldn't flood us with even more immigrants, enabling him to feign his "military coup", further destabilizing the region.
Now, most people say that we need immigrants to support our aging population, since we have one of the lowest birthrates in the world. Whicle this is true, it's the result of hostile family policies in the past. And instead of fixing it, we throw money at immigrants in hopes they will breed and work and pay taxes later on.
(Part 2)
Yes you read that right, German woman are fully expected to bear more children. And since they are usually career-focused and German men usually don't want more than 1 or 2 kids, Woman are being shamed into breeding with immigrants, lest they are branded racists. Furthermore, the islam religion supresses women's career ambitions and forces them pop out as many kids as possible, no matter the cost.
Drives down wages since supply of labor outstrips demand and increases demand for necessities driving up the price.
For the common man its a double hit on their wages and quality of life. Anyone who isn't rich should be against immigration.
Immigration of hardly employable uneducated people is bad, because they consume more than they produce.
See pic related, employment stats of migrants.
> willing to do the work that Israelis won't do.
As always :
> Job X is bad
> Migrants are willing to do Job X for half the wage because it's still a fuckton of money back home
> Job X is now beyond terrible
> "but u didn't want dat job anyway lul, thanks nice migrants !"
>Whicle this is true, it's the result of hostile family policies in the past.
This. The simple fact that they are trying to shove everyone through university, no matter if they are suited for it or not, massively contributes to that.
I don't even understand why they are doing it because there is no money to be made with that. Studying is incredibly cheap and heavily subsidized by the government. And the students don't even take out loans because they get Bafög if their daddy can't pay for it.
Which means they will be stuck in education till their mid to late twenties before they ever even start earning money to support a family.
It would already heavily lessen the problem if they just got rid of the useless studies, implemented entrance exams and advocated apprenticeships so people start earning money sooner and actually have children.
* percentage on welfare stats.
And if job x was essential then wages would have to rise to attract labor to it.
>No-one does the jobs
>Demand for people doing those jobs increases
>Have to work out an incentive to get people to work those jobs
>Either make the job easier to do/handle
>Or increase the pay
>People do the job
People don't want to scrub toilets because the pay sucks and that's because we import people who are willing to scrub toilets for the current pay.
>lower wages
>higher real estate prices
>higher private debt
>higher cost of living
>higher taxes to pay for nig nogs
only a kike would be confused by this
Also this.
It's not that people are unwilling to do those job so we have to import foreigners to do them.
People are unwilling to do those jobs because we imported so many foreigners that the wages for those jobs dropped to the point where there's hardly a difference to just collecting welfare.
no job is essential beyond being a hunter/gatherer assuming you don't care about living standards, retard
I believe bafög should be tied to certain studies. Applied sciences only. Tradional study subjects should be tied to an entrance exam, and "Arts" and social studies should never be paid for at all. If someone wants to study that, he better has worked the last ten years in a sawmill or something and saved up money.
Children who were ineligible for welfare used to do these types of jobs and they appreciated the money. They didn't kill themselves because it was temporary.
Darkies have literally replaced children in the west. The nation is now raising the children and these children are from the middle east and Africa and start fully grown and have less rights than real children.
What a dream come true for the rich.
>muh arguement about objective vs subjective.
Stupid American perpetuates the stereotype.
Oh, also we shouldn't take in any non-German students, period. Foreigners who want to study here, should have to pay a heavy tuition fee. That would get rid of all the American leeches who want to circumvent student loans in their own country.
Pretty sure non EU citizens already pay the full cost...
Give a man a fish and he eats for a day
Teach a man to fish and he eats for a life
Imigration of hard working individual who are genetically build by social solection to be productive and discpline is good.
(Germanic law promoted discipline and productivity, which allowed those people influences by the germans to grow faster , live better lifes and more productive in general)
Imigration of wild animals who are genetically stupider then apes is rather bad.
(they will not have the same willingless or ability to learn, futhermore you are giving them free shit , they will except free shit ... both them and their decendents)
Consider a simple fact that even the bible speaks of
One son axe for "Gibs me dat" and he leaves not taking care of the "father(state)" while other son also gets his share but is a good son and "takes care of the father(paying taxes)"
While the father may be happy to help see his son that left and return empty handed and makes huge party
The other son is going to be sad and upset because his father never showed him love.
