Libtards BTFO

>Trump goes on a Muslim doctor's TV show, which is loved by American women, and releases his medical records. How will CTR ever recover?

Your flag looks like puke

What colour is your skin mate?

It's zombie Japan.

Ur watermelon flag looks like a nigger made it


They're not niggers they are curry munchers you racist fucking white male

Dr oz is a mudslime? I always thought he was a stupid joke but now this confirms it. He should have just done a special with dr drew on fox or something.


The fact that the red dot on bangladeshs flag is slightly asymmetrical drives my autism insane.

This can't be happening, we're in charge here!

Do any of you cunts want to help me find one of OP's relatives to suck my dick?

He didn't release his medical records dummy.

Get out of here japan lime.

It's not even noticeable you cunt

>the way he just pulls out the fucking letters from his jacket pocket

i fucking love this man

i bet he'll magically pull out his tax statements during the debates followed up by hillary's 30 thousand deleted emails

Not anymore you're not

What was their advice on cleaning semen?

Handheld steam cleaner or some shit for pets.

I had a thai chick in my apt and I was trying to blast on her face but some of it got into the curtains.

Dickhead property manager isn't taking my bond

>report comes out that Trump is a tad bit overweight
>People who would normally think fat shaming is wrong will start calling Donald a fat fuck

hes 236 pounds heavy at 6'2 tall

for a 70 year old theres two options. You are either a emaciated skeleton or a fat fuck

He's a Turk but from what I read he hold some syncretic beliefs.

I guess his mom was one of those secular Muslims. He is."Muslim" but not really like someone who is "Christian" but never goes to church etc. Oz even believes in meditation type hippy shit that is absolutely haram in Islam

I'm in class.
How did it all go? Or when is it going to air?

kek I was thinking an olive

It airs today.

Seems pretty risky for Trump.

"""""""""Doctor"""""""" Oz

This guy got his degree in a trash can and/or sold his soul to the merchants to advocate for useless food supplements.

Disgrace to the profession. I die a little everytime he's on tv here.

Hard to believe there are still shitters who watch tv 2bh

I doubt they're going to look at it that way.

Here's your response

>Health status: God-Emperor

Oh god I can already see this going bad, I bet the smallest thing will pop up on his health report saying some shit like "Donald Trump's blood pressure was a little above average, but everything else checks out"


Watch this happen i shit you not

Mehmet Öz is anything but muzzie.

It has to suck having a semi-rare flag. Probably rarely get to post with anyone responding to what you said.

Oi faggot from perth i was checking out the prostitutes in perth too why so much variety in price some 300/h some 100/h??

any reason other than looks etc...

In how many hours and the channel?

Hey Bangaladesh , whats up?

>This guy got his degree in a trash can and/or sold his soul to the merchants to advocate for useless food supplements.

He is actually a renown heart surgeon.

i thought dr oz was a snake oils salesman but if he likes trump and this show is to help then i love him for doing this

