Should the government forcefully sterilize certain groups of people?
If yes, what groups of people? Manlets? Non-whites? Mentally ill? Socially retarded? Autists? Brown-eyed people?
Should the government forcefully sterilize certain groups of people?
If yes, what groups of people? Manlets? Non-whites? Mentally ill? Socially retarded? Autists? Brown-eyed people?
Yes they should start with the genetic garbage aka white "supremacists"
>should the government
Non-English speakers.
At best, those determinations are arbitrary and thrown out the window once family members/close friends suddenly become involved in such a group.
Also, what does "socially retarded" even mean? That sterilizes about 90% of Sup Forums, most likely including yourself.
only people who deserve to be taken their reproduction rights are racists.
deer posters
i would end blue eyed chads or all blue green eyed people, niggers, mexicans and muslims...obviously holocaust ALL the jews and leftists....then create robot sex bots that could breed cook and clean then get rid of women
>Brown-eyed people?
Why are Aryans, particularly Germanics so self-righteous when they achieved pretty much nothing? We built western civilisation, you're just reaping the benefits and pretending to be superior. Fuck off.
Who the fuck is this.
Just stop giving those fucks welfare.
I did some digging. I think thats monroe after her boob job. I can't find anything on it though, but it looks a lot like her. Heard she quit porn.
>Anyone who had an unnecessary abortion (baby wasn't retarded etc)
>Anyone who is convicted of child abuse (including neglect, molestation, beating them)
>Sterilize all retards
>or any other bad heritable disorder
>Anyone who was ever checked into a mental institution
I would say Palestinians, but OP specifically mentioned "people."
That includes anyone with AIDs too etc
greens voter detected
Brown eyed people should be sterilized--regardless of skin color. That shit ain't white.
Castration should be mandatory for all males.
It should be done in public, and without sterilization or medical tools in order to increase the risk of infection.
All men should have their testicles removed in public and then have "GUILTY" tatooed on their now useless penis. Those with a penis longer than 4 inches after castration should be forced to wear a chastity cage welded shut in order to make sure rape never happens.
The then castrated males would then undergo mandatory classes on genderfluidity and be required to follow them until they consider themselves non-males and instead seem themselves as feminized servants of the matriarchy. Any male who seems to show opposition to this would undergo forced hormonal treatment until complete transition to a female body.
This should happen at age 20 at most, after the male has been drained from some sperm while under anesthesy so that sperm banks would be maintained to impregnate women and perpetuate the female race.
And if not, then there should be some porn about it, so I can sadfap myself to sleep.
Sterilize all violent rapists too
Anyone with an IQ below 95. Anyone with predispositions for terrible genetic diseases (sickle-celled Africans, inbred Jews, etc.). Anyone older than thirty who doesn't pay taxes. Anyone who dropped out of high school. Anyone who has ever applied for a welfare program. Anyone who has a child out of wedlock.
Anyone left after that should be required to take the Milgram experiment and should be sterilized if they reach the highest voltage.
fucking anarchists get out REEEEEE