youtube.com/watch?v=i6FAeycz2S4 IKEA commercial featuring sand nig + Swedish woman couple.

Bonus: White woman has a ring on her finger, nignog does not.

Other urls found in this thread:


What's wrong Finland, are you racist!?


Hey Sven! If you are done prepping your wife's bull then you should probably head in the cuckshed. Hassan doesn't like voyeurs when he bangs your wife. :^)


Another black man + white woman couple in an IKEA commercial. You don't see the Swedish man in this clip because he is busy in the cuckshed.

Fucking racist, I hope the refugees Finland got will teach you about the wonderful diversity and multiculture

Daily reminder that our Police comissioner is literally a social democratic plant who only got the job because of out of control Nepotism. His only credentials is hating on SD and coming up with wierd shit like anti-rape armbands.

Well attempted rape and one murder by poor childfugees in couple of weeks so i think we are getting there




This is the state of Swedish youth.

>meanwhile in the best country in the world


>Swedish boys act as homo and feminine as possible so that no one is offended by white masculinity
>Swedish girl is told not to act feminine because this would be sexist so she just waves uncomfortably




>>Swedish girl is told not to act feminine because this would be sexist so she just waves uncomfortably

The poor Swedish girl did nothing wrong. The only thing wrong is the amount of homos she'll have to deal with.

yes desu


I sent them a seething email so i did my part

You guys are lucky because you can play the "vulnerable ecosystem" card.


s m h _ baka
f a m _ senpai
t b h _ desu
b a e _ bae
h m u _ hmu
f m l _ fml

>White woman has a ring on her finger, nignog does not.
A lot of men don't wear their rings because they lead more active lives on average, so they risk losing it.

fuck i want to live in australlia now

>J E W S
>_ _ _ T
>D I E

Losing it when they are fisting those whore's gaping vagoo, yeah.



alright time to start boycotting Ikea

please explain

'comments are disabled for this video'

Gee..I wonder why that could be

n i g g e r f a g g o t _

Darn the pink colour on the door and windows. It should be red incase the occupier is an alpha cuck.

Look like the greater toronto area except we have fewer somalis and more chinks and hindus.


Wtf, I love Australia now

holy shit, Swedes really are cuckolds

Pauline is that you?

looks comfy af tbqh mi familia

Fucking hell.


Saw these nappys at the shops today from a Swedish company featuring a "Swedish" child on the box.

Sweden is lost.

The funny thing is this isn't one of those American interracial ads where they're sitting together on the couch or something. These two were fucking PASSIONATELY kissing. You can't fake that. They were sticking their tongues in each other's mouth. Do you think the company had to pay extra to get that level of passion and eroticism, or the Swedish girl did it for the standard fee?


that's excellent



I honestly dont understand why Swedish "men" put up with this.

They literally rub it in your face you fucking faggot cucks

wow ive never seen a ratio like that before

impressive. maybe the svens are waking up

>Comments disabled


It sortof getting annoying, that they will filter the truth at everyturn, yet we are the fascists???

>australians are too dumb to realize they take in 170,000 legal immigrants a year

our cities look just like that

thats all Sup Forums

this thread has been around for a day or two now

Once a week I make Pewdiepie threads

Look for them and get ready for what happens next year

The most popular swedish youtuber in the world is getting fed up with this bullshit


If they were waking up they'd be rioting in the streets over the continuous attempts of the government to encourage Swedish women to go to the refugee centers for cultural enrichment

This is just a placebo

We know it, and the only good bloke we had got murdered in the media.

Why is the nigger speaking Danish?

Who is the jewish guy owning IKEA?

even as your culture and ethnicity is dissolving right in front of your face, you still defend them....

do you really think they care about you or your people??


Dont act like you're much better. Finland.
All the Nordic countries have become filled with pathetic frail cowardly cucks.
Actually the entire Western world has become like this.
Russia is literally the last remaining hope for mankind.

" Osama Bin Laden and family in Sweden 1971"

we don't bring in illegals, but we got a fuck ton of backward cultured immigrants that make us look like sweden. australia has been multicultural far longer than europe




The furniture was not the important part of the commercial.

> clicking with my mouse on a button on a website with sure show those Jews what's up.

