What is Sup Forums's opinion on hunting?
What is Sup Forums's opinion on hunting?
I'm sure there are a few Jews who own abattoirs and the like.
It's a good masculine hobby. Even trophy hunting is fine of you donate the carcass to charity or do it through good causes like most big game hunts.
it's retarded
Helps reduce overpopulation and provides a steady source of income.
It's also a key tenant to a lifestyle that promotes independence.
10/10 red pilled as fuck
It's great. Deers are dumbfff
Hunting for food to survive = OK
Hunting for fun = NOT OK
it's fine, as long as you eat what you kill.
its great for exercise, fun and food. only cucks and poverty stricken subhumans dont know the joy of hunting
Learn how to do it while its easy thanks to the industrial luxuries like gasoline and fine accurate rifles.
Deer populations have never been higher than they are now, its good clean meat free from weird fucking hormones that will fuck with body. I wish I could live off deer meat and fish I caught.
Get good at it so you can do it in case shit hits the fan.
Watch a few episodes of survivor man, survival gets 100 times easier with a gun and a fishing pole and a fire pistol.
It's a useful skill to have a millennium ago.
It's tenet. Did you never play skyrim?
Grow a pair and stab a rapist.
Pretty much, but also for scientific purposes is ok
hunting for sport is gay
Wasting any part of the animal is extremely disrespectful to them.
This desu
I would like to start. I already own firearms but I have no idea what to do with the deer after its shot. How hard is it to teach yourself to field dress and butcher a deer with zero experience and zero teacher to show you? Do you bring the corpse to a butcher or do you butcher it yourself?
it's alright
It's a renewable resource. Do you use every part of a banana?
What are you going to do with the intestines you pull out or the head or the bones? Or the skin for that matter. Who tans their own leather
Unless you hunt with a bow you are basically a nigger
Waiting in a box to shoot a 200kg deer and to leave the rotten body on the ground is stupid and disrespectful.
I'm ok with hunting that respects the animal right, nature and sports.
You can take it to a meat locker or do it yourself. No idea about field dressing. Never hunted deer. But, it may be something that you need to have shown to you. Don't think youtube does it justice really.
>using tools is only okay if they're more primitive forms of tools
Is building a shed with power tools instead of hand saws also for niggers?
There is nothing wrong about hunting for sport.
No man should be ashamed to take joy in something that he is hard wired to do. Its as absurd as being ashamed of having sex with an attractive women. Men hunt. For tens of thousands of years we've been hunters. The adrenaline rush you get after the you have an animal come within range, knowing you're about to make the kill, its exhilarating. It only intensifies further after you pull the trigger and make a clean shot. Like watching a good fireworks show times 100.
Nobody should pussyfoot around this issue and pretend like they're an "ethical" hunter who only hunts for food. The act itself is fun. Hunting with a group of your friends is one of the best most natural experiences you can have. Hike through rough terrain, deal with the heat, the cold, rain, the bugs, everything about it that sucks. You go through it all together, and in the end you're still happy. Far happier than you are sitting around at home watching TV, or browsing the web, shitposting about this and that.
Hunting is fun. We're hard wired to enjoy it. If you say otherwise you're literally a cuck too afraid to admit what is in your very DNA.
There's a trillion guides online. It's can be daunting to start with but it's easy enough. Get someone to show you in person though.
Watch survivorman, usually the guy eats the liver cooked, takes alot of the less good tasting organs throws it in a pot. makes a broth with it. its super fucking nutrient dense.
Redpilled to hunt for food, blue pilled to hunt for sport.
Have you done it? Besides the field dressing, do you butcher the thing yourself into meat cuts for freezing or do you take it to a pro?
It's called respect and discipline. Anyone can kill with a gun, it takes no skill.
Wouldn't expect a leaf to understand that
Good way to get cheap food. Good pastime, also a good way to make good ties with other people since you usually hunt in a group or may meet other groups if you go to populaar hunting areas. May help local communities by lowering the amount of wild animals.
its a delicious and rewarding sport.
The guy eats bugs and drinks his piss to But I'm not going to make my family do either of that. I'm taking the good meat and throwing the rest out fuck you
You can only hunt deer with a wood club. It's called respect and discipline. Anyone can kill a deer with a bow.
Virtually no one would hunt if they didn't think it was fun, it's a lot of fun and the benefit of hunting is not hingent upon the use of the meat, although i always use mine
Pretty cool
Ultimately no different from eating meat, only vegetarians have the right to protest hunting
>Wasting any part of the animal is extremely disrespectful to them.
