>two thirds of Americans have never left the United States
>two thirds of Americans have never left the United States
If they wanted more burgers to fly, they'd build seats that were wider than 18 inches
If you already live in the greatest nation on earth with wonderfully diverse landscapes, why leave?
>two thirds of Americans have never left the United States
That explains Trump. I hate Americans now.
>two thirds of irishmen left Ireland and never returned
What can you do anywhere else that you can't do in the US?
>Go to a chinese district and drown in smog.
>Go to North Korea and eat "Lil' Kim's life sustaining gruel".
>Get killed by a blood cult in African
Yeah, world travel sounds grrrreat!
That explains Hilary. I hate Americans now.
>whats europe
A sinking ship?
Shame the other third didn't join them
to experience foreign culture
There's plenty of Mosques in the US
This board is full of American autists who fantasise about how "based" Eastern Europe is, yet they never leave the fucking house.
So you can know what not to do?
>go to Italy
>grab some "crisps at the pub"
>bartender blabs spaghettispeak
>slap 4 euros on the bar
>me- me too thanks
I can't remember the last time I left my state.
The worlds been explored. I'm not interested in seeing it personally. I really don't like people anyways.
i mean, each state is like a different country, except they all speak your language, so i understand why some americans just travel to other states. Plus people forget how huge US is.
It's a big fucking country. Unless you're going to Canada or Mexico (why the fuck would we ever go to either of those shitholes?), you have to pay for fucking expensive ass plane ride overseas. We can't just take a day trip on a train through 5 tiny Eurpoean countries.
I would leave if I could stay in these countries for longer than a few weeks. However, I'm not muslim enough to get the red carpet rolled out for me so i'll stay here.
I just don't see the point in visiting a place that I can't stay (Europe).
I don't see the point in visiting a place that I wouldn't want to stay either (asia, mexico, Africa).
When I went to Alaska I thought I was in a different country having never left Florida before
Literally no reason to leave unless for job requires travel.
It's a big country. We have our own diverse cultures. How many euros have left europe entire?
Also only place close by is Mexico Canada which is mostly cold and the people who are huddled next to our borser or some resort compound.
You should go see all the art and culturally significant sites before the Muslims burn everything down.
When you're already in the best, why travel?
Unlike western European nations, the U.S. is not small. Furthermore, our bordering neighbors (Mexico and Canada) suck ass, who'd want to go there?
>leave my white homogeneous trustful community and beautiful nature of close acquaintances to go to Europe and get stabbed by a sandnigger in some foggy decayed shithole
The closest country to me is over a thousand miles away by land. You can't say that anywhere in Europe.
>too much money
>too busy
>don't have anywhere I care for visiting
most of the states are so incredibly different though, that it's like you're in another country
Our neighboring countries are Canada and Mexico why on earth would you want to go to either place?
>borders two countries, one being essentially the same country and the other is mexico
can hardly blame them
very true. i've been to se asia, middle east, eu and honestly there's not much reason to leave usa unless you need to for work or just want to burn cash on the second world. america is huge, yes how many europeans have left europe or asians have left asia...
Why would I go anywhere that had less freedoms than America?
>xD why leave MURICA
kill yourselves, fucking autists.
good argument
that's loyalty
I wish I had never left norway
at least I've never left Scandinavia
I've never left my state.
Why would they, they've got a continent to visit (and it's beautiful)
Burgerland is basically 50 small counties
Texit when