Why are whites so high inhibition, low test?

this. But still though, why is there so much sexuality in your commercials? I haven't watched TV for a while so don't even know if we have the same, i hope not.

illegal isn't necessarily the problem. if white europeans wanted to come here illegally i would help them, just no monkey people that can't comprehend our level of thought

Wtf, I hate colanders now

Why does IKEA always smell like fat and garlic?

this will work better

Because your mom works there :^)

>2090 dislikes

>35 swedes
>2090 Sup Forumsacks


It be good enough, let me appreciate something at least

>Sweden cuckboy dislikes video when his girlfriend get blacked.
Ride never end.

>people are seriously proud of the the like/dislike ratio
Fucking go out and do something, instead of clicking the red thumb, fucking Sweden.

I'm a Slavic immigrant who completely supports the Swedish struggle, but I'm so tired of all the inaction and internet warriors around here. I don't know how many real nationalists I've met out there, but I can tell you that they are far from rare, but too afraid to let it all out until I start leading the discussion.

Like, pretty much every Swede I know would hate this commercial, but at the same time they wouldn't do anything but complain about it, and go about the daily lives like nothing. This applies to young and old almost equally.

actually not only pollacks, this even made the news in the finnish alternative right-wing media over here.


>Video: Ikea's commercial is tasteless - even repulsive
>A muslim halal-butchered a mother in and killed her son in an Ikea store recently. Now Ikea made a commercial which brings that scenario to everyone's mind.

>cuck tier
C'mon son

we need to nuke sweden


also the comment section is preddy gud :DD

>Kari Leino
>It should've really had a gay arab couple fucking each other in their hairy asses. Would've fit a swedish company like a cherry inside a faggot's ass.

No we don't. We just play the "we dont want you cunts" card.

I'm visiting Malmö this winter, and i'm scared for my life after reading about "refugees" throwing grenades around.

Cuckmany kek

>35 stockholm cucks
>2090 Sup Forumsacks and swedish nationalists

Then what the fuck are we going to do? Whenever we hold any demonstrations, there is a horde of communist subhuman apes that makes sounds like the group of monkeys they are. And the police won't do shit.
A possible solution would be to hire a private security company like that one suggested by bubb.la to manage the security instead of the police. They could have as main task to beat up all the commies.

I'm living in the uncucked north right next to denmark.

Maybe you should focus on getting your cities out of the 40%white zone.

>Then what the fuck are we going to do?
Be open and proud about your views, for starters. It would certainly make a huge difference, there is a huge problem among Swedish patriots that you all think you're a small minority, which isn't true.

Other things would obviously be trashing and burning the homes/shelters/stores of foreign invaders, and make them feel like they're in a very hostile place.

Like you yourself could easily torch 5 places before getting caught (assuming you live in a town or smaller city), as the Swedish police force is completely incompetent, as we all know.

Only go to the somewhat white parts. The city is about 50% arabs so that would be a hard task.I would never go there myself. There should be a Great Trump Wall around that shithole.

How can a man be this pathetic?

I really hope that the gf of the second guy left him as well. It's better for him to get beat up and stomped on by three guys than just stand there and watch the whole thing like that.

It really is no wonder that western Europe is disappear fast.

>Be open and proud about your views, for starters.
I am somewhat open with my views when they are brought up among the people I know, but that's kind of rare. I don't talk a lot about politics IRL.

>Set the muslim dens on fire
I live in a larger city in a relatively shitskin free area. I have no idea where they put the rapefugees here. But going to some small place and burning their muslim dens could be another plan.
I never reply when non-whites tries to talk to me in public to make them feel more alienated than they otherwise would be.

Greek are cucked.

wtf Ikea? a third video is without nignogs but the white couple is divorsed.


okey merkel enjoy 1million refugees

Seriously, do you think that is enough to post here? It's fucking Sweden. That shit is nothing.

"Don't fondle" is a better transation

kek finns, spurdo and all that.
question is what phase of finnish drunkenness he was in.

>comments deactivated
Yeah they know exactly what they did... fucking pieces of shits.

U can handle puzzle, did you ? Mother is cheating with nigger when father is settling new life with his son. Daily shit in Cuckden.