This is valid for also "being a good goy" people excepts you to be good , if you do bad you'll be looked down upon
But being "bad" and doing one good thing is praised , it's human nature.
This is the real reason why we see "White guilt" and people "attacking whites in white countries" as they are seen bad because they were so good , white nations were and are wealthiest where life is great.
Being white nation that "gives freedoms" is seen as bad when you tell no to wild animals
Being a wild animal that has puppy eyes and says "please gibs me dat" is seen as good , even if behind those eyes is a mind of someone who cut people's head off or have most likely participated in a stoning killing off a member of their communities.
The conclusion is simple, like most things in life. if shit imigrates then except stains of shit everywhere.
Nah, they don't. Everyone gets to study for basically free in Germany.
In the past that wasn't so super bad because it attracted people who wanted a superior education and often staid in Germany afterwards, paying the investment back in taxes.
Nowadays some fields of study are 50% foreigners because every fucking moron around the world realized that Germany is giving away degrees for free.
Over here, it has multiple implications economically.
Free services get saturated - schools in cities get filled with foreigners, which not only makes it harder to get a place in the one you would prefer to send your kid to, but ends up costing money for things like subsidised lunches and activities. The National Health Service is overflowing with Africans and Indians who have god knows what disease and fill up the waiting room, which means when you want an appointment, you have to wait for longer than you really should. The overflow not only affects the service, but naturally costs tax money, which lets face it, the vast majority of immigrants don't contribute an awful lot to.
Low skill jobs in chain-type shops (Costa Coffee, McDonalds) are full of Africans, Eastern Europeans and Asians of whom there is an abundance. The ease of short term staff available offers no incentive to large corporations to pay anything more than the absolute minimum, which not only equates to less job opportunities for locals, but the diminished wages paid means less income tax and national insurance contributions which are spent on public services.
Plus, they fucking smell.
Immigration is not bad, multiculturism is the problem.
Promoting inferior cultures is the problem and they are inferior otherwise they would stay in their countries.
Most immigrants want to leave their shit hole countries because life is better in the country they are immigrating to.
This is due to the superior culture of the host countries.
Pic related.
Immigrants have a 93% unemployment rate. This is calculated FOUR YEARS after integration. They are welfare queens and the only reason they come to the western countries is because of it.
Migrants which companies bring in to work for them are fine economically. The media tries to blur the lines between MIGRANTS and IMMIGRANTS to make immigration look better.
IMMIGRATION IS A MASSIVE MONEY SINK WITH NO BENEFIT TO THE COUNTRY. If you are smart or have a skill set but live in a 3rd world country you have the opportunity to apply for work visas or be picked up by a government-company scheme that brings in migrant workers to meet skill set quotas.
Immigrants only come to the west for the welfare system. IMMIGRATION IS IMMIGRATION. It is by definition to come to a country with NO INTENT of working but over the years the media and liberal agenda have blurred the lines to confuse people and statistics into thinking IMMIGRATION and MIGRATION are the same.
Pretty sure you are not doing that. Would make zero sense.
I'm always amazed how a generation who grow up with all those stories from the bible, the tales from the Grimms and so on apparently completely failed to understand the lesson of every single fucking story.
The most blatant example for that would probably be the Emperor's new clothes. Which plays out every single day in our society yet no one seems to bat an eye at it.
Immigration is only justified when israel follows the same immigration policy.
>Would make zero sense.
Welcome to Germany.
More people willing to work for less, or not working at all = less money to go around for everyone. This is because there is an influx of workers all at once that could not be created by a native population, the economy not fit to deal with unusual strain and no time to adjust.
Also crime rates increase (yes economic because theft, state costs from dealing with their damage and incarceration. Forces government to create higher taxes and dedicate resources to migrants which could have been injected into businesses (loans, debentures etc) and paid for education.
They are replacing you with Syrians because you don't have children. It's your fault really.
>you need to keep importing goyims until somebody is goy enough to do the job
Oy vey what a good goy more goyims for you!
>It's your fault really.
Oh stop it with that retarded shit. It is not our government's right to dictate how the Germans live their lives, it is their job to serve it. They don't have any right to "punish" us for not doing what they would like us to do.
And even then, it was the government who brutally pushed for less children just a few years ago. Sex-ed was basically just "NEVER EVER GET PREGNANT" and the next day they had a Girls Day event where they told all of them that having a family is not fulfilling and they totally need to get into middle management instead.
