Another innocent dindu gunned down mercilessly by racist pigs

Another innocent dindu gunned down mercilessly by racist pigs

>A 13-year-old Ohio boy was shot and killed by police after pulling a BB gun from his waistband while officers were trying to place him under arrest, authorities said.

>Tyree King was shot multiple times after police responded to an armed robbery call in east Columbus around 7:45 p.m. Wednesday.

>Cops arrived on the scene and matched the caller's description of the suspects with King and two other young males standing next to him. As officers approached the group, King and one other suspect fled on foot with officers trailing them into an alley.

>When the officers attempted to arrest the duo, King allegedly pulled out a firearm, triggering one cop to open fire.

>King was rushed to a children's hospital but could not be saved.

>Investigators later found the firearm King had pulled was in fact a BB gun with an attached laser scope.

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Can idiotic fucking police stop killing niggers for 1 fucking month until Trump is elected? Trump is just beginning to get the black vote, can these fucking retards shoot themselves instead?


Only black people think pulling a gun on a cop won't get you shot

>13 year old Tyree King who was 6 feet 9 inches and weighed 200lbs with the muscle mass of a 30 year old human

Humans, albeit lowclass trash have been shot for this in England, don't treat mommies any different pls

Time for riots, murders, and looting because black lives matter.

>pulling a gun on a police officer

i swear, black lives do not matter

He wuz a good boy... dindu nuffin... goin to schoo... gettin his life back on track... he ain't never hurt nobody... OH LAWD WHA DEY GOTTA TAKE MA BABEH???!!!


If you pulled a realistic looking toy gun on a police officer here, even as a white kid, you would get shot the fuck down.
Are niggers actually this retarded?

link to story op?
i feel like reading some inane comments

was gonna be my response as well

>reach in your pants and pull out weapon
>expecting not to get shot
niggers are retarded

>didn't learn from Rice

here ya go nigel

t. Chiraqu


thank dog

>Tyree King


Black guys splattered?

the linked story says it happened in the late evening and the embedded story says it happened at 2am
13 y/o kid out at 2am?
did he commit the armed robbery or not? it sounds like he did to me
13y/o doing armed robbery at 2am wtf

thanks. you are doing your part to restore my faith in leafposters

>Run from the police
>Get in the dark alley
>Pull a thing that looks like a real gun
>Expect to not get shot
Natural selection in its finest.

He deserves it

>Are niggers actually this retarded?

yh thanks for link

Came here after I watched the morning news to see the storm brew.


Last time I reached into my pants to pull out a weapon, I shot it all over some whore's face.

>13 year old committing armed robbery

niggers need to hang

He wuz a good boi. It's not his fault. He was poor n shit. He had to. There wuz no other way.

>13 y/o Tyree King
>killed by runaway pick-up truck in 2015
>in Ohio
help me find his fb
closest match i have is this gent who is apparently 14 not 13

>hadn't even graduated to Tyrone yet
Truly a great loss
1 like = 1 prayer

>Tyree King

These niggers deserve it for their names alone


Isn't attempted suicide by cop something you can get in jail for?

But the police are a part of the government. A Democrat government. This is king nigs fault if anyone's.

So let me get this straight, even if the kid didn't commit the armed robbery, he still ran from the police. Why would you run from the police? Everyone knows running from them, is like throwing a stick for a dog. They're going to go after it.

Next thing you know they got this young hoodlum, who's out at 2AM on a school night, and he pulls a gun out of his pants. Even if it was a BB gun, it's 2AM, it was probably one those realistic looking BB guns. Even if it wasn't, you don't pull anything out of your waistband if you're confronted by an officer.

Where was his parents? Ok, where was his mom? We know his dad was never in the picture. His mother is probably some crack addict.

>pulled a BB gun on the cops while being arrested

Yeah a 13 year old definitely knows you will get shot for doing that. Good riddance, another future criminal off the streets. In 5 more years he would have been pulling real guns on them.

Go to Shaun King's twitter, already calling for people to shoot cops.

He was just on his way to church.

Good shoot. I feel bad for the cop who has to live with having killed a child. Ecu the fuck is teaching children to point guns and toy guns at cops.

This only shows how retarded niggers are

Talcum X has blocked me a long time ago

Good. Hope the niggers riot and Trump goes up another 10%

This problem has preceded the Obama administration by decades, if not over a century. It's not like Trump'll take office and suddenly every autonomous police department is going to stop getting overly jumpy around black people.

>only 200lbs
Skeleton lives matter

Oh so its just thursday.
Lot of niggera get shot by cops in the three C's and no one really cares.

to rob the donation box and rape a nun

Fucking savage ;)

It even had a laser sight on it.

>nigger logic
Hey there's a police officer i petter pull out my BB gun in this black neighbourhood that is known for gang activities
>get shot
>institutionalized racism

Like really, he pills a fucking TOY GUN at police.
What's the point besides getting killed?
Did he want like scare them with it?
>I have a gun back off or i shoot ya
>Uh okay, dont shoot us please We fuck off back to police car
Was this his plan?
What's even going on in nigger heads?
Why did he even run to begin with he wasnt even a nigger they were looking for, why run?

>kid points a gun at a cop
>kid gets shot
>nigger parents defending the kid's actions

This is why niggers will never evolve.

Instead of admitting that they brought the kid up to adhere to a criminal mentality, they blame the cops for enforcing the law and protecting themselves in the process.

Niggers are the dumbest and least responsible race on the planet.

>Talcum X

All aboard the banter bus.

Is a Tyree an unevolved Tyrone?

It's sad that we've degraded to the point where a kid can't even draw a fucking toy gun without being killed.


