Feminist women obviously hate betas but will still throw away their 'ideals' for Chad. Does this mean that the feminist endgame is actually a world of giant harems ruled over by a few select superchads?
Feminist endgame
>having an endgame
Get a load of this guy.
It's all about "living in the moment :^)".
As for feminist intellectuals, they are mostly lesbians who hate men (seriously, no lie). So, I don't think they fit the pattern in the OP. Their goal is to fuck over men. Everyday feminists are really doing a great job at ignorantly carrying out their plan.
feminists endgame is to fuck up relations between genders, destroy nuclear family, socialy degenerate white people and prevent them from reproducing whilt they are being overruned by non-whites
How many marriages were ruined by the retarded Eat, Pray, Love bullshit?
The "soul mate" the author ditched her husband for? She's already divorced, and now has the audacity to write ANOTHER book.
The feminist endgame is living alone with 20 cats.
This. They have no clue what they are doing and what the effects will be. Women are incapable of thinking further than one week in the future.
eva vic
Imagine how empowering the smell must be.
They don't have a clue what they want. They'll do shit even if it's against their best interests just to be "doing something" and just because their peers are doing it.
Emotions = don't think, just do.
>feminist endgame
There is no master plan. This is all instinctive behavior. When women are brainwashed with feminist propaganda (woman's sexuality is non-animalistic benevolent thing oppressed by patriarchal culture for no reason), what actually happens is women surrender their decision making in partner verification to pack animal hierarchy mechanism. Feelings are just instincts of a cavewoman bitch that shares 98% of it's DNA with a chimpanzee.
Feminists have no endgame, this is all "LISTEN TO MY FEELINGS, I CAN'T HANDLE IT !!!!"
That's why they inevitably get stabilized by Chad who doesn't give a shit and put them at their right place.
That's what you get while females are trying to use a brain that is devoid of logic and reason.
If you think feminist had an endgame you were sadly mistaken my dear sir
Chads don't have anything to do with it they just won't decline free pussy unlike the fags here.
Feminism has no endgame it's only supposed to create enough controversy so women can have more power. It'll just end up eating itself just like the socialism meme because it's inherited flaws.
Women need stability but can't create it themselves. They need beta men to do their bidding to create the illusion of control. Take any pro male job that is being led by a woman and you'd see its not far fetched.
No the feminist "endgame" is the average woman's lifetime's worth of whineging and jealousy over not have a cock.
Feminism has no endgame, that's the problem. The endgame is never ending "progress" against "oppression". They have to create their own problems now.
Feminists are incentivized to make the world worse rather than better.
thou shalt not use vica kerekes as an illustration for feminists.