Ultimate red pill for life

When did you snap out of your naivety?

>Across all cultures, women deploy a dualistic sexual strategy: Coupling and Dual Mating
>Coupling, meaning the formation of a long-term 'monogamous' relationship with a provider, is necessitated by human infants requiring long years of high resource expenditure before they are independent.
>Evidence indicates that for the purpose of Coupling, women seek out men that display characteristics like ability to provide, kindness and reliability. When selection is constrained, women will prioritize the ability to provide.
>Women will display Commitment Skepticism (shit testing and comfort testing) with their Coupling partner, requesting a variety of displays on his part (failed shit tests) to guarantee he'll be willing to commit once they have coupled (and she's likely pregnant). This is because a wrong investment on the woman's part would prove disastrous for her, leaving her without her Coupling mate's resources.
>Dual Mating is a strategy in which women seek to reproduce with men offering better genes than their Coupling partner, while retaining the commitment of the Coupling partner
>Women are specifically drawn to Dual Matin during the fertile phase of the ovulatory cycle, and women in long-term relationships display a larger attraction to Dual Mating than otherwise
>For dual mating, women prefer men with the following (alpha) characteristics: body and facil symmetry, facial masculinity (large jaw, prominent brow), dominance, deeper voice, physical size (in relation to their partner)
>Evidence of Dual Mating is the adaptation to sperm competition (the relatively large-sized testes in men follow the pattern in other primates of larger testes = more sperm competition), the commonality of extrapair mating (cheating, with around 20% of women admitting to at least one lifetime instance), and the development of jealousy (which is not ubiquitous among primates) in males, including to the point of violence

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>its just nature, women can't control their sexuality

>you fucking animal for being a rapist.

I'm so ready for Islam. Just sharia our shit up

>Dr Cuck tries to prove his fetish.

It's basic game theory, there is no benefit to the majority of women cheating. If they get caught they lose massively. If they get away with it they get a small gain in genetics.

Only way this works is if cucks like Dr Cuck here normalise women having multiple partners and therefore no risk.


I knew all of this before, just hadn't seen anyone do any proper research on this. Thanks, I guess.

yeah but rape is illegal and being a cheating bitch isn't (any more)

Oh look you found a new article because your last one is shit.
Just go get you girlfriend fucked by another man senpai, you don't have to prove anything.

They don't get a small gain in genetics, though.

If Chad Chadingston is so great, why are they not with him? Probably because he's a retarded, deadbeat loser who can't even provide for himself, muchless her or her broodspawn.

Being a fucking idiot doesn't sound like a step up from being someone who can manage their life.

How does the accessibility of cheap DNA tests affect this?

>tfw fulfil both criteria for long term mate and shirt term genetic donor

Step up fags

the west must be really fuckt if you have to go to islam to look for moral guidance. kinda sad desu.

pic related

what he said: you're welcome

you're so fucking delusional that you're literally ignoring and dismissing the evidence in front of you. truly cuck'd

not cheap enough, and not accessible (and popular) enough. plus, even the act of wanting the test will probably break up relationships.

Are the genetics that made beta bucks financially stable more important than chad's big dick?

Yeah but why should rape be illegal if it's natural ?


> women are genetically used for cheating takes that you neckbeard

> yeah but they still restrain their number of partner to two meaning women who have more are whore

> stop using biotruth bouhouhou

Love is for weak men.

I beat the jewish tricks by finding the cutest girl, chatted her up and got along really well. perfect waifu. qt3.1415926535 same interests, same opinions.

And I told her to go fuck herself, she stared at me for about 6 months or so when we were in the same areas at Uni.

But I resisted, I overcame the love meme. She posted some really hurt things on her blog too, I just wanted to hold her.

But I did it. No retarded children to take care of, no giving her beautiful back an oil massage when I just want to play HOI3.

Kill me


Haha I love social science 'evidence'. It's generally bullshit and whatever the fashion is at the time.

How the fuck do you prove anything? You literally cannot. You just look for what you think should be there and then look for the evidence for it. In other words the opposite of science.

