Yfw you realized Oswald really did kill Kennedy...

>yfw you realized Oswald really did kill Kennedy, and the true bluepill is thinking that you need a huge powerful conspiracy to change history, rather than one disgruntled man with a rifle who got lucky

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>yfw sun revolves around the earth
retard, sage.

It was the jews that lead the conspiracy.
They also carried it out.

It was literally a sneaky jew in the schoolbook warehouse that threw a shekel down on top of the car when it went by.
And then another sneaky jew across the plaza released the MicroJew, which is the size of a pea and loves shekels more than a normal jew.
So the MicroJew zapped straight through JFKs head to get the shekel.

It was a great sacrifise for the jews to lose one whole shekel, but it was a necessery step in their plan for world domination.


The microjew was still a jew so they didn't actually lose the shekel.

>make speech on secret societies and that the (jewish) press shouldn't give away state secrets etc
>get shot

wow must have been a random citizen

Okhams razor mate, half the time the world is very simple but we just make things a lot more complicated because we refuse to accept the simple truth

the simplest explanation here is that he was silenced though

Just read this:


LBJ killed JFK

> One disgruntled man with a rifle backed by Communists that got lucky.



You know that E Howard Hunt confessed on video to being part of the hit team before he died right?

That's pretty much the ultimate and final BTFOing of the lone gunmanfags

not all that much, he was a controversial president, people in the usa have easy accses to good grade guns, all it takes is one crazy to pop him


The guy that made the US sniper training course and is one of the best marksman in the world couldn't replicate the shot.

Also, there is this. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerry_Wendell_Thornley

Oswald proceeds to get shot before speaking about anything to the press by a jewish gangster.

It doesn't make sense. Oswald was probably a spook that the spooks spooked.

Silly, he was trying to wretch control back from the Jews. They said no, no. And killed him. LBJ got full powers.

He wasn't really a Communist, his entire back-story seemed so fabricated.

>vague interest in socialism
>join the US military
>do extremely well in marksmanship
>get out of US military
>go to russia for a week
>spaz out and try to an hero because the visa is going to expire
>come back
>shoot president

I think they (the CIA) definitely must've had some shit cooked up when they realized how good of a shooter, and how stupid he was. Coupled with the fact they probably knew about his socialist leanings makes me think they did some MKULTRA on him for sure.

I mean, it's the perfect stooge. A dumb low IQ guy who can shoot really well and has sympathies to communism. Any CIA operative would kill to have that guy under his payroll in case an assassination is in order, that way you can blame commies easy

No shit. Only Sup Forums smokers would be stupid enough to drink the koolaid.

Just look at how they grasp for scapegoats, it's all they have really.

Not this time, sweetheart. Kennedy's got bowled.

you don't even need luck, you just need to let go of fear and change history

>tfw people still shill for it not being a conspiracy in the current year

Kek, Sup Forums will always be anti-prevailing opinion. I don't know if a conspiracy ever took place either, but this is the type of post that keeps me coming back here.


Listen or read the Kennedy 'secret societies' speech in full, he's not talking about illuminatus or any of that bullshit, he's talking about Communism and how it needs to be eradicated. That was weeks before he was shot by a Communist sympathiser, just put 2 and 2 together.

Yep, someone's paying me to make the monkeys dance. You nailed it, Nancy Drew.

>Listen or read the Kennedy 'secret societies' speech in full, he's not talking about illuminatus or any of that bullshit, he's talking about Communism and how it needs to be eradicated. That was weeks before he was shot by a Communist sympathiser, just put 2 and 2 together.

It's impossible to rule out who exactly he was referring to. Whoever decided he needed his head blown up knew exactly who he was talking about though.

tl;dr: OP likes his conspiracy theory better than yours, but can't be bothered to defend it.

Oswald was probably a CIA project.

Kennedy talked about wanting to do away with the CIA, auditing Israel's Nukes, and exposing hidden societies/agendas. Also, he was married to an Onassis... a literal illuminati bloodline.

Top that off with his crackdown on the mob, despite his father working diligently to gain their support and promises of immunity.

So no... you can't just put 2 and 2 together here unless you want to make a potato assumption.

quality thread

LBJ isn't white

The conspiracy Kennedy was talking about was referring to communism, yes, but communism is obviously part of "the Illuminati", in the sense that it was controlled by the same banking dynasties (many of whom are jewish) who have controlled the western world since the 1800's.

JFK's dad hated the jews and said that America lost WW2 and the Jews won, but that he would teach everything to his sons and make JFK the first catholic president.

Kennedy refused to sign Operation Northwoods, he was speaking out against the very idea of secret societies (which we know for a fact are very powerful in the US.), he was preparing to bypass the Federal Reserve in money printing. These are the main reasons he was assassinated.

When it comes to the assassination itself, people heard multiple shots coming from the grassy knoll. Lee Harvey Oswald himself was crying: "I'm a patsy, I'm a patsy", when they arrested him. He was obviously not guilty, and knew that he was framed. That's why they brought him out from the front entrance, so that the other guy could kill him there and he wouldn't be allowed to prove his innocence.

So it's pretty obvious what happened, but just like with 9/11, people refuse to look at the facts, and want to trust the lying, murdering, psychopathic government. But don't worry, the truth will out.

It's actually self inflicted, but no one wants to admit that.

Oswald was a communist and ordered by the USSR

>despite his father working diligently to gain their support and promises of immunity.
He did this to save his own skin and his children.


>masons are not controled by jews

What can the secret service do against drones? Is the president hidden behind something like glass when giving public speeches?

Onassis was her second husband's name. Jackie's maiden name was Bouvier. Your a fucking idiot.

>No war has been declared and however fierce the struggle may be, it may never be declared in the traditional fashion
>our way of life is under attack
He saw the (beast)

Oswald said he didn't. I believe him. I mean, if I killed the president I'd be like "hell yeah, I got that mother fucker didn't I, I alone saved all you sorry sons of bitches"

>What can the secret service do against drones?
signal jamming

You know nothing.

good goy

>there is little value in ensuring the survival of our nation if our tradition do not survive with it
These SJW and communist kikes need to go.

Even more of reason to have him whacked.

You fucking idiot.

His speech on them is an irrefutable proof of the zionist plot



Masons work for zionists you moron