If I press agree will i die?

if I press agree will i die?

X in the corner.

>100% of people polled agree Donald Trump is temperamentally unfit to be president.
Check out the latest poll. Trump btfo.

it would be extremely painful

Yes they'll log your IP but since you're not in the US you probably won't be added to the kill list

You're a big guy

this is some INFLUENCE shit. how are libtards still not woke?

Of course

for you

I pressed agree to avoid the possibility of a drone armed with an assault barbell being sent to my location if I pressed x, just in case

for ju

They should add one that goes like "Anyone could collapse from overheating and dehydration" or "Hillary is perfectly healthy (except pneumonia)"

It's true. However, Clinton is even more unfit due to being corrupt and on the verge of death.

>press agree
>don't care one way or another

>pls I beg you, don't vote for the big meanie

Really that's all they got ?
Do they want him to win or something ?

for jew

>not allowed to disagree.

he is temperamentally unfit though.

However he is subtropically fit, or even tropically fit, which is much better than hillary who is only frigidly fit.

>no other answer

Walk away, dude.

They literally don't have anything else. The shit I hear on the MSM is ridiculous.

100% Strawmen and tu quoque,

Fox new is the only non bias network... ironically.

I think with the power of KEK we have finally shifted reality.

Praise KEK


The only news network above reproach in America is C-SPAN.


or use inspect element to remove it

Saw this in another thread



>Click X
>Commit suicide by sniper rifle
Fuck that, select "I Agree".


Where is the "I disagree" option?

just press the fucking X

are we getting the new maymay lads?

X in the corner. They'll use this as a (((legitimate))) poll no doubt

that has meme potential

I dont know a lot about CSS/HTML but the "I agree" button is "type="submit"" and the close (X) button isn't.

Considering the fact you just pointed out, they're actually polling then. It's a completely dishonest poll because the way to disagree is hidden and you cannot view the site unless you get past the message.

Expect to see this poll reported sometime in the near future.

no, there is no way to disagree, the form data is only sent to the server on the submit event.

if the close button is not submit, then that means that in the event of the close button being clicked, nothing is sent to the server, i.e. the close button is the equivalent of turning around and leaving the voting booth without casting any vote.

>mfw a new meme is born

R U a hax0r?