Alpha fucks, beta bucks. Nothing new here.

>Sleeps with 6'4 foot nigger
>Child ends up being retarded homeless junkie who gets shot or ends in jail for life

I love how it's the current year and people are still this retarded. Now i am 6'3 and above average strenght but i am average or below average intelligence so i will never make it far in life.

We just arent chimps where physical strenght would be so important. Even 50.000 years ago the smarter neandrethal would beat the brute by outsmarting him and either killing him in his sleep or creating a superior weapon.

Majority of hominid groups appear to have operated similarly to the gorilla with a dominant male and a harem of fertile females which woudl slowly expand then contract with breakaway groups around another dominant male. There's not much evidence but that would explain the small groups and the care and respect shown towards old males (la ferrasie and the georgian hominids had old male specimens).



>theres no such thing as alphas

>there is no such thing as men who are more fortunate and have more willpower

>its illogical to think a woman could want the best genes and the best provider for her child if it means coming from more than one person

cucks on suicide watch



Ok, sorry,

>cheating is fine if you're a woman its nature

>what the fuck you supporting the sexist porn industry! You disgusting loser

Dude, Americans operate culturally different to even Mexicans and they are the same 'human race'. How the hell can people compare chimp behaviour with humans?

It's just pattern matching and hoping you are right.

Cucking another man and watching him raise your child is the true redpill.

Bonus if it's some traditionalist who posts on pol about how alpha he is for having a wife and kids.


A 9mm makes almost all genetics irrelevent in a fight

Intelligence leads to god-like powers eventually due to the nature of our interconnected world

The smartest women will mate with attractive smart men until a ruling elite is created (kinda jew world order right now), meanwhile women who cant get over getting dicked down monkey style by multiple men will breed a dumb slave class

betas... what can you do

Woman cheat, but so do men. Big whoop

It's a takes a strong man and a strong woman to not too... and if you woman cheats , find another.
And if she thinks of cheating or is ever put in a situation to do so , she has to know that she cannot hurt you and if she does you'll throw her like the piece of toilet paper she is.

If she has any brain she'll be able to control her self , if you have any brain and are confident , she'll begs you for your cock.

Don't let her control you, you don't need "laws to control her for you"

It may be hard to find, but who likes stuff to be easy. You'll learn to respect and value things when things are harder.

So a woman is has the freedom to do anything , and choose you and only you overcoming her natural instict is worth it.

As as a man who does the same, you'll be worth aswell. And you don't need to be alpha as fuck body type , you just need some confidence and show her that around you , she is secure.

It's not because she doesn't want to. It's because he doesn't want to.

>meets cutipie
>spergs out
I'll assist you with ending your life.

Fucking girls in relationships/marriages is the true redpill

Once it happens more than just coincidence you have to ask yourself: do you want to be the dude in the relationship?


was the bait not good enough, kiwi?

>Bonus if it's some traditionalist who posts on pol about how alpha he is for having a wife and kids.

fucking this

he's always going on about christian values too

Sup Forums is full of people doing acrobatic mental gymnastics coming full circle to cuckoldry try to get laid

>this much white knighting
>so little argumentation

Listen guys: Women live and survive on base instincts, just as men do.

This is an observable demographic trend, who can easily be explained with rudimentary evolutionary psychology.

Most of men, including most of you, are genetically programmed to be Emotional Manginas, infinitely loving, caring and protecting when the source is a beautiful and fertile woman that provides you Sex.

Women are genetically programmed to look for an Alpha's care, and protection, by notably looking at appearances and STATUS : money, popularity in social circles, stability. They will seek to secure one source of this (Beta Male Provider) while actively hunting for better, stronger sources at the same time, only dumping the weaker source when the new one is completely secured.

This phenomenon is called Monkey Branching. And if you ask how they secure them, the answer is always Sex. A woman's only asset. Problem is, the current Alpha's are drowning in pussy and never have to commit to any on them, especially not if he's a redpilled MGTOW, hence causing many Betas to either accept being cucks, or grow a pair and dump the cunt.

