what do you think about it Sup Forums?
what do you think about it Sup Forums?
>Poland and Czechia highlighted
Lel, no fucking way.
>read australian
We are being invaded by nice Polish people. Multiculturalism long as both cultures are white, catholic alcoholics.
I think someone needs to record these people's names for historical record-keeping purposes.
Aontaím leat.
Christianity must not fall, its christian monks that brew our best beers, im not trading our glorious beer for stinking kebab.
Won't happen the welfare system will collapse and they will riot leading to conflict
Hello mahmud.
We will succed. Allah wills it
Muslims aren't in danger of dying out, white christians are- holy shit these cucks!
>"Will there be an Islamic conquest of Europe? Many Muslims want that and say: Europe is at its end."
>“God have mercy on Europe and on thy people, who are in danger of forfeiting our Christian heritage,”
Next Pope?
kill as many muslims as possible.
Allah can't even get repeating digits.
But Kek can.
Not bad
this isnt the pope.
True pope still is Benedict since only death absolves you from this burden.
So the only thing left to deus vult is the pope to die
The data is a little old because it's from 2011 but there it is.
Based 1-2%ers
>Pope Benedict XVI has called for Christians as "to open their arms and hearts" to Muslim immigrants and "to dialogue" with them on religious issues. The Pope told participants that the Catholic Church is "increasingly aware" that "interreligious dialogue is a part of its commitment to the service of humanity in the modern world." In fact, this "conviction" has become "the daily bread" of those who work with migrants, refugees and itinerant peoples, he said. Pope Benedict described this dialogue between Christians and Muslims as "important and delicate". Many communities have experienced this, he said, as they worked "to build relations of mutual knowledge and respect with (Muslim) immigrants, which are extremely useful in overcoming prejudices and closed minds". For this reason, he added, Christians "are called to open their arms and hearts to everyone, whatever their country of origin, leaving the task of formulating appropriate laws for the promotion of healthy existence to the authorities responsible for public life".[2]
wtf happens in Armenia??
How can there be less than 1% of muslims if the are surrounded?
That Muslim is an expert fifth columnist and knows to plea for Christian compassion as an argument for the refugees.
>thinking there will be a next Pope
How much do you want to bet that Francis will usher in Vatican III, and remove the position of pope, the next phase in the eventual dissolution of the Catholic Church.
I think that is very unrealistic.
Yea, well these days it seems like anything can happen. Next thing you know, Francis will announce that the Quran is the real gospel.
Except, you fucking moron, the Europe that's being conquered right now has abandoned christianity
Not at all, we are all Yahweh's children equal under the one true god, you heretic!
>not part of Eurabia
>part of Eurabia
the pic is a random pic we are tlaking about the video
You already know what we think of it.
No reason to get too down about it, this situation won't last much longer. I'm fairly certain that Europe will be saved in our lifetimes.
>cite studies and statistics
>"right wing racist propaganda not based on evidence"
Getting real tired of this taqiyya shit.
>right wing racist
White Christian-cucked fags will capitulate from those accusations and start stuttering how "w-we are n-not r-really racist"...
And what if you were? So what?
Germany, the uk and france are enough to conquer All europe. Nobody cares poor small poland hungary etc.
Bosnia today in a nutshell.
Make Intermarium Great Again.