I fail to believe that anybody does
Does anybody actually enjoy living in the modern world?
No, not even the kikes
I do?
Life is what you make it.
The money is just an exchange medium. Happiness requires having a goal behind the exchange that will allow you to do something you enjoy.
And given that thing is different for everyone, a universal exchange medium allows them all to do different things.
If you're not happy, it's not the fault of money. It's the fault of what you are currently using to motivate yourself. If you're being motivated by the money rather than what you could exchange the money for, then yes you will be miserable.
people that like to do drugs and play video games have it pretty sweet right now desu
>Internet porn
>Sup Forums
>the age of dank memes
It's pretty based famalam
drugs make me pretty happy
Well I mean I sort of pine for the days when I could be a lowly serf working the fields, with nothing to look forward to all day except some cheap soup for dinner.
Did people in the middle ages? Did people before the industrial revolution? How about before the neolithic revolution? Life isn't about your fucking feelings you woman.
Also this.
that reminds me porn is not doing too bad for itself either these days
Despise it, just drinking myself to death desu
Now that iv finished education and iv stopped worrying about promotion I can enjoy life.
Fuck the eternal struggle. I earn a good wage and live well below my means. I have lots of money. I don't need to kill myself to be rich. When my parents die I'll inherit property and have financial security.
The local kroger has a deal for big cans of campbells hearty soups on a 3 for $4 deal which makes me pretty happy. Better value than even the generic brand soups.
its great. i like technology and science.
"Under the private culture monopoly it is a fact that “tyranny leaves the body free and directs its attack at the soul. The ruler no longer says: You must think as I do or die. He says: You are free not to think as I do; your life, your property, everything shall remain yours, but from this day on you are a stranger among us.” Not to conform means to be rendered powerless, economically and therefore spiritually – to be “self-employed.” When the outsider is excluded from the concern, he can only too easily be accused of incompetence."
That sounds pretty good, man. They have minestrone?
Even so, people are intolerable and/or incredibly low-performing. That has to make life miserable.
I do, but only because I've minimized my responsibilities to women and have enough savings to walk from my job if it becomes too shitty.
The best thing in life is to trigger the fuck out of lefties on the internet. It causes them legit suffering.
Born too late to seig heil
Born too early to invade germanistan
Born just in time to meme the beta uprising into existance
It depends. Isolating yourself from the world around works for me. I only go outside to get groceries and pick up stuff at the post-office. The rest of the time I'm on my computer and keeping in shape with lifting etc.
This only works because I have my own condo smash in the middle of the city tho. If I had to get a car or something I would be dun goofed.
There have always been lazy fucks like you who complain about having to be a "wageslave" all your life because you have no life outside of work / mom's basement. If you did you wouldn't mind working a shitty job , and furthermore you can easily get the dream job you want it's just called putting in some damn time and effort.
Lazy fucks always complaining. You get what you give.
If you're not enjoying your life, you're doing something wrong.
yep i love it. its actually conservatards that (attempt to) get in the way of progress that bothers me the most
depends a lot what invidual takes for a modern world
i quess you mean the shitshow no-spirit world many live in
not me tho, i m just crazy
>have no life
If by "life" you mean getting shitfaced every weekend and banging random sluts then no thanks
Also, stay away from alcohol, shit is poison for both the body and the mind.
Everything is fine. You're the problem. That's why you should take antidepressants, goy.
I hate this phrase. If life is what you make it, why would anybody make themselves poor, disabled, or black?
I do that to some extent as well. I only go out when going to my university, to pick up groceries and for occasional walks. Otherwise I am neeting in my apartment.
What are you working with though?
>life is what you make it
>it's not money's fault
>did people in the middle ages
People back then didn't have to conform to oppressive morals about gender equality and other bullshit like that in order to keep their jobs.
Men were men. Men were allowed to be men, and expected to be men. Nowadays people wonder why sexual deviancy and mental illnesses are going through the roof - it's because we live in a fucked up world where overt displays of power or masculinity (things that are actually natural and healthy) are punished
So yes I think people did enjoy living more in previous ages, because they were more FREE. Even if they were a poor farmer they still had the freedom to tend to their lot, to think what they wanted to think, to conduct their private affairs however they chose. But now you are essentially a slave to the government, a slave to your boss, a slave to the moral liberal dogma that will get you fired if you dare think something that isn't PC.