That is also why women are much more attracted to a Man already committed to another woman, and why there's so many Homewreckers going and breaking up big marriages, with much older men.

This is why you always get a paternity test. ALWAYS get one for every new kid. Women use technology to free themselves to have sex without consequences. Why shouldn't men use technology to avoid being a cuck?


DNA test BTFO of the cuck father theory though.

They are avaliable in my glorious country so if the test shows it isn't mine you can just say fuck off.

>Months of feeling like shit
Compared to
>Lifetime of doubt

>ITT baaaaw wimmin are evil and wont give me sex
meanwhile i date a 9/10 qt, and if she cheats on me, ill just fucin dump her. EZ

Not just 9mm basic sneaky tactics.

I had a guy who was a full on ape in my class. He trained kickboxing for years and he was a fucking muscular beast. Threatened me and i pussied out.

Then one day i ambushed him and beat the shit out of him. I just pulled down his hoodie so he couldnt see and i was beating his ass.

He never found out it was me.

Common sense became a keyword to describe the modern life.

>When did you snap out of your naivety?
after my first girlfriend. if it takes much longer than that, youre either one lucky motherfucker or one stupid motherfucker.

This gypsy has his shit together.

I was in a ten year relationship. After the honeymoon period my dick would be going off like a geiger counter whenever I was near some new pussy. Did I cheat on my girlfriend? No. Did I want to? Yes, kind of.

Animal attraction is a thing that we have, however we have the choice on whether or not we give in to our base instincts and rut like animals, or stay loyal.

And men are genetically programmed to pursue multiple women but at some point we agreed to monogamy for the sake of civilization.

not cheap enough, and not accessible (and popular) enough.

but, most importantly: even the act of wanting the test will probably break up relationships.

>Watching him raise your child
>He demands DNA test
>The whore panickes and makes you take the test next
>You end up paying the child support


i said the same thing 8 years ago

the ability to procreate>the ability to survive independently

from an evolutionary standpoint

But that just is not true?

In the UK they are cheal AND easy to use.

>Break up relationship

No. If you explain why there will be a few fireworks but in the end it is better than being a cuck.

If you can't make it up to your wife after asking for a DNA test you're a faggot anyway.

Arguments > being a cuck

Why in the world would I risk being a literal cuck? You give us these studies and I have given you something to prevent lifelong cuck fetish.

>makes you take the test
>makes you
not possible when she's not your wife.

Anyone trying to make you believe something is simply trying to use you.

All pills are terrible and the "red pill" has been terribly bastardized by you stupid faggots.

I'm not talking from my own perspective, but the general public will have a hard time keeping the relationship together after implying that the woman got jizzed in her cunt by another

>not cheap enough
It's not like you'll be havnig 15 kids...

>but, most importantly: even the act of wanting the test will probably break up relationships.
I'm pretty sure it's not an invasive process. Just swab the babby's mouth with a q-tip and send it to the labs. The mother doesn't have to know.

It actually is. How do you think most people end up paying child support?

You guys are retarded

But your whole argument is telling us that women WILL cheat and WILL get that semen in her cunt from another man.

So which is it? If there is even a chance I will get a test. Argue for a few weeks and make it up to her.

The more men that do this, the less women will abide to your "theory"

This. Liberals want us to follow our baser instincts and ignore the thousands of years old traditions that were invented to deal with these civilizational problems.

Yes, that's why we pair up and marry.

Fathers sticking around is a very rare thing in the animal kingdom. Normally males mate when they get a chance and then fuck off, never to be seen again. If you want paternal presence you can do it like penguins and stick together or you can do it like lions, keeping control over a female or group of females through violence. The lion way isn't very conducive to a stable society so people invented marriage.

What about this is so fucking complicated?

you married her?

I wouldn't get in that situation myself, I'm just saying the average beta cuck won't even consider a DNA test

I remember when I was 23

Prime example of this is "African" Americans

>psuedo evolutionary pop psychology

fuck off you dumb faggot.

>keeping control over a female or group of females through violence
Ahhh a true irishman keeping the values of our fathers

You should kill yourself for being a worthless (and lying) Jewish faggot.

