Any germanbros watching n-tv at the moment? Why is our media so obviously biased?
>Trump is obese
>Hillary is at best health, doctor confirms
Also those 'refugee' chatlogs lmao
Any germanbros watching n-tv at the moment? Why is our media so obviously biased?
>Trump is obese
>Hillary is at best health, doctor confirms
Also those 'refugee' chatlogs lmao
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Maybe you faggots should start thinking for yourselves for once.
The jew media and Merkel do not have your best interests at hand.
>Trump is obese
bullshit. I wanna see the reporters at his age.
> Hillary is at best health, doctor confirms
can't he be held accountable for those claims? he's a giving a professional opinion, not his personal opinion.
Your country is already fucked, letting all those rapefugees in, nice job. They're going to ruin the German race, has fun getting bred out of existence faggot.
The spin they put on yesterday why so called refugees are making holidays at home was enough to give me cancer already.
(((professional))) opinion
Fuck off kikes, your opinions aren't valid
n-tv is horrible.
>"Merhaba" mini-series on how refugees are the best people ever
>"American Woman" mini series on how Trump is evil and Clinton just fine
Cultural Marxist long term strategy was to take control of the media and academia and use those institutions to brainwash the population. Your n-tv is the same as our MSNBC and CNN. They cannot be trusted, so their propaganda should be ignored. I shut off cable tv and only get news from truthful online sources.
N-tv sounds like Goebbels on steroids.
i watched puls4 on my tv yesterday, they showed the video of hillary being dragged into the van at the 9/11.
There are no laws against lying. She is a private physician and not hired by the government.
BMI charts consider an increasingly wide weight range to be normal as age increases. If you (((for some reason))) used one that wasn't age-adjusted, thereby holding him to the unfair standard of men in the prime of their life, I could see him being in the "overweight" range.
>Goebbels on steroids
There is nothing that Goebbels could have taken to compete with Rachel Maddow. I even think it's rather likely that the actual Soviet propaganda was tamer and more honest than Rachel Maddow.
I can keep calm about a lot of shit but Rachel Maddow is too vile even for me.
Mimi information dont confirm what i made up in my head.
your reading comprehension is non-existant. Neck yourself faggot
ist es denn nicht so?
>I even think it's rather likely that the actual Soviet propaganda was tamer and more honest
I've read old copies of Pravda (my dad got them from one of his commie teachers, lel) and this is literally true. Their ability to simply make shit up was relatively limited, and when they did so it was usually obvious e.g. Potemkin villages. All their arguments had to engage with and try to defeat the counter-narrative of capitalism's obvious success for most people, actively backed up by western governments through various overt (e.g. Voice of America) and covert (e.g. CIA cultural funding) means. This meant that they had to basically inhabit reality and make rational arguments, constraints which the modern left don't feel bound by. Finally, Soviet propaganda was all coming from a single source, whereas the modern MSM appear to be many independent organizations, giving the impression of greater objectivity. In practice however almost all parrot the same DNC talking points right down to the exact wording, e.g. Hillary "powering through" her recent pneumonia.
original soviet propaganda was good, because it was made by jews. modern usa propaganda is good for the same reason
It was more effective early on because some of Marx's criticisms of capitalism are valid, and it hadn't yet become apparent that Communist "solutions" to those problems didn't work and invariably led to authoritarian nightmares.
As Yuri Maltsev put it the situation was vastly different. People in the Soviet Union knew it was propaganda because they simply had to take a look outside their window but I'm not sure I can say the same about people today. Rachel Maddow's show even improved in ratings which means that there are people out there enjoying her program and she is about to be in the top ranking for her spot. I know I should actually complain about the people giving her the attention but she's so sickening!
>Watching N-tv
>Watching tv
Jesus, you Germans are lost.
Globalists were afraid of Germany rising again after ww2 so they performed cultural castration on Germany to make it just cuck workforce.
must be a NEETon social system money. Not better as the refugees. Hes sitting at home and wait for subhuman TV after 1pm
Du musst wieder gehen!
Excuse me, but what the fuck?
"Ich habe in meinem Leben niemals Zensur erlebt. Ich habe einmal einen Versuch erlebt, als der amerikanische Vietnamkrieg begann. Und da hatte ich aus meiner Erfahrung des französischen Indochinakrieges, die ja sehr intensiv waren gesagt, das Ding kann schief gehen und wird auch schief gehen. Und da hat der deutsche Außenminister, der damals auch Gerhard Schröder hieß, dann beim Westdeutschen Rundfunk, das war mein Sender, interveniert und gesagt, der Scholl-Latour in allen Ehren, aber der verdirbt uns die Beziehungen zu Amerika. Und dann hat mich mein Intendant gesagt, einbestellt, das war ein Eichenlaubträger an der Ostfront, und hat mich zwei Stunden lang befragt und hat dann kurz und preußisch gesagt: „Machen sie weiter“. Das würde heute nicht mehr stattfinden. Und damals, im ZDF, hat ja der Intendant Herr Stolte mich völlig gegen jede Kritik von außen und insofern war ich in meiner Fernsehtätigkeit frei. Als dann die Bücher kamen, war es auch kein Thema: die Verlage schauen auf die Auflage. Heute ist das nicht mehr der Fall. Das ist ja keine neue Erkenntnis, Paul Sethe, der ja ein ungemein konservativer Leitartikler war, und für die Welt und für die FAZ schrieb, hat mal vor vielen Jahren geschrieben: „Die Freiheit der Presse im Westen ist die Freiheit von 200 Reichen Leuten, ihre Meinung zu publizieren“, inzwischen sind es keine 200 mehr, inzwischen sind es nur noch 4 oder 5 Leute.“
- Peter Scholl-Latour
Those people that have secured themselves status as "refugees" are known to travel back to Syria (and other places) to go on vacation and visit relatives, then come back to Germany again. If you're just refering to the "spin", yeah, I'd also be interested to hear how they explained this.
