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Will robowaifus and pillows replace modern woman
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Does Sup Forums love pillows?
will you be my ai gf
seems accurate
Is this the future? Asian 3d robo waifu with my favorite pillow?
>a pillow is a replacement for another person
>he brought his semen pillow in public
I'll date the feminist thank you very much.
Have fun in jail as a convicted rapist.
I hope your baby comes out black.
But taking out your favorite dakimakura is normal
I am more likely to rape a woman and get away with it than I am to be convicted for a rape I didn't commit.
Stop being paranoid.
Retard. All it takes is the claim of a woman and your life is ruined.
>I'd date the feminist
You know you can just, like, not?
look at how happy he is, this could be you
Considering that I'd rather stick my dick into a meat grinder than a feminist, probably.
>not going to the kirby cafe where if you come alone they put out a waddle dee plush to sit at the table with you
Maximum tomato soup and metaknight's secret ice cream A+
Accept the future , accept the pillows
Dakimakura is love , Dakimakura is life
That's how I become a furry.
At this point I'd feel weird dating anyone who wasn't an anime character printed on a pillow. They don't talk, they don't cheat, they're there for you you when you need them and you can put them in the closet and forget about them when you don't; I dare anyone to describe a more perfect woman.
If I ever saw someone doing this in real life I would spill red wine on it so it could never be clean again
what anime is this from?
why you are against the future.
You're more likely to get away with a rape you did commit than one you didn't.
>red wine
It's a woman
>what's the difference between a dakimakura and a woman?
>a dakimakura is too valuable to jizz on
oh , that makes sense
>Will robowaifus
This is a distinct possibility that will take the market by surprise. The prospective value therein is huge. It is market revolution huge.
In a couple decades almost every household in America is going to be financing a $100,000 humanoid robot. They'll cook, clean, take care of the young, take care of the elderly, they'll behave like a security system, they'll tutor children and young adults. They will utterly upend our medical system and replace nurse aids in clinics. It will be a trillion dollar market.
They will not be a luxury item, they will be sold as a necessity. The price to mortgage one will be considered a tremendous value in the long run. Manufacturers will offer upgrade trade in programs to subsidize the price of newer models, and older models will be resold at lower prices. Exactly as cars are sold by dealerships today.
It will not take long before manufacturers start producing them to be anatomically accurate, or black market replacement parts start hitting the streets. Custom software to enable intimate interactions will be the hottest commodity on the internet.
Our entire society will change.
I think he was doomed from the start due to autism.
>these people actually parade these outside
Ffs, can you go any lower than this?
If by lower you mean do great things then Yes , we go to tv shows too.
If this happens it will be when we are all 80 and don't have the time or energy to fuck one
Yeah, you could date a 3DPD woman
So many of these """"""""people"""""""" are wearing fedoras, glasses or other cuck give aways.
>id spill red wine over it
>carrying around red wine in public
The ultimate fedora autist
but they are finally happy, you could be happy too
>On Sup Forums
>Doesn't recognize Yuru Yuri
Its one of our most iconic animus. Its in banners and shit.
I'd only buy a dakimakura as a joke. A robowaifu on the other hand...
It's a newfag. Probably his first summer on Sup Forums.
>im walking around with red wine in public
Are you going to tip his fedora too?
This a real place?
Dakimakuras are actually pretty comfy.
Most Jewish dog ever.
Look at the history of the integrated circuit. The advances in the semiconductor industry we've made over the last 30 years alone has been astounding.
We've been making enormous strides in robotics now as well. Entire warehouses can be automated, more assembly line jobs as well. We've passed the cusp where building a humanoid robot is possible, from this point on its going to be stride after stride. Successive generations will be better, the cadence in which they're made will get shorter, they'll be more refined by the day.
In 20 years they'll look like you and I.
>first summer
Everyone experencied it, dont worry next summer he will be beach body ready.
>roastie roastie detected
You mad that your hole is obsolete, Roastie Toastie?
You guys don't get it, right?
You date the feminist, train her and go on with your traditionalist life. That's what men are supposed to do.
>people ITT dont own a daki to sleep with
Who do you guys have on your daki?
Battleship Iowa here
Welcome to the future!
>going out with 3dpd
no thanks
>ITT: Sup Forums unironically defends dragging around cum-stained pillows
Seems to have, got to watch a few girls over hold out through their early twenties and regret it
i have Yuu (Eucliwood Hellscythe)
dang now thats what i call a heccin snooter
>not having a Reagan daki
Takanashi Rikka
I wonder though what repercussions will come about. Like I know a tranny when I see one. Also even people that go through sex changes people still know they are not that gender. When these robots are around will people be lonelier than ever because in their heart they know the robot is not a real human who actually loves you?
>Is this picture accurate?
No-one picks fucking Hatsune Miku as their waifu.
You don't pick your waifu user
Why do you have so many pictures of grown men hugging anime pillows?
I stand by this user's brave fucking statement, my waifu chose me, I didn't anticipate it. I only ironically had waifus before until I met my one true waifu and it's been almost a year since. I'm waiting for my figurine in the mail. It's incredible to actually feel this comfort in bed.
where'd you find them user?
been looking something similar myself
Because i still have to explain how its totally normal to have a daki, explaining that its a cultural difference between chile and other countries help me get my point across.
I bought them when they were still for sale on the official Kyoani store, had them shipped via proxy. They're long sold out now.
Melon pan is filthy rich and has a gajillion of them.
He also spends his free time blowing them up
Its either
>Sad beta otaku who can't get a girl so he hugs a pillow for comfort, its not even a sexual thing since they have no fuckholes its just to not feel lonley
>dumbfuck otaku who CAN get a normal looking girl (not ugly but not model either) but prefers to be with a 2d anime character
Pick one
>argentina flag
you are just mad because even if you had a daki you cant kiss it because how big is your nose
>literal baboon telling people what they can and canthave
>he doesnt have a gf and bodypillows
>his gf doesnt buy the pillows for him
Absolute 100% not white beta confirmed
Falklands are British btw
I won't speculate on whether or not real consciousness can come from man made hardware, and whether or not a hypothetical future appliance could be convincingly alive.
Instead I'll go another route. With divorce rates as high as they are, with suicide in the developed world being mostly men, do you really think they'd care that their companion was a machine? It wouldn't ever argue. It would be capable of in depth intellectual conversation, it'd be a walking fact checking machine that would be absurdly useful. Literally existing specifically to make them happy.
Is a flesh and blood woman honestly better than that? Why?
Post tits you stupid cunt
I ordered a daki like a week ago, should be coming soon. ready to join the masterrace.
>r-rule Britannia
I'll be the judge of that.
What daki did you order?
who else but my waifu?
>all these pleb tier gook waifus in this thread
western waifu > weeb waifu
good taste
Fucking hell
good taste
>this thread
Only if I can get a dominant trap robo
Have you walked her home gently?
Pillows for sure. Maybe even threesome pillow waifu's. For science!
I admit, that is a cute pillow
Real talk: I don't even like anime all that much and I own a body pillow. If you hate them you definetly haven't slept with one, it's comfy as fuck.
We should care more about artificial wombs and genetic engineering.