I got my ass kicked by a bully once

Came up behind up and knocked his ass out cold in front of a bunch of kids at a sporting event the next week and spit on him

I never got fucked with ever again and noone even called it a cheap shot cuz he got what he deserved

Most dudes really do not take a haymaker to the jaw well at all

Something like this would have been released in the 50's, but with men instead

It's just a feeble attempt to justify a societal trend

As an irishman I don't believe in giving irrational women power

Force that bitch in her place and she will enjoy it

>muh genetics

The whole point of being human is you to be better than your genes.

Except a decent person will have a functionnal front lobe with a good sense of what's morally wrong to do and will remain a perfectly loyal spouse.

Others on the other hand are sluts who were already desinhibited and fucked miles of cock in their 20s.

Learn the difference.

Low intelligence beta detected.

You make an excellent trophy animal. Perhaps one day, your head and hands will grace a real man's fireplace.

Does anyone actually get depressed when they read stuff like this? Reading about the subconscious habits of both men and women shatters all of the illusions Hollywood movies and classic literature foisted on you. We're all just monkeys trying to fuck the hottest mates when it comes down to it.

>We're all just monkeys trying to fuck the hottest mates when it comes down to it.
that's what they want you to believe

Yeah, that's why 80% of womenreproduced and only 40% of men. That's why higher civilizations had to enforce monogamy. Nothing to do with female nature, just a societal trend. Typical leftist rhetoric.

Men are 'genetically programmed to rape'

>Except a decent person will have a functionnal front lobe with a good sense of what's morally wrong to do and will remain a perfectly loyal spouse.

>I swear, I'll find the perfect girl someday
>even though they fucking don't exist


Any respectable woman who sees this article is going to reject it emphatically.

Jesus europe

Even in CA we would call that a whore

italian women are programmed to grow hair on their face.

she's french canadia, you retard

>muh going my own way
>muh single by choice womyn aren't worth it

Takes a real established man to find a real woman. Keep using excuses as to why women treat you like shit.

Valuable women can only be found doing valuable activities, so of course if yourself don't know better than hanging out at the bar, you'll never see them.

Pseudo RedPillers can go fuck themselves, they always say awalt when in fact their rude jerk behaviour just directly disqualify them in front of quality women and they can't see them.

I don't think I can finish watching this cringe shit

>women treat you like shit.
are you projecting? women treat me great actually.

Like anyone gives a single fuck where you stupid fuckers are from or where you are at on the globe.

Stupid ass faggot.
How many times do I have tell you, you will never be relevant. We will never care about you, ever.

Go extinct.

So to fail the shit tests with a good woman and have her cheat or the pass the shit tests and not settle down?

not me you idiot, the girl from the pic.
>We will never care about you, ever.
we who? wtf are you talking about?

>ITT: projecting, assuming and implying gone wrong

the shit test is not a one time thing. it's a constant thing.

Ha. marriage, not even once

Because cheating is consensual. The only one who gets hurt is the cuck.



Lol why would anyone even consider marriage at this point?

Congratulations, you posted pictures of two whores who use tinder. If anyone meets someone on tinder this what you can expect. If you don't expect it, you're a retard.
Now kill yourself you cuck.

>missing the point
it's not about tinder, it's about a married woman with child, and a young christian.

>dude I have a wife and kids, I'm ok
>dude just get a young christian, muh traditional upbringning

Women want to have kids with the best man out there, but they want to have the man with the most resources raise it.

Men simply want to have sex as much as possible. They generally aren't particular with who. However, men are inclined to support the children they've raised.

Nothing makes me more mad when these American/European cucks think Islam is the solution. Shut the fuck up and fight it, you don't know how valuable what you have is

OMG 9/10 irish qts...

How about the 1/10 ? kek

Legalizing prostitution and making it socially acceptable would fix all of this. If women can't use sex as a bargaining chip, they'll have to start attracting mates with traits like loyalty and maternal kindness.

>falling for obviosu bait/meme
turks really are fucking stupid

> this shit again