>poor, disabled, or black?
You don't have to repeat yourself.
ofc not, if you could consider the barren shitrock up here as a part of civilization or the modern world...
Nah seriously, we're not like you euros, we're wilderness people, even our fucking King.
Like everyone here, that is that's of the native tribes knows how to live of the land, and how to survive up in the forest, mountains etc in case of war, and we like to do it.
When there are snowstorm, and now I am talking about the real deal here no american omg there is like 15 inches of snow what do, I see it's falling down from the sky yes "blizzard"...
Well the real deal and your only way of survival is to.. dig your self down.
I can go on. Most people here hunt, fish and that's what we like to do.
But.. you got this city called Oslo... that has occupied this shitrock.... there they got the ratrace.
What worries me is at the rate it is spreading, and due to enormous population growth(compared to size) it has to spread now. I see these old wonderful places that once was parted from it, far away, now being eaten.....
Big house, big properties for many kids to play and have parties and outhouses and shit like that. Balkanized into these new modern monstrosities...
Most of these "old" houses, we built by people them self, by nork quality. Everybody helped in back then when you did this, it's like that simpson episode, it has some truth to it....
Nah sad to see... Even up in the forest by some rels, where I used to live, there is several lakes that you had to walk to for like 35-50 min, all depending on snow or not ofc.....
Here I could go to relax and there wasn't a light in site, you can't describe this, because cities, houses etc light up the sky. So it gets completely dark when there is night and clouded. You don't see shit! Like blind.
Now... you can drive there.. theme park next.. fuck me
Ya! I miss those old nostalgic times when you could die from the common cold or a splinter. Ahh those were the days. Oop, rat bit me. Gonna die of plague now.
"As is well known, the major reorganisation of the film industry shortly before World War I, the material prerequisite of its expansion, was precisely its deliberate acceptance of the public’s needs as recorded at the box-office – a procedure which was hardly thought necessary in the pioneering days of the screen."
"This raises the question whether the culture industry fulfils the function of diverting minds which it boasts about so loudly. If most of the radio stations and movie theatres were closed down, the consumers would probably not lose so very much. To walk from the street into the movie theatre is no longer to enter a world of dream; as soon as the very existence of these institutions no longer made it obligatory to use them, there would be no great urge to do so. Such closures would not be reactionary machine wrecking. The disappointment would be felt not so much by the enthusiasts as by the slow-witted, who are the ones who suffer for everything anyhow. In spite of the films which are intended to complete her integration, the housewife finds in the darkness of the movie theatre a place of refuge where she can sit for a few hours with nobody watching, just as she used to look out of the window when there were still homes and rest in the evening. The unemployed in the great cities find coolness in summer and warmth in winter in these temperature-controlled locations. Otherwise, despite its size, this bloated pleasure apparatus adds no dignity to man’s lives. The idea of “fully exploiting” available technical resources and the facilities for aesthetic mass consumption is part of the economic system which refuses to exploit resources to abolish hunger."
I find my life extremely interesting, fun and fulfilling, but this didn't come about until after I woke up to the kikery in our world. The beliefs the kikes imprint in our populace are unnatural and lead to general unhappiness. If you can throw off those beliefs and get back to nature you'll find peace.
now we get to look forward to thr day that black people incubate the next super virus that's immune to vaccines because they are the number abusers of them
Yep. I stocked up on chicken and dumplings, beef tips and pot roast though.
Part family buisness part NEET
I do, very much so.
You have to do what makes you happy, as stupid as it sounds. Don't like your job, change it. Don't like your clothes, friends, living situation, country, phyical appearance etc.? Change it.
Granted, you cannot control 100% of the above, but I doubt you are completely trapped in your current state.
It would not bother me if I was to die tomorrow.
Greatly exaggerated. As long as the harvest was good and nobody started a war, you lived pretty comfy.