Why are people attacking Trump because of his weight? Isn't that body shaming? I thought that was bad. Or is it only bad when it involves obese women?
This is a fucking parody.
>newspaper breaks story about refugees making holiday at home
>yesterday (or maybe Tuesday) referred to the official government position that the "story" was being investigated
The fucking newspaper story made it clear that the officials knew about this because they interviewed employees of the fucking department for fucking refugees and common cuckoldry.
Trump probably doesn't give a fuck.
Germany is the powerhouse of Europe.
When you guys snap out of this shit the Jew is done for.
They're afraid so they're turning you into cucks.
>Why is our media so obviously biased?
CIA backed. Research the "young leaders" program they got.
>German media bashing Trump and shilling Hillary
>Being surprised
Germany has been sucking that meaty US cock for a while now, playing down the NSA scandal, not accepting Snowden, Freihandelsabkommen, bashing Russia/Putin and much much more, our media is completely controlled by politicians and pushing agendas. A few years ago there was a scandal of rigged elections in Hamburg that I myself did not know about at the time besides living in Hamburg, because it simply didn't get news coverage. Our political system is fucked, it doesn't matter what we vote, they all do the exact same thing, the only difference is that they have different explanations to why they are doing it, so we can concern ourselfs with right/left debates and shallow bullshit that distracts us from how fucked we are. Media is crying about people voting for a certain party, not very unbiased or democratic now, is it?
It's just so bizzare, we are on a sinking ship with a rat infestation, shooting the floor with machine guns to kill the rats.
By now, everyone who really knows how politics work should vote Die Partei.
Kek I remember a few nights ago BBC News did a segment on Hillarys health and all they said was "Hillary is tottaly healthy and just being unfairly targeted let's look at Trumps health". They then interviewed two Huff Post writers who just bashed Trump for 5mins.
No agenda here at all goy
"There's no reason Hillary should be so scurutinised about her health no one is doing this to Trump"
No shit Trumps not the one constantly coughing every speech and passing out.
Google "Sachsensumpf" to find another hushed up horror scandal.
I just did, honestly not even surprised. People are sick, money can buy everything and having influence can get you out of everything. It's just one of those things that blew up, wanna make a bet how many more are still out there?
I've worked security at concerts and I know how mad and disgusting people become once they have enough money/power. Working backstage you learn a lot about their dirty little secrets you are of course prohibited from telling anyone, but why would I protect some retarded moneybag? I saw Lemmy naked drinking Jack, Nena is on coke 100% of the time, you are not allowed to look the members of Linkin Park in the eyes and they are on crack most of the time, the Beatsteaks are constantly fucking "underaged" fans and so on. Nothing too spectacular, I know, but the way those people behave tells a lot.
Does Nena really look as good as they try to make believe in the promotional photos?
It's been a while ago, but she looked withered, lot's of makeup of course, but you can see she is an old woman by now, the coke probably didn't help much either.
saw it yesterday and got angry about this bullshit
>Hillaries docter said its just a small pneumonia, why the circus?
>Btw. Trump is fat.
Would be amazing to get some European leaks as well to Wikileaks. The corruption isn't probably as widespread as it's in the United States but it's obviously there. Would love to see similar reaction from Europeans which Iceland showed their politicians and bankers when corruptions were made apparent.
It's sad that people are voting for right-wing populist parties when what we actually need is more transparency.
The Hillary shilling in our media is incredible.
Everytime they bring something about the US election Trump ends up being Hitler 2.0 and Hillary is portrayed as the brave angel that'll save us all.
Why does your media care so much about our non-presidents? Is that normal there?
Like we here about the Merkle Destroyer of Europe, and sometimes AfD, but We only here about the conservatives there as if Nazi's are getting popular again. It's actually pretty offensive shit. "What? Some Germans don't want migrants because of all the rape? Obviously that's worrysome, what next? Will Germans going to start Ovening people again? Who knows. AfD just got the most votes in years. They might come to power again in our lifetimes. How could this happen? Only way to be sure you're tolorant is to let a refugee rape you. And now Tom with the weather."
But I can't think of the AfD leader's name and all our mesia does is shit on their supporters. They don't even mention a fingle fact about that party.