Why do muslims dislike dogs?
Why do dogs dislike Muslims?
dogs chase away all the goats
because small muslim wieners can't compete with the knot
I saw a post on her last week where an American said after the oil dollar dies the US currency should be dog sperm so the Saudis can't touch it
I kekked for hours
Because Muhammad was bitten by a dog so he hated them.
Wrong, it only says they're unclean, and not to be put inside your house
aka keep them in the fucking garden/porch
dogs literally eat their own shit
other than that, islam never states that dogs are evil/or to be hated
Dogs have bigger dicks and people actually like them and want them in their country. So it's a jealousy type of thing.
I think it's pretty debatable dogs might just be more intelligent and civilized than sand niggers.
and beat me to it
Mudslimes don't like dogs for the same reason they don't like pigs - dogs/pigs are apparently unclean and so haram.
saying muslims are clean :DDD ill keep my muslims inside the garden at the "shower"
>dog = unclean
>drink urine of camel = good for health
>eat pork meat = unclean and haram
>fuck goat, donkey ... ect = not prohibited during the hajj (therefore authorized)
Right ?
Ex muslim here
There are muslims with dogs because (surprise) not all muslims follow all islam stuff. I am not sure if this is in the Quran, hadith or is just cultural, but dogs are seen as dirty; pretty sure it is the last two. Muslims don't hate dogs, they just think they are gross. And they fucking are if you think about it. They smell. Cats are ok tho.
Because most dogs are a natural good judge of character
Also dogs can detect when someone is demonic or under demonic influence. Islam is literally the religion of Satan
>Prision rule.
What is not prohibited is allowed ,
Fuck they are animals.
dogs are not impure in Islam, muslims can keep them for hunting but they are not allowed to have them inside their house because it prevents angels from coming to their house or some bullshit.
Some muslims i habe met dont dislike dogs they are fucking terrified, when i lived in the ghetto and walked my chiuaua sized dog muslims would literally start to run away when they saw it
yup that's pretty much the case imho.
Uh, the jews are literal Satan worshipers.
Muslims are just potato and not attractive.
Because Muslims hate anything good in this world.
Dogs can sense evil
because there are no wolves in the desert, therefore no dogs
It's so fucking true though, every middle-easterner or african i met while walking my dog goes in a circle around me. I have the sweetest dog in the world and he jumps up to greet people out of sheer enthousiasm. This nigger i know almost started screaming like a little baby
They must think we're mad or something, keeping domesticated wolves in the house and shit
It's a satanic cult