Ask a Croat who will overstay in the US with tourist visa anything
Ask a Croat who will overstay in the US with tourist visa anything
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do you think black/latina girls will like me there?
I'm 190cm (6'3''), dinaric genes, tanned, strong balkannigger. Do they like alpha, real white guys?
and not liberal, swaggy, americanized tank-top wearing faggots
Why will you do that? You do know that Americans are not to be fucked around with right?
what do you mean?
What state are you going to Ante?
Where do anti-social beta virgins (your typical Sup Forums user) lie on this faggot/cuck spectrum?
Croatian lobby is really strong in America. They take good care for each other. Thru family connections I already made plans to work there illegaly for one Croat for a decent amount of money and I have a place to stay
If they find me and deport me. Who cares? I can easily go back to my old life in Croatia.
but who will rape all of dubrovnik then Ivan?
When you say real white alpha guys, you bring the most extreme example. I'm wondering where Sup Forums spergs lie when you compare this with liberal nu-male cucks.
say hi to KAsich for me, he'll probably let you stay in his house.
I will kek
croats are not slavs
motherfucker i googled common croat names and ivan came up
You have to go back
Results probably came up from S*rb troll site.
>When you make an absolutely abhorrent post
>Croatian lobby
Things that aren't real?
this "slav is an ethnic group" thing needs to die now that we have modern genetic testing
well he ain't wrong
>has Croatian papers
>can work anywhere in the EU legally
>decides to complicate his life
those are just baby names in 2009, but ivan is surely in the top 5 most popular names in cro
Zasto radis to brate, ako te uhvate najebaces. Plus sta ce ti te kurve camuge i spik nadji sebi neku 'rvaticu vi imate dobrih picaka
Imaš hrvatske klubove po Americi gdje pomažu stat na noge hrvatskim imigrantima. Bili legalni ili ne. Naravno moraš imat i neke obiteljske veze
Prijatelj mi na istu foru nakon faksa namjerava otici u Čile
Its all about adventure my friend. Fuck EU. I'd rather stay in Croatia than go to Austria or Germany
To get away from the stench of S*rbia. You guys reek all the way to here and beyond.
evo ja idem u nigeriju ak je fakat trend ići u shitty zemlje
I know, I can read.
My point was he isn't wrong about it being a popular name
Čuo sam od pouzdanih izvora da u Kamerunu placaju belcima tipa 5k dolara mesecno samo da im sede belci u firmi to je tamo stvar prestiža, sve tax free plus smeštaj.
.t Alija who ran away with his family in Slovenia.
Allah ekber brate
Super je to dok te ne otmu i /ili ubiju
Was the two-day war so traumatizing for you that you hate Serbs now?
Common sense might also have something to do with it.
Ye i know, just bantz between brother kajkavian nations
Mujo pls go :DDDDD
Come on guys, does this thread really needs to become another ex-yu bantz place?
I was hoping to get more angloscum teeling me to fuck off
najgore što mi mogu je deportirat me i zabranit ulazak za ubuduce.. meh
Allahu Akbar
The fact that you heroically oppose Serbs on anonymous mongolian throat singing boards will not bring your parents back Alija
nothing will, get over it
Where are you staying, city wise?
We have a roach infestation, it started when Turkey invaded Syria and now they're crawling out of the woodwork.
Tebi sve najbolje ali mi nije jasno to cimanje sa amerikom i overstaying i picke materine, znam nekoliko ljudi koji planiraju isto sto i ti. Ne znam jebiga, Bog s tobom.
How is Croatia (quality of life, prices, general landscape, women, etc.)?
How much does an apartment in Diocletian's Palace cost?
near Columbus
Hvala ti. Ne znam za njih, ali nije mi ni toliko do ekonomskih razloga koliko do pustolovine u nepoznato i potrage za srecom. Retardiran sam jbg
Not bad tbqh. we are 47. in HDI. Landscape and women are very beautiful. Prices are cheap for medium class European foreigners (Except Dubrovnik and other tourist places)
I always wanted to visit Croatia, do you need to learn Croatian to buy stuff there, and is there a negative attitude towards Russians or not?
Gotta agree by the way, from the pictures I've seen, the landscape is truly beautiful.
>do you need to learn Croatian to buy stuff there
>is there a negative attitude towards Russians
Nope. Not at all
Good luck friend. I would love to visit Russia too. Maybe one day.. who knows
I know English very well, I think I can use that.
And good luck to you too, fellow Slavbro.
Do you know Stephi Miocic? If so remind him he tapped out and is a false champion
Also Ohio sucks
I'm going guys. I need to get ready for my flight.
I wish I could describe you this feeling.
I have a tourist visa until the end of the year. Who knows. Maybe I wont like it there and I'll come back home.
c'est la vie
of course, everybody knows Stipe here
thanks man