Fuck those traitors.
point is that even the most mundane jobs gets atleast 100 applicants already
around here, even a grocery cashier position can get 1000 applicants
its insane
>we dont need immigrants, i know
You are really delusional if you think that an average apprentice nowadays can pay to keep up a family, even if he is already finished. Considering how much you get fucked with taxes over here, you barely have enough money to sustain yourself as an electrician or mechanic.
The only way I see for lower to average middle class families to sustain themselves is when both parents work their asses off and you wont see many people, especially women, among the modern youth who would be ready to make such sacrifices.
This state has a huge mark of failure all across its board, considering the ones who are actually able AND willing to have a big family, are the ones who should not have one. Meaning the ones who sit on welfare and can not even speak German.
Literally an orwellian reality in the making.
They want to work comfy jobs of their choosing, not collecting garbage and cleaning toilets
Immigration is bad for a number of reasons:
1) Cultures generally don't mesh the way they should. Whether we're talking about the "durka durka wife beaters" moving into Europe, or the coke-slinging wetbacks moving into America, immigrants seldom leave their countries on a whim. They often have problems of some manner or another, and they carry those problems to whatever country they migrate to, because their culture created those problems to begin with.
The Middle East is such a violent hellhole because it's people are violent cunts, and so it shouldn't be much of a surprise when the immigrants who come to Europe are violent rapists. Central and South America is also made up of people whose governments are addled with drug trade, and immigrants (especially the retarded open borders immigration policy we have) only ensures the heroine and cocaine problems of the Central and South is now our problems as well.
2) Immigrants flood the market with bodies that, in the end, do not add to the system.
If you have useful skills to contribute to society, odds are you have no reason to leave your own home country to use them abroad, because you can most likely eke out a good existence for yourself at home.
Therefore, when we have to deal with immigrants, we're not dealing with masses of doctors or captains of industry crossing the borders, but illiterate, unskilled people moving to the path of least economic resistance.
You get a whole bunch of poor, unskilled people in a country... and what a shock, many of them end up on welfare, need extensive state-funded education to help them integrate into the country they're going to be living in, and flood the market with laborers who drive down the value of the average national worker, while driving up property values and various resources.
In short, an immigrant is so often a parasite on the system, one that does not contribute to anyone's well-being in any way, save for the head of industry they end up working for.
Obviously these problems are not so simple that changing just one single policy will fix everything, you need a bit more than that.
Kicking out all the foreign leeches and then using the savings to reduce the tax burden on those people not just sitting on their ass in an office after they spent 8 years on getting a degree would be another choice to solve this problem.
But what our government is doing right now is trying to slab band aids over the leak in the hull. Only that the band aid doesn't even have any glue to stick.
This idiot still thinks it's all Syrians.
The funny thing is that foreigners are usually not even able to do the most retarded of jobs over here. Even the basic retail or logistics/supply worker has to be able to speak good German and handle machines/gadgets so he can keep up with the work, which only gives you minimum wage.
There are tons of immigrants who do not get employed for this very reason and still the wages get lowered more and more.
Those jews are not even hiding the utilitarism behind their open door policies, the jobs are worth shit not because everyone fights for them, but because Achmed COULD have them in the case of most severe shortages, which is never the case.
Depends on migrants
>Poor whites and Chinks work long hours for low wage and create shitloads of profits and economy
>Barbaric shitskins consume welfare, increace taxes, spread deseaces, being cockroaches, lice, bed bugs, damage property, kill good people
Uncontrolled migration is bad because you get barbarians.
Controlled migration is great you brain drain the rest of the world and get cheap labour.
The brain-draiblned countries become dependant on your hi-tech goods and software and cool stuff.
People come into the country that do not have the qualifications to survive in a western economy.
Not being able to speak the language, not having the qualifications and having a lower average IQ inhibits migrants to enter the job market.
Some are then living on welfare which s bad or working low income jobs increasing the supply of non-skilled workers on the market which leads to deterioration of wages.
If you do not give them welfare many will not come here in the first place, or leave after they notice that they do not have a chance on the job market.
Shalom and have a nice day.
Yeah, I know.
Already had this discussion so many times with lefties, when they go
>First you point out that they don't even work and then you say they are only imported to dump the wages, what is it now?