>people actually believe that anyone uses every part of an animal
you leave the inedibles in a pile in the woods for animals to eat as nature intended.
i hunt with a bow and black powder muzzleloader. bow hunting is not that much more challenging. at least not as much as bowfags like to pretend. please shut the fuck up.
I would recommend starting with bird hunting, especially doves, it's a smaller investment, and in my opinion more fun than deer hunting. If you're in it for the meat go for deer tho.
>leave the rotten body on the ground That's illegal in the U.S.
great hobby if you're going to eat what you kill.
wasteful or trophy hunting does bother me.
Ya if you are living in the first world and go out hunting for a day and drive home. You take the backstraps, the meat on the back legs and maybe the tenderloins if you didn't gut shot it.
Watch the survivorman one where his car gets stuck in the snow in norway out of cell range. Its a very possible for possibility for a leaf. Dude can only hunker down for 2 days before he runs out of food that your average person has in a car. He eventually finds a deer head that hunter didn't use frozen in the snow. Puts it in a stew and lasts a few days.
Don't be a cuck that dies because the luxuries of life insulated you from the cold harsh reality of planet earth and how easily you can die. It happens way more than you think.
Since when does an animal deserve my respect?
I would like to try it, but I am pretty much useless with a bow and cannot afford a gun.
Ever notice how sanctimonious bow hunters aren't using an old fashioned basic long bow?
They all have the latest compound bow, fiber sights, their little arrow rest biscuit, hair trigger release, string dampeners, and every other high dollar bow gadget.
They're faggots. They're cyclists in a different vane. The exact same spandex wearing mentality applied to another field. Faggots.
Usually. We remove organs and cool down the the meat right after its shot. Then we take it home and butcher it
Why not both?
Isn't liver delicious, from what I have heard?
Better to hunt the animal in it's natural habitat where it has a chance to escape than locking it in a box and feed it shit and then kill it when it's 12 months old
>tfw want to get into traditional bowhunting
Is it even possible? One of the appeals was the DIY nature of it.
Depends on what kind of animal you are hunting.
But the primary thing is to cool the meat so it wont spoil
Do you bring one of those foam sytrofoam coolers with ice or something to cool it? Seems like a pain in the dick when trying to find a deer.
You can't "waste" a part of an animal without shooting it off into space or dissolving it in acid
Go away stupid leaf
All this hunting shit. I live in Michigan and come deer season I just walk 10 feet into the woodline behind my house, sit under a pine tree and shoot the first legal buck I see.
Takes about 1-3 hours.
Sometimes I walk to two track roads and shoot rough grouse to make dem sweet partridge nuggets for dinner.
It's so normal and mundane it's literally nothing.
We must have different definitions of the word fun because I find sitting in the woods for hours in the hope that something will eventually pass in front of me boring as fuck.
Seconding this
No we lay it outin the open with sticks holfing open the carcass for optimal air flow
I've been a vegetarian all my life, and I still don't see too much wrong with hunting, especially if the hunter uses what he kills. In my experiences the hunters I've met actually care far more about animal welfare than your average millennial who says hunting is evil and then goes off and eats a Big Mac.
Definitely possible, but you're going to have to work a lot harder.
This guy made his own bow, and makes tons of historic arrows. Hes as close to the old school as it can possibly get.
Super interesting stuff to watch for educational purposes if nothing else.
If you just wanted to get into archery with a long bow Bear Archery makes some nice ones.
If it isn't for population control and you don't use the animal for some purpose, it is incredibly degenerate and you have a moral failing
Over here deer and boarhunting are done to control their population. Shooting specific types of animals in specific seasons prevents mass starvation and decreases damage to farms when the population surplus intrude on their lands.
It's a necessary part of forest and agricultural management. It's also a fun experience and a great excuse to own weapons in a country that doesn't have a 2nd amendment.
This is just a bullshit argument to force ethical principles in a situation that doesn't need it. Shooting a deer and leaving it's carcass in the woods is fine, since it provides nutrition to plenty of other flora and fauna. It's at most a waste of delicious and pricy meat.
Harvesting your own meat = one step closer to independence and self sufficiency
If you don't do it you are basically a cuck
Go and be an edgy teenager somewhere else
I get that we need to control their population in order to reduce, say, road kill accidents, but I hate causing them pain in many hunting cases. Maybe we could kill them all with drones in the future that make their deaths less painful by being accurate shots or using lethal injection. Then we wouldn't have to deal with them anymore and we wouldn't have to kill more deer in the future. Then we use robots to replace their role in the ecosystem.
As you eat the meat or sacrifice it to some pagan god it is fine