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Obama sucks Israel's cock. What's new?
Dont forget their monthly reparation from Germany.
Pressure Trump to say something about this. It'll reveal a lot about him, and I'm betting going against it would help his campaign more than hurt it.
thanks obongo
He supports Israel
I know. I just want to hear him say it definitively. A public statement advocating this would be extremely hypocritical of his "America first" and "Iran deal" talking points.
this only averages out to around a hundred bucks from each American man, woman, and child. I don't see what the big deal is. The USA is a wealthy nation, I'm sure you could afford to give more shekels, you selfish goys.
Tell those kikes to take care of themselves.
This has gone on long enough.
That money could be going toward American schools and roads.
Anyone who favors tax dollars for Israel is a fucking idiot or a christkuck.
Please fuck off
Dont be antisemite give more to us
>$38 bn
Oy gevalt! 48 billion is nothing, I'm sure you could afford a lot more than 58 billion. You should be embarrassed to make such a fuss over 68 billion. What would your parents think if they knew you were so greedy and unwilling to share 78 billion with the poor people of Israel, America's greatest ally? America's gift of 88 billion is nothing compared to the loss of the six gorillionbajillionmilliontrillion, never forget that. Shalom.
They are like you Greece. But they dont have to pay debts bc its an (((aid))).
Those who signed need to be arrested.
Can someone explain why we are giving them that much money? What do we owe them?
>mfw a burger was ok with not paying up to fix Flint Michigan's useless water infrastructure just cause it mostly affects black people
>meanwhile greatest ally Israel gets $38 billion dollars
Its worked out so well for (((them))) driving the black-white divide. People hardly blink an eye while the money is being fleeced.
Muh victimhood from savage Mooslims
stfu and pay up fatso
They're a check on the Egyptians, Iranians, and to a lesser extent the Russians.
the peace accord we brokered in the 70's states we gotta give egypt matching aid dollar for dollar with Israel. i think that still in effect
sorry for question ur method greadest ally
Trauma from having to kill you in so many false flag operations.
Fucking goyim just do as you're told from the start.
That's like $5000 for every Israeli citizen.
geo-politics my nig
drink my tsasiki malaka...also fuck jesus christ
He's dumping the coffers before he goes just in case Trump gets a landslide.
I actually feel sorry for you burgerbros - I'm sure this isn't what you want done with your tax money.
Jidf pls go.
Is there a country more cucked than the US?
Even Sweden doesn't forgo its own citizens to give aid
It seems like the entire Middle East wants to cut off our heads.
If you're so against it you should petition to have it stopped? Highlight areas where the money needs to be spent instead?
You might get the ADL knocking on your door and locking you up for 50 years for Antisemitism but still?
they can only use it to pay USA made weopons, so its just to have a economy of scale benefit and to have them kill muslims i guess, its fucked up
I am thinking he advertising israel aid and noone reporting he giving eqypt matching dollars to fuel the brotherhood of evil.
>He's dumping the coffers before he goes just in case Trump gets a landslide.
This. He is doing everything he can to overload and crash the system before he leaves office.
Look up the Cloward Piven Strategy.
Obama is literally "soiling the nest" before he leaves office.
Someone needs to post the modified "White Privilege" webm with the old boys club etc. The ending is perfect for this.
>What do we owe them?
This is more about them owning you.
Can someone explain to me why they give Israel any money anyway?
I mean... why? And why does everyone act like it's so self-evident and normal?
maybe they wouldnt if you stopped funding thier #1 enemy?
in b4 shill, BUT
a small price to pay to have some semblance of decency in a very bad part of the world...y'all prefer muslims to jews?! WTF?!!
i can't remember the last time a jews cut some ones head off or shot up a work place...
so controlling the media is moar offensive that barbaric cruelty? running entertainment is worse than the oppression of women, minorities, and religion?
truly we live in an evil & perverse generation.....
Don't forget to purchase a $25 food box as a donation to Israel