Yeah man, the only way to enjoy alcohol or sex is to enjoy both in excess. And trying even a little of both (even the one necessary for humanity to continue) is degenracy! I ain't no degenerate!
Now, back to Goat Simulator xD
If you knew what went on in the pre-modern or post-modern worlds, you would probably break your own mind trying to deny reality and spend the rest of your life in a catatonic state.
Life is pain. Modern life is, or has been, as pain-free as our technology can make it. You can reject it, but you will suffer. You can also take it away from others, but they will not be grateful, and will probably kill you if they ever figure out who destroyed their world for them.
Something you can do from home then?
This. The countryside is infinitely better than all the (((cities))) combined. It's sad that the urbanization jew has been so effective.
This. I rather NEET all my weekends that """enjoying""" any parties.
I think he's just being a sick cunt.
No. Every day is suffering.
The city life is getting more and more annoying for me. When you are a kid you don't realize it but as you get older things change.
The constant hurry, noise, traffic, smelly public spaces and transports... its getting too much and my city has like 300k people. Can't imagine how it must be living in a 2+ mil. city.
Recently I was in the country side for a bit. It felt really amazing.
I need to get out of this shithole.
Back then you as a poor farmer were a slave to your lord, you had to kiss is ass all the time because you are farming on his land, there was an entire hierarchy above you shitting on you. Nowadays you scrape your money together for your kids to go to college, back them people scraped their money together so their sons could become squires, and maybe then knights, so they could climb up to where you never could be. So your kid can own land if he did well so he had farmers to farm on his land and he could shit on these farmers like his the lord of his father did to him. And then there is the entire christian life that you have to commit to or else your burn in hell and all that shit.
I just don't care m8 and these street sign captchas really fuckin piss me off more btw
Ya, instead they only had to conform to the not so oppressive morals of be Catholic or die, toil in the fields or die, don't get a tooth infection or die, don't fall and hurt your leg and not be able to work for two weeks and die. Those old times, before the EVILS of women getting some respect, were like heaven. Who WANTS to live past thirty years old? Who WANTS to actually have free time NOT spent working in the fields?
You've got the right idea pal. Let's go back to the glory days. All this EVIL respect for anyone not a white male is ruining what was once paradise. Grrr. Women. Why don't they love me?
Seriously though, if you truly think a medieval serf was free, you're so delusional it's comical.
I do but I would like to enhance my personal relations.
Yes, it's great. We're living in the future. There's so many incredible things. Capitalism is unstoppable. Embrace it or get left behind.
It's too bad there was constantly a war going on then for like five hundred years. And if the harvest was bad enough you literally die. Whoops!
Capitalism should manage resources better though, so much waste in capitalism.
>People back then didn't have to conform to oppressive morals about gender equality and other bullshit like that in order to keep their jobs.
Oh dear sweet summer child.
They had to conform to oppressive morals about genders, religions, and all kinds of other superstitious bullshit to keep their LIVES.
Men were not so much allowed to be men, as forced into whatever fucked up ideal of manhood their culture wanted them to be. The ones that "succeeded" were the ones that survived. Frequently all the men in this or that village would die because some faggot would write a catchy poem about how real men would challenge the Stalking Beast of Saint Percival or some such shit, and throw themselves off a cliff en masse and leave all their women and children behind to be eaten by wolves.
I live in a town of a thousand people i cant even imagine a city of more than 100k plus people. Like how does it even work? I dont know.
Wars were great to control population growth
The only difference between that sort of established hierarchy and now is that now nobody is really sure who is supposed to be shitting on who - we're all still being shat on.
You call it "waste."
I call it "free capital."
As usual, you declare everything is shit, and then wonder why the world seems so shitty.
Lots of people lived past 30. Average life expectancy is brought down a lot by high infant mortality rates.
I live in a 500k city and it feels like hell. I can't imagine how it must feel to live in a place like New York or Tokyo.
There is a big difference between capitalism and (((crony capitalism))).
So all the resources that are thrown away is free capital? Better management of resources is simply better because its more efficient.
This. The future's going to be fucking fantastic, my only fear is that I was born too early and that I'm going to miss some of the best stuff.
