
IS that 100% not edited?

Other urls found in this thread:


also who is that

100% came from Senate stenographer Mary Jenkins.

>who is in the photo
Goddamnit Joe, don't be a perv when you're on C-SPAN. Wait until you're in the Oval Office like Slick Willy

get some, uncle joe.

what the fuuuuuuuuuggg1?

I guarantee you that woman is in her 80s.

Link no work. Summary?

What the fuck, I need the source. How this isn't viral?

Joe kissed and called the girl cute and said he was horny having a 13yr old stand by him. he then proceeded to tell the girl to talk to his daughter ashley bout a film, guess he wants to add her to some backdoor sluts 10 scene


better quality source, get it before it gets taken down

Christ I'd think you were trolling if I didn't already think Biden is a major creeper.

It's true. Look on youtube, there's several instances of him touching up little girls.

The audio is still not super clear, but it does line up. Either that is what he actually said, or someone has done a stellar job adding subtitles.

I've never heard it with audio, webms have been posted for quite a long while now though.

>biden popped a viagra and pounded that13 year old pussy that same day

Just Biden being Biden.

10:08 for Biden fondling little girls' nipples


what the actual FUCK. When was this shit released?


Its been around for fucking years. its on YT.

Oh wait I have more.

This can't be real, right? I wouldn't put it past Biden though he's a fucking creep.

Jesus fucking christ

What are you implying user?


Nice repeating arabic numerals. Have some more Biden.

Laugh because feminists would be BTFO
>Woman tries to become president
>can't even debate properly
>can't even stand up without spazzing out
>proving women are weak again

Absolutely nothing to see here, goys!



In Biden's defense, that 13 year old has the face of an old shrew about his age. Poor girl.

I feel that his is a bit more normal in USA to touch people this closely but this feels fucking creepy, id punch him in the dick if he did that to me.

jesus fucking christ the way he eyes literally every young woman or girl is incriminating alone.

Bottom left is my fave. Takes balls to cuck a leather wearing biker while sitting right next to him. Plus his wifes completely into it.

~so alpha

The subtitles might be a little fishy but he just told that little girl "I'll see you back home I hope." Who the fuck would say that?

well, that was direct

I agree that Uncle Joe is a creeper and is given wide latitude because of his rank within the DNC, but I don't think he actually said that in front of the girl's mom. The room seems very quiet; you can hear everyone speaking in their normal voice, therefore I believe whatever was whispered, was heard by the mom directly behind the girl...

Let's be honest though, pretty much everyone on this website would do the same if they could.

Mom gets paid out I bet

Joe Biden reminds me of this guy: youtube.com/watch?v=3TRBwKFfJv4

or the mom is pimping out her little girl to get a spot in his kiddy fucking cult all the top politicians are a part of

You would look down the blouse of a young girl on national television and just fuckin STARE?

Happy uncle Joe just wants a warm embrace. Why you vilify him so?


Biden's great. Crossing my fingers Hilldebeast dies,they put him in there, and he beats orange clownman dipshit (talking about "dating his daughter if she wasn't his daughter" ISN'T creepy??).

The dude is affectionate with kids, and comes off as creepy, because it's easy for old dudes to inadvertently do that.

Just get this done Biden. I can then finally breathe a sigh of relief at this insane election being over.

Anybody who actually thinks those subtitles are literally what he said, in that place, at that time, in front of all of those people, is absolutely without a doubt retarded.

Seriously though, especially when he says "horny" it's really clear from the H sound and the Y at the end. Focus on that part

It could be bias since I have the subtitle in front of me but I can't get a word in there that fits with in the context using the same sounds


how come this is the first time I learn about this however (the words, not the touching), sounds more like voice over
the girl does try to move away but at the same time says thank you as if nothing happened instead of changing her face to disgust

>when you're that guy who defends someone who has incriminating audio and visual evidence against him

He's raped thousands of child sex slaves over the years.

98% of the time a child is ever near him, it's because she is about to spend the next half hour enthusiastically sucking his dick.

It's been this way for decades now. He's conditioned himself so thoroughly that he can't hide his instinctual reaction to children anymore even if he tries. All those little behaviors like rubbing the shoulders and playing with the hair, etc. They're automatic now.

I'm not memeing, this is literally exactly why he does these things

Or the time he cucked the defence secretary live on stage.

can he just not stop himself from this behavior now? is his first instinct when in close proximity to a woman to put his hands around her and sniff her hair?

He seems like an old fucker who loves women of ALL ages. And I mean including fucking babies.

The mother seemed a bit disturbed desu but quickly brushed it off.

HappY ?

..all that hair sniffing....

This dude is 1000% a kiddie diddler sick fuck

I cannot fucking wait for all this bullshit to come crashing down

could be but to me it goes Ho

Really? Is there proof? This is some big shit, my dude.

No, Finbro, I'm a Burger and I can tell you it's NOT more "normal" to do that here. See: all the disgusted reactions with Burger flags.

He can't help himself.

He starts with the two handed shoulder rub. Then he goes in for the hair sniff. Finally he goes for the subtle grope, not overtly, just enough to pass it off as something non-sexual if someone mentioned anything.

Like all rock spiders he can't control himself, and needs to be put down for his and society's own good.

And he doesn't just limit himself to 3D either.

No its the total opposite, we really are a nation of puritans, people stand three feet from each other to have a conversation, nobody let alone in a professional setting has ever leaned in with their hands on my shoulders to whisper things to me.

>three feet
Why don't you fondle eachothers' balls or something whilst you're at it.

He call's her a good little girl.

Name of the model in the picture?

Well Sup Forums usually has NEET's and burgers who dont really shine at human interaction so thats why I shrug it off.

I think he really said "happy", not "horny", but it's still creepy.

He's sniffing them, like the Frog Aliens!
