So why is incest illegal? I just had my first threesome last night with my cousin and sister. It was pretty hot, and they gave me a blowjob at the same time.
Whats so wrong with incest????
Pic is my sister.
So why is incest illegal? I just had my first threesome last night with my cousin and sister. It was pretty hot, and they gave me a blowjob at the same time.
Whats so wrong with incest????
Pic is my sister.
Well its been going on since I was like 13. But last night we just met up, got drunk and banged.
Did you use condoms?
You should knock them up
I meant more pics of your sis
Have you ever fucked any of them btw? I often get sucked off by my cousin too, will post some pics later
>mfw i'll never have a qt sister to bang
>mfw she'll never call me onii chan
Why live ?
Sister an cousin pictured..
Sure you have and the sky is green, the Jews were right all along, and the Empire of Sweden has been systematically exterminating blacks in Africa and subjecting their slaves to prep their nigger wives for the white bull.
Dayum, white ppl are sure as hell weird ass crackas, is it true that you fuck dogs as well?
Knock both of them up
Dump supporters in a nutshell.
Pure Degeneracy.
rly makes me think
>reverse imagesearch has found nothing
1st: post/tell more
2nd: to be honest there is only the risk that if you and your sister get children, existing genetical diseases have a higher chance to come up. Now I can understand that a government/society wants to have healthy people/members.
Form a logical stand the existing ban on incest is wrong from that time on, when you allow people with genetic diseases to marry and have children. The chance that those children are retarded are a lot higher than with children of healthy parents.
Since retarded people are allowed to have children so should familymembers
it's only wrong because giving birth to retarded children is against god, so basically don't have kids and you are golden
Because it elicits a viscerally negative reaction from most people which causes them to think that it should be illegal. However, I don't think incest should be because, assuming all parties are consenting, no harm is actually being done aside from the disgust of possible third parties which have no business getting themselves involved.
Incest is less degenerate than homosexuality, that's for sure.
The taboo makes it hot
do I really have to repeat this in every thread?
looks like such an innocent cutie
I am not having babies with her
>they gave blowjob at the same time
do you have 2 benises?
I thought the chances were like 1% -> %3% difference. And for real chances for defects it needs to happen over a couple generations
Or maybe that's cousins, I forget.
so is having sex without being married, and for pleasure not procreation
baka christians
> Sup Forums is that way --->>>
Pretty hot desu
What a faggot
Atleast impregnate your Cousin
Are you a muslim or something? It's perfectly fine here.
You guys are getting trolled
This is some chick he likes
you in Dallas/Ft Worth area?? I think I fucked your sister before
Yeah I know. But that is the scientific reason for having a ban on incest.
The other is just moral fags.
And as you pointed out the risk isn't even that high.
Point is: incest should be legal
kys, you fucked up bad yesterday
Incsat is legal in France?
Explains a lot
You disgusting subhuman 'people'
Smelly, hairy, and fuck family
It discourages making meaningful social interactions outside your comfort zone and isolates you from the rest of the community. It's very bad for long term cohesion..
We were chosen Ivan go fuck yourself
So then why haven't you been killed under sharia?
t. Cletus
The only thing that would make this story more believable was if you all were smoking meth.
Im from Florida
People should be free to do whatever they want.
Incest is better than coal burning.
I except incest legalization to happen in the coming decades. Pedo will probably be first though.
>not fucking people you actually like
>lip piercing
It's a retard OP leaves the Facebook ID in file name episode
Found her
Rare tier flag
Because I'm not Brutish I guess?
>amerigan edugation eberyone
Where in the South are you?
Cool where at? I'm in pinellas county
Thank you. And regarding your question, incest is socially frowned upon because of the primal generational preservation instinct. It's speculated that human instincts react negatively towards incest due to a subconscious revulsion towards mixing similar DNA. The closer the degree of familiarity the higher is the chance for genetic deformities in the resulting child. As a result of this most societies naturally evolved a stigma connected to incestuous relationships as a sort of universal bias.
He just said Florida
>ITT things that never happend
I posted my message just as it showed up, whoops.
>posting pics of your sister online
she deserves a better onii-chan, send her this way pls
Oh fuck...same actually
>not instantly recognizing a poorly veiled personal army request
I agree it should be legal. But eugenics aren't a thing so far. Better keep it illegal on the public/clinic and keep banging your peers on closet doors. People is irresponsible.
Wow I wasn't expected that ending at all. Good shit.
OP probably posting pics of somebody else's sister to set them up. Herpaderp.
So any pics of the cousin? The sister probably takes dick like a champ though.
>you will never have a kawaii imouto that call you onii-chan
Kill yourself asap
why are you living in a white country if we are so backwards? maybe we should all come and flood your advanced cities..
You and that user should fuck your sister and cousin at the same time
That blacks are less evolved than chimpanzees?
Some Sup Forumsacks didn't had the proper Sup Forumstard training. This is how to spot them. The other day a guy tried to appeal to feelings... in fucking Sup Forums.
Blame MSM for giving this shithole publicity.
I'm a good looking guy but my life circumstances led me to be an awkward shutin virgin so I'll have to pass.
Its about morality, its fucking disgusting that OP would fuck his sister, that's why its illegal.
She's mine now op ;)
Lol off us 19 myself
OP Pinellas here can I fuck your sisters face bro?
Your newfag is showing.
This, knock them up op
I legitimately lost my virginity to my sister when I was younger
She is 2 years younger than I am. When we were kids we would play "house" and stuff, and I used to hate it and find it boring but persit because at the end we would always get naked and mess around and stuff. Started when we were really young. Maybe 7 and 9? Maybe younger? Hard to remember the exact ages.
But we went from kissing and cuddling to gradual touching. I made the first move for oral and licked her (just the outside as I didn't know what I was doing) and she started sucking my dick.
We always held off actual sex as we both though sex meant getting pregnant 100% of the time as we were stupid kids. Also she was probably too young to even have a kid but again we didnt know that.
I would have been around 12 and her 10 when we started actually having sex. We both enjoyed it. Didnt really know what we were doing, but it was incredibly intimate.
For a period between 11-12 the sexual play went from being a once every now and then thing to quite regularly. But after I turned 13 and she was 11 it dropped off reallu quick.
I still remember the last time we did anything like that, we were at my grandmothers place as she was babysitting us for the day. She took nap, my sis and I built a pillow and blanket fort in the spare bedroom and had sex. I even remember I had Homer simpson underwear on that day.
I dont know why it stopped. We never talked about the sex play outside of actually doing it. It was something we just both instinctively did. Neither of us forced or pressured one another. If anything she lead most of it herself. But after that last time we just stopped and never did anything like it again. I guess we both hit a point where playing together as brother and sister started to get lame and sexual play was just part of our playing routine.
And now shes getting married next year. But I was there first. I wonder how much she remembers or thinks back on it.
Whats your Facebook? Ill hit you up
Your country has turned to shit
nothing is a red or off limits
May the Muslims behead all of you
Her noee explode?
Let dox this fuck and let parents know!!!
Sure they will be elated
I was one too, the day I decided to shave propperly and go outside I got a gf.
Stay inside
I ll give you a burner email for now if that's cool
I am down btw just don't want to list my FB here lol.
your sister looks like someone i used to know who pissed off elsewhere for whatever reason
please post more
I cannot wait for the nukes to fly
i take it you dont have much of a relationship now?
>implying we haven't married cousins and sisters for a thousand years
If you ever feel suicidal, this experience will make you feel even worse about yourself and might bring you over the edge. Just remember that every time you do something like this that you can't take back.