I like indulging in art making and I understand that any other point in history would make it difficult for me to have it as a hobby. Let alone live off it or even have the resources for basic supplies.
On the other hand I hate the day to day grind that takes away the time I could be using making art , and the general sense that art is seen as useless unless used for expressly commercial purposes. I dislike how the sheer quantity of media has devalued it considerably, and I don't like how it has encouraged cheap methods of production thst ignore the knowledge of past masters for the sake of quick bucks.
I feel like I have no other option but to play along with the game because there aren't any options to just get anything out of life without being indebted for life and subsequently being forced to indulge in the hyper commercialism I wanted to get away from in the first place.
Too bad there wasn't one to get rid of most of Brazil. Maybe some day. A leaf can dream
At least then, it is over.
If you make a mistake now you go on living with the consequences for decades
Yes. In a capitalist society, one man's "waste" is another man's treasure, because people aren't forced by law to consider something waste just because the assholes that produce it declared it to be,
As long as I have memes I will always be happy
I bet you do like us too, frequently go up in the mountains, like at least once a year.
All depending if you got kids etc ofc, many got cabins. But.. here too... where one used to have simple cabins, with just and outhouse toilet no water, possibly a generator but not needed...
>Well simple you know
That's kinda the point, just a stove to be in up in the mountains, while you ski and drink kakao or fish and hunt.. part easter this is tradition.
Fuck me, today they have fucking villas n shit, with everything like they have and better than in the cities...
Just... just.. just...just JUST GET OFF MY SHITROCK!
gah... soon there will be pakis runing up in those place
God damnit if it were up to me I'd kick 4 million of them out, we're overcrowded and you see it on the housing bubble now too. It's impossible now. Prices went up 25% in oslo alone this summer, impending implosion.
ffs mate on the ctry side now too it's sky rocketing many places. I know these ugly shit ass flats with no property be sold for fucking 9 mill...
Women do.
They're handed everything on a silver platter and treated like infants who can do no wrong.
They're the only ones who are allowed to try things and fail repeatedly just for the sake of life experience and happiness.
If a woman gets a shitty degree because she likes it she can always just marry into money (or divorce into money or just have the government pay for her life outright)
If that same woman decides to go on a globetrotting field trip straight out of college in spite of her enormous debts she will find a man willing to care for her wherever she goes (and free sex with foreigners!)
etc ect ad infinitum
It's a woman's world and I seriously think the pendulum will swing back to hardcore 1900s-esque anti-feminism soon because of it.
I don't think you're made for freedom and infinite possibilities, for those who do it's the best time to be alive.
>2 years off work because spare money
>ate fresh fruits all the morning
>read some pages of 2666 with gf who fell asleep
>now catching on Sup Forums and some news while she sleeps on my shoulder
>will go to the lake after and smoke cigarettes while the sun goes down
I'm selling my flat and just moving to the mountains and building my own fucking hut, with my own generator from a waterfall and not a person in sight. A sat dish to shitpost or something if bother, an d not just throw the god damn puter and that shit too and just fish and hunt and give zero fucks about this retarded cuckfest of a world... God damnit I need is my fishingpole and knyfu n sh ieet and I'll be fine
That's not very progressive from your part, Justin
>she can always just marry into money
You are aware that men can do this too? Courting a wealthy heiress. It's like the subject of pretty much every Jane Austen novel.
what you don't like the internet and push-up bras and fast food fuck yourself you wouldn't know what to do if you lived even a hundred years ago
As it should be. Better than when you could make everyone else live with the consequences of your mistake.
The real problem is that too many people consider easily fixable errors to be crimes deserving the death penalty, just so they can be the center of attention for a moment.
But at the same time one could argue that worrying about raiders raping your wife and taking all your food, losing all your children in the next winter along with a lung crushing cough creeping up your throat due to an unknown disease could be things that devalue the quality of life.
Oh good. Only innocent children died horrible, early deaths.
The world around us is filled with artificial happiness, dreams and needs.
It takes a lot of soul searching to find what truly makes you content and happy.