The simple hint from the potential employer that there are a million Ahmeds sitting around who would do it for half the money is enough to bully a lot of people into accepting shit wages. The fact that these Ahmeds most likely would have never done the job unless it is the most braindead work is secondary here.
Should have probably been more accurate further up the thread:
The problem isn't even that there are no Germans willing to do the job because the wages are so low nowadays. They still get dozens or applications for every of those jobs. the company's problems is that those applications are only from Germans who themselves are barely even suited for the position because everyone halfway qualified aims for something higher.
Pay shit wages, get shit workers.
They only want a situation where they can pick between hundreds of overqualified people and still pay China-tier wages.
It means that there are too many low skill workers so the wages of the workers already in the country go down.
I feel like I am on the wrong side of this argument, considering I am a student myself.
Still, right now the government is trying to avoid the obviously traumatic confrontation with the middle class by avoiding tax raises and instead slaughtering the retirement fonds. You probably will not notice a huge difference in your finances compared to 5 years ago f.e., but if our generation ever gets the opportunity to reach an old age most of us are fucked, even a future office worker like me probably.
I do not think that they barely are applying any band aids at all, because that would be like admitting they did something wrong. Instead they are hiding the leaks and telling you that it was a planned modification.
The main and most severe issue is the demographic shift. Well over two thirds of the migrants are males 18-30. That means that a sector of the population is disproportional, (imagine a really fucked up population pyramid) therefore competition for jobs will be the fiercest among that group (lower-middle class males aged 18-30), job demand will rise but not job supply, among that sector alone. Not to mention that now the disproportionately large group demands specific goods and services.
I couldn't tell you the consequences of this, when it comes to economy I am an ignoramus, but what I imagine is exploitation: high demand drives the wages down in that specific job market creating an income disparity between that group and its female counterpart; men doing women jobs, or flight.
I'm a student, too (how else could I be shitposting on Sup Forums at this time of the day).
And yeah, I do not expect us to ever receive any kind of pension. Problem is most people are in denial about this because they already paid into it for a few years and would rather pretend that everything is alright than face the reality that this money is irrevocably gone, spent on the migrant hordes.
The only reason they managed to absorb that many people last year without everything collapsing was because they killed off our investments. Retirement funds are being bled dry, infrastructure is not properly maintained because the money is used elsewhere, property is given over to the asylum seekers who trash it beyond repair and so on.
The damage is already caused, but it will take a few more years before it becomes visible.
Refugees are an economic drain.
Economic migrants are generally beneficial in the short term (if they stay here and get old instead of retiring on their savings at home, they'll be a drain when it comes to pensions.) but ultimately their economic benefits only filter up to the most well off, while their social difficulties and political issues tend to affect the lower/middle classes.
There are statistics in Germany for skilled labor.
When the first waves of migrants hit the media tried to sell the narrative that those migrants are the skilled labor we so desperately need.
Needless to say they weren´t.
Not only that the deficit in skilled labor was a lie to begin with.
If you look how they define the word deficit in their study you see that having 3 FUCKING APPLICANTS for ONE FUCKING JOB is a deficit.
Not all human capital is the same. A nigger with an IQ of 85 is only worth anything on a cotton plantation, but because of automation he has become completely worthless and a drain on the welfare system of the USA.
Niggers destroyed entire cities.
There is no net economic benefit to bringing people whose only preoccupation is vandalism, terrorizing others and collecting welfare cheques.
Theres literally office buildings full of kikes who are paid hourly to influence social media and the internet in general.
NATURAL immigration is ok. When someone educated moves to another country and is willing to assimiliate to the new culture it's all cool.
But when someone offers money to uneducated masses and invites shitload of them, then we have a problem.
USA was founded by immigrants that were working towards a common goal, now they are biggest superpower in the world.
Unchecked immigration with people that don't assimilate will fuck them over though.
Truly dark times we live in.
All of this shit is not even taking into account which other, non-systematic factors those people have. I am a retail worker on the side and dealing with the refugees is a chore every single time. It makes my head spin when I try to empathize with them, considering they suppossedly fled from certain death and are now acting like everyone owes them something, worse than some 14y/o girl.
But hey, if you get a good education you might migrate yourself along with others and one day Hans will be the modern immigrant plague which steals jobs in other countries.
On the positive side, we both belong to one of the two groups of Germans that will suffer least under this. There are the ones that will die before shit goes down, and then there are those who are too young to have really accumulated anything they could lose.