I thought it was common sense not to point anything that even looks like a gun at a police officer,.

my mom says its not big enough to be classified as a weapon

Not going to lie I drive past black high schoolers waiting for the bus and they look 27


I think hes just a media whore
his '25 solutions to police brutality' indicate hes a retard

Why didn't his dad teach him not to point a gun at anyone you don't intend to shoot, even if it's not a real gun?
Oh wait.

That's just because her cunt is loose as fuck. Could fit a bowling ball in that thing.

You pull a BB gun, any gun, or even LOOK like you're pulling a gun, and you're gunna get shot.
>Let the herd thin itself out
>Don't cry for the stupid

Reminder that most of these "stories" ""reporters" post online on their """NEWS""" site NEVER HAPPENED& THEY KNOW IT GETS CLICKS WITHOUT HAVING ANYONE CHECK THE FACTS

Basically a child killer. So what now? It's surely cop's fault, he didn't need to kill him. Can't they stun them with those electric things you got there? There should be a total ban on guns on streets.

Tyree king mapp

Can some1 with jewbook check it and see if it him?


Police do not need to be checking that guns being drawn on them are not infact harmless AIR RIFLES

Holy shit i mean a smart cop would know the difference probably but fuck going all libo and copping a fucking BB to the scrot from a little shit in the name of compassion

>Pull out suspicious gun shaped object while cornered by police after fleeing the scene of a crime
>Police are jumpy

This case has nothing to do with a jumpy police officer and a lot more to do with an exceptional case of a now dead man/childs stupidity. In a more general sense if you pull anything resembling a weapon out while running from police you deserve to be shot

Nothing is going on in their heads man. They are literally 80 IQ subhumans who can't into planning. They have no working concept of the future and how their actions have results and consequences. This is exactly why prisons are full of stupid niggers who got busted doing stupid petty crime. They are simply aggressive retards who have no place in a modern society.

If you think about this case, it's a tragic case of American freedom. Really almost can't prevent this kind of things if you want total freedom.

The e-chimpout is already starting on Twitter

>Talcum X
>My sides

Did they say it was shaped like a hunting rifle? There are loads of BB pistols that look indistinguishable from a real gun at a distance, especially if it's dark out.

I bet he pulled something like this.
A lot of air pistols look like real ones and who would ever expect police to check it?

>waiting for the chimpout like

Thanks anons
the drawing out of the waistband thing makes more sense if it was a pistol style

Don't make a Pokemon comparison, Pokemon are better in every way.

>criminal pulls gun on cop
>"sir I won't shoot you until i can confirm that you have a real gun"

this is what liberals want

One of these is a real gun and the other is the BB gun Tamir Rice pulled on cops when they pulled up.

You're a cop, they pull one of these out, you have 1 and a half seconds to decide if it's real or not and whether you live or die.

Not so easy huh?

Do we know what kind of BB gun?

I bet that warning on the box says something along the lines of "THIS LOOKS LIKE A REAL GUN, PLEASE TREAT IT AS SUCH."

Cue the comments from the law-and-order crowd that this kid (with an African-American-sounding name) had it coming to him because he attempted to rob a place (only suspected) and shouldn't have drawn a gun (BB or not) on officers; doesn't matter how old he was.
Well, assuming there is no video of the shooting, we'll never know what really happened. Maybe the kid didn't really draw the gun.
Even if he did, the cops could have used some discretion. They probably could see the kid was underage. If they were trained properly, perhaps they could tell it was only a BB gun.
What we need are cops who believe their top priority is to serve and protect the public, not to save their own skins. This is why they will use overwhelming, disproportionate force once they feel threatened. This seems like yet another example of this. Doesn't matter if they are shooting at kids or not.

>Talcum X

holy shit lel

13is old enough to know better. Nothing of value was lost

its already our military policy in iraq

>Not going to lie I drive past black high schoolers waiting for the bus and they look 27

They are. They just get held back a few grades, due to oppression'n'shiiieeet.

Want there a poll where Trump was at 0 percent black vote recently

Good, we haven't had a chimpout in a while.

What goes on in a dindu's head when they pull a BB gun on a cop?
Even ignoring for a moment the retardation of pulling any kind of gun on a cop, and specifically focusing on the fact that it was a BB gun.

What exactly did he hope to achieve with that? There is nothing a BB gun could have done to stop the cop.

>as shot and killed by police after pulling a BB gun from his waistband while officers were trying to place him under arrest

negroes suffer many delusions...they have no capacity for empathy whatsoever

how many examples do we need?

negroes = cancer

>Black man breaks into my house
>Starts raping my wife at gun point
>Don't want to seem racist so I call the police instead of stopping him
>Police arrive, wife still being raped
>Police start questioning him
>I yell "Aren't you going to save her?"
>"Once we determine what the real danger is"
>"Now sir, I can't determine if your gun is real or not, can you please shift it so I can see the serial number?"
>"Also your pants are obscuring the view, I cannot confirm if you are actually raping her or simply holding her down"
>Black shoots the cop
>Kills wife
>But at least none of us were racist

This is the future you choose.

he probably just wanted to scare him

kinda like webm where an african kid pretended to go punch Hugh Jackman

Apparently it is if you use it on a baby
>At least that's what the prosecution claimed

Don't most of these shootings occur in Democratic controlled cities and counties?

Blacks do this all the time on other blacks to scare them and it works often enough. They fail to realize that the law is on the cop's side if he decides to shoot back though.

He's at 19% right now.

Yes but blacks aren't smart enough to vote for their self interest, they get shot by a white person with a badge and they all chimp out and listen to the BLM shills.