Many of us including me simply fall to these Skinner's box -esque traps that mess up with our reward system and induce all sorts of addictions. We are constantly looking for something novel to provide us with the next dose of dopamine whether it's through drugs, food, porn, video games, social media, internet and material goods. But the truth is that while these things may provide you with short term momentary happiness they won't be enough to fill the dark empty hole you might feel deep inside.
I recommend meditation, minimalism along with periods of detox from drugs, tv, internet, social media, games and pornography to remove all the noise to wake up what actually goes around and how these things affect you.
Yes because women are well known for marryign below them, right?
Are you retarded?
Ultra-Normies and Normies a like do and Bull pills. Ignorance truly is bliss.
>keeping in shape lifting
You should also be leaving your house to run a bit to build up some cardio endurance. A survival scenario requires more stamina than brute strength. Sitting down all day and then lifting weights means you probably gas out before hitting a mile.
It happens all the time, you just need to put in a little effort.
The modern world suits me well. I can't think of another time period in which I would be happier.
i dont...i dream of being a redcoat sailing the seven seas oppressing savages
No. It doesn't.
Live int he real world before you try to talk about it.
That's just how authoritarians think. "Better that the child die before they commit any crimes than after," ignoring the fact that they don't have precognitive superpowers needed to make Minority Report in real life.
There's nothing anyone on Sup Forums is going to be able to say to make you feel better.
Just pursue that which makes you happy and reject all that detracts from it. The only purpose in a purposeless world is the one you give yourselves. Don't wait for one to fall into your lap, this isn't a movie. Go out and find your destiny.
And then dying from a mosquito bite, scurvy, or dysentry. What a time to be alive... until you die, suddenty and painfully! So romantic!
Oh lady liberty I love thee!
All this week I was tricking people into thinking something was going to happen, and it was completely unrelated to what I had distributed around the country.
Am I a douchebag?
i cant wait for Afterlife
I do, because I work hard during the weeks to get it out of the way. When Friday afternoon comes around I'm outside doing something I enjoy or at the bar with close friends for a couple of brews.
How hard is it for a foreigner to get a hunt set up in Norway?
Yeah it's okay. 8/10 at best.
Sup Ameribro. Sick cunt is used as a compliment. When you are happy with someone or when they've achieved something. Completely interchangeable with mad cunt.
Save some cash and head to Ibiza. English girls are the loose on the planet, you'll have something to look forward too.
It's always been a women's world. Even when rich aristocratic men had mistresses it was the mistresses who had the real control. They could get what they wanted just by putting out for a portly old man.
Probably only the people who are born into the tippy top tier of economic class and the women who are 10/10 and can trick the men of those class out of their money just by showing alittle skin. Everyone's life is kind of shit by comparison. Even your average business owner who are probably making over 200k a year easily after investing back into their business have to give up so much of them self to do it I'm sure they have thoughts in private of if it's even worth it. I've resigned myself to a simple life after many years of living at the edge of my means. It's much easier life when barely a fourth of your income is needed for bills and the rest just goes to entertainment and savings. Even so, modern life is still shit. You have to care about govt sanctioned paper that has no backing or true value, building arbitrary numbers creditors will judge you on, giving money to programs you'll never benefit from, managing tons of accounts so other professionals know you exist etc. It's just a complete fucking pain. I kind of rambled but whatever.
I have this very dilemma. I am practicing art in the style of the masters yet find myself so discouraged by the notion that I may be wasting my time. Sure it pleases me personally to attempt to revive classical historical painting and a part of me doesn't care if no one else appreciates it; Yet it is saddening to think that it'll be looked at and forgotten in an hour because of the sheer amount of distractions offered to any potential viewer.
I don't understand where this obsession with happiness comes from
I don't do things because they make me happy, I do things because if I don't do them then who else is going to do them?
it's widely known that people don't know what makes them happy, so why the hell are you trying so bloody hard to catch it?
IMO happiness is massively overrated
hell, I'm not even sure it exists and if it does then why would I want it?
to be perfectly content is to kill all that drives you
pain makes me angry, angry get's me motivated, if I didn't have pain then I'd be perfectly willing to be fat NEET