Seriously pol, where? Trump is now securing close to 20% of the black vote. Do we acknowledge that nationalism in america is Americans loving america, and doing what is best for their country?
Seriously pol, where? Trump is now securing close to 20% of the black vote...
Yes. Black girls ftw
Nationalism is objectively a good thing for all races.
But american nationalism just requires someone to believe america is an exceptional country, destined by God to be the best.
this. I want to fuck a black girl so bad
But this is Trump selling out ethnonationalists for the black vote.
stormfags should be gassed. they are a menace to patriotism.
well if they arent nigging it up who cares? I know we all act like stormfront fags here but lets be honest. If every one would stop acting like a victim, acting like we owe them some shit, acting like niggers, we could probably move the fuck on. I bet most of the people here only hate on black people cause of the shitty agenda that's being pushed that all the fucking normies are eating up. They want them to be niggers and they want us to hate them.
I dunno. The alt-right (spencer has been trying to make it a thing for almost a year now; pic related: the fag who goes on msm saying we wuz alt-right and did the groundwork for hillary's alt-right scare tactic) sort of doesn't like blacks. There are many stormfags on here, along with natsoc and those who seriously hope for the day of the rope. Some of these fags aren't really channers tho. they come to us from plebbit -> ironmarch/trs/dailystormer -> to pol, thinking pol is a more edgier, hardcore (because of porn and shiet) version of their communities.
>Trump is now securing close to 20% of the black vote
source ?
I think the danger of this is that if Trump shills for the nigger's interest, Trump will have no need to even pander to ideas of white nationalism.
he actually hates neo nazis because they make white nationalism look like a joke.
we all americans
He also wants to see Trump destroy the conservative movement, and though he knows the skinheads (not neo-nazis) have an image problem, he knows their energy is important. He isn't one to punch to his right.
>Do we acknowledge that nationalism in america is Americans loving america, and doing what is best for their country?
No, we acknowledge that nationalism in America is pro-white people tricking retards and nonwhites into making decisions that are the best for white people and thus America.
>No, we acknowledge that nationalism in America is pro-white people tricking retards and nonwhites into making decisions that are the best for white people and thus America.
This is what I hope it would mean but, it isn't. Trump has to pander to these communities and if Trump panders to them, and wins the election by building coalitions with them, the white nationalist bloc within america right now will suffer again. it will be locked out of the political discourse, left to stagnant in the periphery. It won't become a bloc that politicians will speak to, Trump has put a lot of political capital at risk by speaking to us but apparently to him, our support isn't enough. he has to pander to the black community.
It sort of make sense though: white, nigger or spic. Trump needs full support from whites, or some support from whites and another minority group.
What's concerning is the future of white nationalism in an era where the economic crisis isn't with us. White nationalism has benefited greatly in awakening racial consciousness by the events of the credit crisis. If Trump cannot pander to the white voter by elevating his consciousness (he mentioned the 1965 immigration act but barely in his immigration speech) when we are, right now, at our peak, what politician can/will, what politician will not seek election from pandering to niggers/spics knowing that our numbers are in decline?
>tfw no qt black nazi gf
Niggers that become productive members of society and responsible parents are worthy of being Americans.
The rest of them need to be exterminated like vermin.
race traitor. roof is rotting in jail, looking at a life long setence in prison for this..
I don't give a fuck about that faggot, all he did was give white nationalism a black eye. Killing elderly niggers is probably the most pointless thing that you could do.
Sup Forums fucking sucks lately.
Roof is a little faggot bitch who went after church ladies who literally dindu nuffin.
This. Are you me?
The middle ground between ethnonationalism and liberalism is plain civic nationalism. What you see is the result of the Overton window being shifted back to the right.
Remember all this Marxist shit you see, it didn't happen overnight.
"Republican nominee Donald Trump leads Hillary Clinton in South Carolina with 53 percent of the vote in a poll out Wednesday which also shows Trump getting 26 percent of the black vote."
An entire thread and not one person noticed this is only talking about one state. He is not getting anywhere close to 26% of the black vote nationally.
trump loves money.
You do know trump isnt a racist, right?
>when we are, right now, at our peak,
Now, I might be a bit biased, but from what I can tell, Sup Forums only hates "niggers", not blacks.
"Niggers" in the context of welfare queens, gang thugs and other similiar ilk, which are - lets face it - predominantly black in the US.
Any black person, who has sensible views, will see the same as us. The dem's welfare state, is actually keeping down blacks, instead of empowering them. With black history month and "hate-crime laws", blacks are told to hold on to their hatred, to let it fester, instead of just "getting on with life".
He isn't a republican either.
Or white, he's a potato nigger.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with Trump attracting support from those black people who want a hand up not a handout and want to work with the rest of the country to make America great again.
There doesn't have to be any conflict of interest here at all.
Blacks can feel they are being supplanted by spics. The democrats bent over backwards to pander to spics. They saw chinks fuck them over as the model minority. Years ago, they were literally killed by whites,
Now they infest ivy league colleges and wall street firms. Spics are a greater threat as they will move in on black enterprises, like dealing drugs.
And a real thug ass nigger would never make a female his leader, like most apes, they only recognize true alpha males.
TRUMP is such a silverback, he is a GOLDENback.
The only acceptable niggers are the ones that behave like white people. And those are somewhat rare. Most of them, even those that aren't "thugs", speak in ebonics, prefer black music over white music and vote left. These people are, along with the regular thugs, laying a new foundation for the next generation of niggerism in the states.
Then again, I only lived in the US for a pretty short amount of time, so I might be wrong.
This, consider edgy alt right types to be our equivalent of those really obnoxious commies in the 1960s.
The actual Marxist firebrands didn't end up running the country and steering the culture, but their somewhat more moderate fellow travelers did.
The same will happen when it comes to the alt right. You're not going to see President Kevin MacDonald and Vice President Richard Spencer in the White House preparing to ship all the Jews to Israel.
But you may very well see someone influenced by people like them cut aid to Israel and tell the ADL, Wall Street and the whole edifice of Jewish power in America to take a hike and will start restoring traditional values in the media and academia.
You won't get your violent white revolution just like all those little red book clutching Marxist idiots back in the 60s didn't get theirs. But like the Marxists you'll get something that rhymes.
>mfw Sup Forums is falling for the blacks are human meme because their candidante uses propaganda to get more votes.
Blacks are people. Compared to whites they're unintelligent and impulsive on average but they still are people.
Just because you or I don't want hundreds of them living in our neighborhoods doesn't make this untrue.
I think American Nationalism is for all citizens of the US from any race. If there is a strong patriotism for the country from a great majority of the citizens, i think it can combat a lot of subversive ideology that runs throughout universities/media that poisons us for generations. (basically all the shit based Yuri briefly touches on in his interview towards the end about Demoralization)
Trump's an outsider, and his 'America First' view gives me some hope. I'm glad that he's polling so high with the black vote. They're obviously sick of the current system they've been dealt with for decades.
That's because you are Austrians in denial.
The Habsburg fucked you so hard for centuries that even now you crave for their dick in your mouth.
Nothing wrong with taking Germanic dick, but don't run around and tell people about ethno-nationalism.
The problem is blacks feel closer to third worlders than to us. See for example Muhammad Ali refusing to go to Vietnam because it was a war against colored people.
You cannot have nationalism based on things. Nationalism is based on people. And black and white Americans are separate nations.
>but Mohamed Ali died goyim
>until we decide to resurrect him again
Fucking globalist, how many times can they get away with resurrecting people and claiming they never died only to push divisive narrative on us
WTF? I hate drumpf now.