worst European country: Greece
worst Asian country: Pakistan
worst Anglosphere country: Canada
worst country overall: Saudi Arabia
Worst country pick
Other urls found in this thread:
You prefer Bulgaria, Romania and Moldova to Greece?
none of the above come anywhere near the drain that is Greece
the Greeks are convinced they're entitled to a 1st world living standard while practising a third world tier gibsmedat culture
Don't hate any country in particular, but Germany and it's cuckness is getting to me
worst European country: Albania
worst Asian country: Afghanistan
worst Anglosphere country: United States
worst country overall: Israel
Worst yuro country: Belgium
Worst asian country: Pakistan
Worst anglo country: Canada
Worst overall: Eritrea
>worst European country: Sweden
>worst Asian country: I dont fucking know Australia
>worst Anglosphere country: USA
>worst country overall: USA
>worst European country: Greece
>worst Asian country: Pakistan
>worst Anglosphere country: Canada
>worst country overall: Saudi Arabia
I thought about it for a long time and I realized I can't possibly improve on any of your selections. Well done, OP.
Worst European country : France
Worst asian country : India/Pakistan
Worst anglosphere country : Usa
Worst overall : Whole fucking Africa
>worst European country: Austria
>worst Asian country: Australia
>worst Anglosphere country: Australia
>worst country overall: NZ
>worst Asian country
Finnish """""""education"""""""
Something along those lines actually. Although the worst European country should probably be Romania or Bulgaria.
Worst European country: Romania
Worst asian country: Cambodia
Wors anglosphere country: USA
Worst slav country: Ukraine
Worst overall: any muslim country
worst European country: Albania
worst Asian country: Saudi Arabia
worst Anglosphere country: USA
worst country overall: USA
> asian country
> Australia
Umm what?
>say the gypsy
worst European country: France
worst Asian country: Pakistan
worst Anglosphere country: Canada
worst country overall: France
>worst European country
Romania, alternatively Germany for consistently making fucking horrible decisions
>worst Asian country
>worst Anglosphere country
>worst country overall
Just pick any arab oil country tbqh
>Finland is Nordic but Estonia is not
cute pic
worst european country: Albania (honourable nomination - Latvia)
worst asian country: India
worst anglo country: England
worst overall: Saudi Arabia
>Worst European country: Kosovo
>Worst Asian country: Papua New Guinea
>Worst Anglosphere country: South Africa
>Worst country overall: Kosovo
>worst euro country: is Albania european?
>worst asian country: India
>worst Anglo country: UK
>worstest worst country: ecuador
I fucking hate ecuadorians here, is ecuador even a thing? are they known for anything other than being brown and chubby?
>>Worst European country: Kosovo
Not a country.
>the Greeks are convinced they're entitled to a 1st world living standard while practising a third world tier gibsmedat culture
Nice shit post self-hating german
We are in Asia
Last time I checked Australia was a different continent.
Europe: Sweden
North America: Canada
South America: Venezuela
Africa: DRC or Somalia
Asia: North Korea
>Pretty much every Sub-Saharan African country
What is up with Venezuelan prisons? Do they basically just throw them in some prison with no guards and shit and let them loose?
>worst angloshit country
nice bait cancerboi. albanian detected
worst European country: Belgium
worst Asian country: Pakistan
worst Anglosphere country: There isn't one? WE'RE FUCKING AMAZING
worst country overall: Belgium
>worst Asian country: Pakistan
>worst country overall: Saudi Arabia
What did he mean by this?
fuckin this
He's right though. You should visit Melbourne, it's HK 3.0 (Vancouver being HK 2.0 of course).
>worst Asian country: Pakistan
>worst country overall: Saudi Arabia
Josef I think you messed something up
belize and jamaica are anglosphere too, umad?
I'm tired kikesrael lobbyists going around the world demanding reparations for da 6 gorillion dead jewish babies from da worst shoal da woyld has eva seen.
I'm tired kikesrael lobbyists going around the world demanding reparations for da 6 gorillion dead jewish babies from da worst shoal da woyld has eva seen.
I'd say Israel is the worst country in the world since any mudslime conflict in the West is the direct result of the kikes destabilizing mudshit countries to prepare for greater Israel.
worst European country: France
worst Asian country: Canada
worst Anglosphere country: Canada
worst country overall: Canada
>all these buttmad basement dwellers
Fucking degenerate fucks we're the only working Democratic non-shariah/white-country with nukes in that region. Surely some other country belongs in ops crappy list.
Worst European country: Albania
Worst Asian country: Finland
Worst Anglosphere country: "Zimbabwe"
Worst country overall: Saudi Arabia
The burn is real here.
100% agree, except Saudi Arabia instead of Afghanistan, everything else is exactly my thought.
Ahahaha non-shariah country
Nice quints.
>worst European country: Greece
I don't know m8, it's not very different from Austria. I'm sure you have a very nuanced view of Greece and you aren't basing this on just the headlines. This is Sup Forums after all.
kann tra
>worst European country: Germany
>worst Asian country: India
>worst Anglosphere country: United States
>worst country overall: China
worst European country: Austria/Bulgaria
worst Asian country: Finland
worst Anglosphere country: all of them
worst CONTINENT overall: Africa
Stfu pajeet don't you have any jobs to steal?
Oy vey!
worst European country: Albania
worst Asian country: Russia
worst Anglosphere country: USA
worst country overall: Israel
> blond hair
> blue eyes
> gypsy
Try harder Jamal
worst European country: Albania
worst Asian country: Pakistan
worst Anglosphere country: Israel
worst country overall: Saudi Arabia
>Worst yuro country: Belgium
>worst European country: Belgium
>worst country overall: Belgium
Not a country.
Underrated. Literally worse than somalia
>it's a subtle Canada hate thread episode
Yuro: France
Asian: China
Anglo: South Africa
Worst: Everything south of the US except Argentina and Chile
worst European country: germany
worst Asian country: north korea
worst Anglosphere country: USA (seriously fuck off)
worst country overall: ukraine
they're just jealous, friend
>worst country overall: ukraine
Ukraine isn't country.
>worst country overall: Boulder, CO
worst European country: Sweden
worst Asian country: Finland
worst Anglosphere country: Canada
worst country overall: India
>it's a subtle Canada hate thread episode
What did you expect from all the "europeans" here?