Are Aboriginal Australians the ugliest race on Earth?

Are Aboriginal Australians the ugliest race on Earth?

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Yes. I've never met any but I honestly feel sorry for them. I respect them as our closest scientific link to the apes, though. Like, I'm pretty sure the neanderthal is closer to me than them.


See, I wonder about that. Is that what the average aboriginal looks like or are the examples we see the worst of the bunch?

no indonesians are worse.

thats their standard look.

Real abbos are usually absolutely shit faced from sniffing petrol so the ones in the O.P would actually be considered classy abbos.

You know what, I'm interested. Can anyone drop a pic of a beutiful abo? You know, by their standards?

Google for as long as you like. You''ll not find a single full-blooded Abo who looks even passable.

Can we breed with them?

Any abbo that could be considered even average by anyone's beauty standards is at least 80% european.

Aboriginal Australians > white race

>brown eyes
t. Ahmed

You misspelled species


if you can get it up with one of those user

fuck off Angela

Dotally :DDDD

>"...they showed us some of the native aborigines at a wayside station in the great plain yesterday afternoon though they are the most revolting form of living creatures I've ever seen !! They are the lowest known form of human beings & are the nearest thing to monkeys I've ever seen" (11 July 1920)

Was he one of us, Sup Forums?

You know you fucked up badly when you manage to be uglier than our favela niggers.

>strong women

thing on the right is just an average feminist btw

I do wonder, though. Are they objectively ugly or as Europeans are we just naturally not attracted to them? It's hard for me to imagine them thinking our women are ugly, though.

>search for "handsome aboriginal"
>this shows up
I thought this was just a meme, holy hell

the only good looking ones are half breed rape babbys

Cheated by being a mudblood tho

No awkward depth of field effects are gonna make him appear handsome with that nose. He otherwise would look okay, but they have a serious nose problem.

the only half-decent looking ones are the ones that are mixed with white blood

shopped to hell and back god we shouldve finished the job

Objectively the most beautiful women in the world have european/white looks.

they arent even human

Tied with Americans.


If he wasn't a faggot who married some american whore, then he probably would have been a pretty good king.