Both of us have pretty much only one major investment, which is our education. And that cannot be taken away by an economic collapse.
So for me personally, I have started to just see this shit as a big opportunity. Chaos shakes up the old structures and makes it easier to come out on top than to work your way through all of it.
Still, it will be plenty nasty for every middle aged German.
It devalues the standard of labor set by a national people. When you import large swathes of niggers then you just reduce the overall value of society and therefore begin to rot the entire framework.
Enough niggers and you have Africa and I mean just look at that place.
>Unchecked immigration with people that don't assimilate will fuck them over though.
Blacks (#notall) literally cannot assimilate into human culture. It's against their genetics to simply behave.
the problem with your "natural immigration" is that the people who end up leaving are the skilled workers best suited for improving the economic strength of their home country. enough of them leave, the economy suffers, then the unskilled workers follow suit.
it really doesn't matter which way you spin it, immigration is bad bad bad and only looks good on paper because a third world immigrant has no debt to their name when they move to a new host country to leech off. even if they don't work and leech of the system entirely, they still go into debt with a new car and house, and the ecomony "benefits".
That sounds about right, hopefully both of us can make it through though.
Good luck m8, you will need it.
Even in university they're just as bad. Yesterday for example I sit next to a nigger in class and we took a quiz which afterwards we exchanged papers to grade.
Everytime he got an answer wrong he'd audibly yell, "Ahh fuggg, fuggin fug. fug!!" and I'd look at the teacher in disbelief that she'd be okay with this but that's just the wonders of the modern world.
its not bad and is economically good, however, its not compatible with a welfare state. Migrants purely coming for work with no other monetary incentives are good for an economy, the best example being old america.
Immigration isn't bad, illegal immigration, or the legal immigration of undesirables, is bad.
Illegals cost us ~120B a year in entitlements alone. On top of that they depress wages for low skilled massively, which they can only afford to do at such a low price because the state forces CITIZENS to pay for the living costs of NON CITIZENS.
And then there's all the court costs/paperwork fees because the illegals are constantly committing crimes and then being let back out in the general public by leftists judges. So there is a direct economic detriment, as well as a more indirect one, no one wants to open a business or try and find a job in a crime ridden hellhole area of the country.
We gain literally nothing from importing poor 3rd worlders. Not only are they a massive burden, they spit in our faces for the hospitality.
Depressed wages, higher cost of living.
It's fine (for awhile) if you are THE BOOMER, and own businesses and properties to rent.
The other concept is that, although wages decrease, production costs go down, and even though people are individually buying less, as a whole they are buying more, so it evens out.
However the social cohesion/political problems ARE an economic problem, because as society starts to fracture, the economy suffers.
But, anyway, the other issue is the TYPE of immigration.
So I explained above that it's not society or economy wrecking, and it's beneficial for those at the top of the chain.
But where could it fail? In Australia we have stringent controls on migration. What can you offer the work force? What can you afford to pay for rent and services? So the above system holds together and serves boomer interests.
But what happens when you import millions of unskilled, illiterate nigs? Like Geramny has done?
The optimist says; Don't worry, we will train them. They will be part of the workforce and maintain the systems in a generation or two.
But what if they don't? What, if like you see in parts of France, you are seeing multi-generational welfare dependents? What if you're importing in replacement labor or growth drivers...Who turn out not to be contributors, but actually dependents?
Then you're in trouble.
But the ultimate economic problem is that your society will collapse, and all you have to do is take a look at Rwanda or Syria and ponder on how Aleppo's markets are doing right now.
>What if we state they won't get welfare
They won't come, or those that do will work. See the U.S., where Mexicans might be shit, but compared to the Africans and Muslims Europe and Australia deals with, are relatively benign.
>enough of them leave, the economy suffers, then the unskilled workers follow suit.
Or.... we just turn off the tap after we've taken all the good ones. I imagine Trump's immigration policy won't be allowing many low skilled workers. We have plenty.
>immigration is good because we will get a bigger work force.
This is the theory behind "immigration is good for the economy"
This is flawed though, because it is based on the assumption that the people who immigrate will assimilate with the ethnic population, that they will share values and ethics, become the ethnic populations culture.
This is not what happens, immigrants keep their own culture, reason why we got "2nd" and "3rd" generation immigrants, we call them that becuase they havnt assimilated.
They instead become a drag on the economy and society, because they dont work.